Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn belongs to Akira Amano
It was a normal day. The sunlight was nice and warm. The breeze was cool and all and all it was perfect for a trip outside.
Amamiya Hikari was getting ready. She was so pumped up! Today was one of her special days. It was the day she was going to the zoo with her beloved older brother and sister. Hikari's sibling were always busy in their work but never forgot to call her. They were hardly home and she had to live in the giant house alone. She was lonely.
Hikari had many friends. They would occasionally come to cheer her up. Together they watched some horror movies or just hung out. It was fun at first. She could do what ever she wanted and nobody to scold her. But then as time passed it became boring. She was alone in a gigantic home with only her caretaker.
She was the youngest of the Amamiya siblings. The Amamiya is a well known family. They specialized in exporting business. The business was a bit tricky but once you get the hang of it you become a pro. That's what Hikari heard from her brother.
It always surprised her that she had no cousins or any type of relatives. When she asked her older siblings they would give her a strained smile and say nothing. She had also stopped asking about her parents. It was as though they were never there in the beginning. But Hikari didn't mind.
Hikari had two older siblings. They were twins and 8 years older than her. In a way they were her parents.
The family head was her older sister Amamiya Haruhi. She was a doctor who specialized in neurology. She is polite, dignified and a bit scary with her fiery temper. But is kind and selfless. She wasn't honestly interested in beautifying herself. Her coal black hair was long and silky. Her eyes were like the midnight blue sky. She was a natural beauty.
Amamiya Hiroshi was the polar opposite of his Twin. He took over their family business when he was 18. He's tall with a bit muscular build. He's witty and intelligent. Always had a trick up his sleeve. He had midnight blue eyes with coal black hair that always shone in the sunlight. He liked attention and was a tad narcissist with a major sister complex. It wasn't for his twin sister. No way! God how he hated her. Just his cute little sister.
Hikari looked nothing like her siblings. She had coal black hair with deep green eyes. Unlike her siblings she did average in her grades and disliked playing sports. Watching a game was something else. Compared to them she was normal. It didn't bother her. She liked being normal. She was a tomboyish girl who looked like a boy. Often people mistook her.
Hikari loved her siblings' equally. She loved how protective Hiroshi was and how free Haruhi was. She looked up to her sister from when she was a kid and still does.
Haruhi and Hiroshi loved their sister but were constantly at each other's throat. Only thing they shared in common was their looks. It makes people wonder about the mysteries that are twins.
Hikari admitted it was childish to go to a zoo but she had no choice as that was the only place her siblings were able to agree on. The place Hiroshi would suggest Haruhi would shoot it down and the place Haruhi suggested would be drowned. So when Hikari suggested the first place that came to her mind and they both reluctantly agreed.
And now they were standing in front of the gate. Hiroshi wore normal clothing. A cozy black shirt with jeans pants. The top three buttons were undone and showed his masculine bare chest. Some people just stared and of course he liked that. Haruhi wore similar attire with a feminine touch. She was wearing blue jeans with a normal loose designed top. It covered her body nicely. Hikari on the other hand wore shorts with a boyish shirt which was a size bigger than her.
"So what will we see first?" Haruhi asked.
"Let's go to see the monkeys." Hiroshi suggested.
"Oh please, I've had enough watching one already." Haruhi said with disgust.
"Are you implying something older sister?" Hiroshi asked while his eyebrows twitched. Sensing there was going to be a fight Hikari butted in.
"Let's go to see the raccoons first."
There was a feel of silent battle that raged in the eyes of Haruhi and Hiroshi in the end both decided it wasn't worth it.
"Fine." Hiroshi replied with as much venom as he could. "Just because Hikari asked."
"Whatever." Why was this thing her brother? Haruhi wondered again.
Hikari just sighed. Hiroshi was walking beside her right and Haruhi was on her left. They were almost there when she noticed two people. They looked awfully familiar. Where did she see them before? She tried to remember.
They were from her school. A year younger. One was the popular girl Sasa-something and another was Sawa-something. She really needed to remember names of people. Her memory of people's faces was sharp but names were just not her thing. They were on a date? Whatever it didn't concern her. She was here to enjoy herself.
When they reached the raccoons Hikari noticed something odd. Those creatures were washing something that awfully looked like a kid with a giant afro.
"Was that…" Hikari rubbed her eyes and the kid was still there! She was not hallucinating!
"Onii-sama! Look!" she frantically pointed at the kid while tugging her brother's sleeve.
"What?" Haruhi and Hiroshi both looked to see the raccoons. They were in the middle of a glaring contest.
"Did you see a kid?"
"What are you talking about?" both asked at the same time. Sometimes they get connected.
"A KID WAS THERE!" Hikari looked to see the kid gone! "What the!"
"You must be hallucinating." Hiroshi said with gentle voice.
"Let's go to another place." Haruhi stated.
After that where ever they went Hikari saw the afro kid. Whenever she told her siblings the kid would disappear. Hikari was starting to think she was going crazy.
When they were heading toward the bears she saw another person from her school. No from her class. His name was …Ryo? She didn't remember either. He was strangely screaming and was held back by the employees.
"Let me fight the bears!"
"No sir you can't"
He wants to fight a bear? Is he serious? Talk about crazy. Hikari paid no heed to him and dragged her siblings to the lions. Then she saw another student of Namimori middle. She didn't bother trying to remember his name. He was picking a fight with some gangsters. What the? She ignored him too. Just then there was an explosion.
