A/N: Hey ppls I'm back with a new fic. Tell me what ya think of it! Is it better than 'First Loves'? I told you in that one that I'd be writing dis. I just didn't expect it to come out this quickly. Anyway ENJOY!!!



Set just after Alanna's 17th birthday~

It was a sunny afternoon and Alanna was felling quite giddy. It was only a couple of weeks past Alanna's 17th birthday (A/N: and you know what happened then so I don't have to explain it!). She was rather happy about the affair she was having between her and Jon. Alanna hadn't been this happy for ages.

But her mood soon changed when Timon (A/N: I think that was his name if it wasn't, tell in the reviews and don't yell at me), Duke Gareth's servant came to call her to for a little talk discussing family businesses. Alanna had no idea what it was about. She thought perhaps Duke Gareth might have found out that she was a girl. If it was, she was going to be in big trouble. She didn't know for sure if that was what he wanted to talk to her about but she soon found out.

Timon led her to Duke Gareth's office and knocked on the door.

"Please enter Squire Alan, Timon you may leave" came the reply from the other side of the door

"Yes you Grace," said Timon and left, Alanna gulped, opened the door and walked in

To her surprise instead of anger on his face, he was smiling

"Your Grace, what do I have the pleasure of—" but she was cut short

"No need to be that formal Squire Alan, after all we are going to be family soon" said Duke Gareth still smiling while Alanna just looked confused, "I am aware that you have absolutely no idea of what I'm blabbing about and that is why you are here, I shall explain"

"Please do your Grace, for I fear that if this conversation goes on any longer without a proper explain I might faint not that I'm not happy about being part of your family, it's just that it has come as such a surprise to me"

"Say no more young Trebond, I shall explain properly. I am sorry if I've confused you. Now let's started from the beginning, please take a seat, this may take some time" said Duke Gareth while Alanna still looked utterly confused

"Your father and I had a meeting the other day, I'm not that surprised that he's still at his books but we have made an arrangement, I have just been informed that he has a daughter. I never new such a thing, it's just been mentioned to me right now. As I said we made an arrangement, a betrothal actually. My son Gary is to be married to your sister, Lady Alanna of Trebond. Isn't it wonderful?!"

Alanna turned pale at the mention of her name especially when it was in the same sentence as the word 'married'.

But Duke Gareth paid no attention to the look of sheer horror on her face as he continued, "Your father kept on saying that he only had two children, a girl and a boy. But I knew better, a forgetful old thing he is. Couldn't even remember how many children he's got, horrible! But all the same, the betrothal has been made and Gary shall be told of this when he returns from his trip to Naxen. You father and I still need to arrange the day of the wedding and the day of the meeting. By the way, your father sent a letter to you explaining about this personally, now where did I put that letter, oh here it is!" Duke Gareth handed a letter to her sealed with the Trebond coat of arms.

"Thank your Grace, would you please excuse me for my rude behavior but may I go back to my room to read the letter for I am in shock but I'm pleased to tell you that I am happy to be part your family" asked Alanna not meaning a word of it

"You may be excused Squire Alan and you do not have to carry on with you afternoon lessons for it is nearly time for dinner and it would only be a waste of time"

"Thank you your Grace" said Alanna and left very pale


That night Alanna didn't speak much at all, finally Jonathon broke the silence.

"Alanna, what's the matter? Is it really that bad that you can't even share with me?"

"Yes, how did you something was the matter?"

"Your only that quite when you're worrying about something now please Alanna tell me what it is? I t can't be that bad"

"Oh yes it can, this could ruin my whole future, let me correct myself it will ruin my whole future"

"Alanna what's the matter? Please tell me or I won't be able to help" said Jon in that caring and gentle voice that Alanna loved about him

"Nothing Jon, really it's nothing!"

By now Jon realized that she was crying and held her tight

"Jon, I don't think we should be together anymore"

"Why?!" asked Jon alarmed

"When people find out who I am, it'll ruin your reputation"

"I don't care if it'll ruin my reputation but I have a feeling that that's not all you're worried about"

"You're right it isn't and I might as well tell you now"

"Yes Alanna tell me, what's so bad that can make you cry," said Jonathon as he wiped away her tears and lifted her chin to make her look at him

"I had a little talk with Duke Gareth this afternoon"

"Is that all? I'll deal with uncle if you want me too"

"Jon wait, let me continue. Duke Gareth and my father had had a little talk that I didn't know about and made a arrangement"

"Oh no! Don't tell me he found out that you're a girl"

"No, it's far worse. My father be…be…betrothed me to Gary" explained Alanna as she burst out in tears while Jonathon just looked astonished "My father still thinks that I went to the convent"

Jon held her tight while she cried, going over what his lover just told him in his mind. Suddenly, Alanna pushed Jonathon away.

"Jon I have to run away, I can't stay"

"Alanna no!" Jon almost yelled

"I have to! There's no other way! Jon, you know I love you but you and I both know that if the truth comes out then we'll both be in trouble!"

"I don't care if we get in trouble! I want to be with you Alanna! I love you like I will never love anyone else in my life! And we're going to get through this one way or another!"

"Fine! Then tell me what we're supposed to do?"

"Well, we could tell Gary when he gets back, the truth and maybe Raoul too and then they'll be able to help us figure out a plan?"

"That'll be too much of a risk! I'll be happy to tell Raoul and Gary the truth but wasting all that time waiting for Gary to come back from Naxen is way too much of a risk. By then father and Duke Gareth have probably already set up a date for the marriage. Well father at least would have mailed a letter to the convent for me and when the daughters of the goddess tell him that I 'm not there then he'll be suspicious and investigate further and then he'll find out that Thom and me traded places and we'll both by in trouble"

"Oh gods this isn't going to be easy"

"Jonathon listen to me! I have to run away! There's no other way!"

"But Alanna, what about us?!"

Alanna looked away though he could see she was crying

"Jonathon we…we just weren't meant to be. It's best you forget about me now before our relationship goes further on"

"But I can't just forget about you Alanna, I love you!" that made her look at him

"I know Jonathon and I love you but even if we carried on with our relationship we could never be together"

"Why not? When you reveal who you truly are to the world I want you to be my wife"

"Jonathon that's too soon, I want to go on my adventures first! Anyway your people would never want a queen who is a lady knight who isn't really a lady and has hidden her true sex from the world for eight years"

"Alanna please, don't leave"

"Then what do you expect me to do?"

"Gary should be back from Naxen in three days, that isn't too much of a risk. Please Alanna stay, Gary could come up with a good idea and convince his father. Please just wait for a couple more days"

"Ok but if he's not back within a week then I'm running away"

"He'll be back," said Jon as he held Alanna tightly and kissed her, "Then you won't have to run away"


Sooooooooooo what did ya think of it? Very sad I know but I'm hoping it'll end up happy even though I have no idea how I'm going to fix it up this huge problem. Plz give me some ideas. I want lots of reviews plz! Tell me if ya want me to continue, and it's going to be all A/J.

Until the next chapter, plz r/r,

Lady Lucy ^_^