"What was that?" Hiroshi quickly looked around and an announcement was made.
'Zoo district report. Some lions have escaped due to unexpected explosions destroying the cages.'
"The Fuck!" Haruhi yelled. "What the hell just happened?"
"We should leave before something more worse happened. Let's go Hikari!" Hiroshi said and tried to grab her hand but Hikari was no longer there.
"Hikari!" Hiroshi started panicking.
"Where did she go?"
"I don't know she was there a minute ago!"
"This is bad. She has a bad sense of direction. Let's split up and look for her. You go that way Hiroshi and I'll look there." Haruhi said as she started running toward a direction. Both of them hoped she wasn't interested in the explosion.
Meanwhile Hikari ran toward the explosion and saw three lions heading towards Sawa-boy and Sasa-girl. One lunged at the girl and the boy tried to defend her by standing in front of her. Brave but stupid. Hikari did a flip kick and sent the lion flying.
"Are you two okay?" she asked the two frightened people.
"Ye...Yes!" the boy somehow responded. Suddenly there was a rush of dust that stopped beside Hikari.
"KYOKO ARE YOU EXTREMELY ALRIGHT?" asked the person who emerged from the dust. Ryo-something. So the girl's name was Kyoko.
"Onii-chan!" girl said. They were siblings. Hikari couldn't see the resemblance. Then there was a sudden explosion. From the smoke emerged the gangster looking boy with a cigarette in his mouth holding the other two lions.
"Zoos sure are noisy. It's fine as long as we catch them right?" he asked. But the only one sentence came to Hikari's mind. He's going to have cancer.
"Gokudera-kun!" screeched the Sawa-boy. She really needed to know their names.
"They would be good ingredients." Said a silky female voice. The gangster kid fell down and Hikari saw a beautiful woman who drugged the lion. Where did she find a syringe?
"Haha ha. Tsuna there you are!" said a friendly voice. Hikari remembered his name. Yamamoto Takeshi. Baseball player. She loved watching baseball.
"Are you two okay?" a girl asked.
Hikari stared at the new bunch of people who showed up. Among them she saw the afro kid.
"You guys are here too?" Sawa-boy asked in astonishment.
"You're asking why? We came because of you." The good looking older woman said as a matter of fact way. Hikari looked at the gagster kid. Yamamoto Takeshi was crouching down to his level.
"Hey are you okay?" asked Yamamoto.
"I was thinking it was time for you to get a pet companion like Leon or Enzio." Suddenly a childish voice said. Hikari looked at the roadside to see a baby wearing suit was sitting there. He wore a small fedora hat and on it was a green chameleon. He also had a yellow pacifier around his neck.
"Reborn!" Sawa-boy seemed irritated.
"I wanted some help in picking a pet that's suitable for Tsuna. So I asked them to come."
Hikari thought it was none of her business. She decided it was time for her to go away. It's not her style to poke into other peoples business.
"Excuse me!" called out the Sawa-boy. Hikari gave a side glance at him. "Thank you…" he said while looking down. He looked so cute Hikari found a small blush form on her face.
"Get away from the tenth woman!" the gangster looking boy pulled some dynamite out of no where.
"Where did you hide that?" Hikari asked out loud. "Wait! You're the one who bombed the cage aren't you?"
"Yeah so what?"
"That's against the rules!"
"Who the fuck cares?" the gangster looking snarled.
"I do! You could have hurt some people!"
"Hayato hand me the lion." The beautiful woman asked.
"!" the boy fainted again.
"Oh hi senpai!" Yamamoto came toward Hikari as he saw her.
"You're Yamamoto Takeshi aren't you?"
"Ha ha you remember my name! I thought you would forget as usual." He grinned his trademark one.
"I would have but since you were a good player I remembered."
"Thanks senpai!"
"Eh! She goes to our school?" the Sawa-boy didn't think she went to his school.
"Yes. I'm a second year. Amamiya Hikari. Unfortunately I don't know your names."
"AMAMIYA! YOU EXTREMELY SAVED KYOYO! YOU'RE A MAN! JOIN THE BOXING CLUB!" Ryo-something shouted in enthusiasm. Hikari got irritated.
"First of all I'm a girl, and second please be quiet and third… who are you?"
"Onii-chan stop it. Thank you for rescuing the both of us. I'm Sasagawa Kyoko and this is my onii-chan Sasagawa Ryohei." Kyoko introduced herself as she pushed her brother aside.
"Oh. Nice meeting you. And you are? Sawa…what?" Hikari pointed toward the rule breaker. "And who's the guy with the bombs?"
"I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi. And that's Gokudera Hayato-kun." Tsuna introduced himself. He was very tired to self conscious.
"He does go to our school right?"
Hikari looked at the strange bunch again. They were busy trying to get the animals somewhere. She sighed.
"I think I'll leave you guy to you're business. I need to find some people. Bye."
"Haha see you later in school senpai!" Yamamoto said as he waved.
Hikari just nodded in acknowledgment. She walked away from them. She could still hear them talking. First she needed to find her siblings. Then she stopped in her tracks. Where was she again?
Reborn looked at the rowdy crowd in front of him and at the girl retreating. An interesting person has showed up, he smirked. Hikari felt a chill run down her spine. What was that all about?
Suddenly it drowned to her she was lost. Oh damn!