Disclaimer: I know you are all tired of hearing this, but they still insist I tell you anyways. I absolutely do not own Star Trek Voyager!

A/N: So, here it is, the final chapter to this little story. Hope you all have enjoyed the ride. Thank you so much for reading, for alerts and favorites, and for the great reviews! Now, before I stop rambling, I just want to let you all know that I have an important note at the end of this chapter. You have awhile before you reach it though. Until then…enjoy!

Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway stood watching all the people talking amicably and the children running around outside of her and Chakotay's house. The annual Voyager reunion was in full swing and, even after five years of being back in the Alpha Quadrant, it still seemed like that first year in a way.

It was almost as if they'd never even gone their separate ways, though for some of them that was true. Really the only difference from that first reunion was that there were now many more people lounging about and having a good time. The Voyager family had grown to extend to children, siblings, parents, and close friends. And by next year they'd have yet another addition to this ever growing family.

Kathryn let her hand run leisurely over her eight month pregnant stomach while smiling at the two five year old girls chasing after their Uncle Harry. Alexis and Miral were best friends, sisters even since they'd practically grown up together. Then there was little Aurora Kaitlyn Paris, the two year old was hanging onto her father's arm while Tuvok and his wife stood talking with Tom.

"I believe this belongs to you." The Doctor stated, pulling her from her observations. She looked over to see him approaching with Jason Takoda Janeway in his arms. "Your son was attempting to use the punch bowl as a bathtub. Apparently he has your affinity for baths."

Kathryn smiled softly as she took the three year old from his Uncle, brushing some of his dark hair away from his eyes as she did. "Oh, and it might interest you to know that your mother is trying to talk Seven into adoption again." The Doctor continued with a pointed look as if it was all her fault.

Janeway rolled her eyes. Ever since they returned it seemed her mother wanted everyone to give her grandbabies. Seven particularly since Gretchen Janeway was convinced the former borg would make an excellent mother just like her two daughters had. It seemed like only a week ago that her mother had finally met Alexis and started going into her 'be the best grandma possible' attitude….

Janeway stood amongst her crew as they milled about the grand hall with long lost friends and family. Upon their arrival to Earth they had immediately beamed down to Starfleet Command's main Ball Room where a 'Welcome Home' party was being held, complete with relatives of the crew. The large banquet hall was packed with crying, laughing, smiling faces as friends and family were reunited at last.

For the last thirty minutes she'd been dragged and pushed from group to group to be introduced by a crewmember to his or her family. She'd had more hugs and handshakes from people she'd never actually met then she'd had her entire life and it didn't seem like it was going to be stopping anytime soon. It was all worth it to see the proud and happy smiles of her crew though.

"There they are." Chakotay whispered in her ear as he came up from behind her with Alexis in his arms. He pointed to the big double doors and she looked up just in time to see her mother and sister hurrying down the stairs.

They spotted her almost immediately, grins spreading over their faces, and hers, as they started towards her. She grabbed Chakotay's arm and began leading him forward before anyone else could sideline her.

She laughed as Phoebe started running, dodging through the groups of people on her way and being followed closely by her mother. Before she new what was happening a beaming Phoebe was jumping towards her and practically knocking her off her feet on the impact. Kathryn smiled, closing her eyes and hugging her long lost sister back even as she felt tears soaking into her uniform covered shoulder.

"Don't you ever do that to me again, Kathryn Janeway!" Phoebe exclaimed with a teary smile as she punched her sister's arm teasingly. "Or so help me I'll…"

The sentence was cut off as Gretchen slipped past her younger daughter and pulled Kathryn into hug so tight it nearly cut off circulation. "My baby's home." She whispered, a few silent tears of joy leaking out of her eyes.

When Kathryn was finally released long enough to regain the ability to breath she glanced back at Chakotay, who stood just behind her, and pulled him forward until he was right by her side. "This is Chakotay." She began, smiling up at her husband before taking their daughter and turning to face her mother. "And this is…"

"Alexis!" Her mother exclaimed proudly with a beaming smile. She reached out, taking Lexie in her arms and turning to Phoebe. "Look at this precious little girl! She looks just like her mother." She added, hugging Alexis tightly to her chest while Phoebe 'owed' and 'awed' at the infant.

Kathryn smiled, glancing up at Chakotay as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed a kiss into her hair. "You're admirers are watching." He whispered a few seconds later, glancing pointedly around them.

She followed his gaze, noticing the misty eyes and grinning faces of her crew and their family as some of them watched the exchange. It wouldn't be long before she was pulled back into the crowds, being ushered from person to person and she had no doubt the next few months would be just as hectic with press and more 'Welcome Home' events, so for now she planned on enjoying this moment of peace for as long as possible.

Thinking back on that moment it still didn't seem like it had been five years ago. At least it didn't seem like it right now. Some days it was like decades in the past., but at the moment it was memories like that and the dozens of others that felt so recent.

She didn't even realize the Doctor had moved on to talk with Sam until she felt a pair of warm hands from behind sliding over her sides and around to the baby bump. "You're looking very contemplative." The deep, smooth voice of her husband broke her thoughts and made a small smile tug her lips upwards. She let a hand fall down to her baby bump and lace with one of his while his other hand rubbed soothing circles.

"A lot of things to think about." She answered calmly, placing a soft kiss on Jason's head as he slept on her shoulder.

"Like a name for the newest Voyager crewmember?" He asked teasingly, making her smirk at the statement. It still amused her that even now, after fiver years of being home, all new additions from any of the crew were known as 'new crewmembers' and they all still considered themselves a member of her crew. Of course, she still considered each and every one of them her crew as well.

"I'm leaning towards Cara." She answered, watching as Naomi lead Miral and Lexie towards the buffet table, B'Elanna following with an amused smirk.

"Cara…" Chakotay murmured thoughtfully while nodding. "I like it too." Kathryn turned around to face Chakotay and shifted Jason in her arms as he began to wake up.

"Daddy!" Jason murmured sleepily as he opened his eyes and saw his father.

"Hey, buddy." Chakotay said softly while placing a hand on the little boy's head and getting a yawn in response. Kathryn smiled at them both, grinning even wider as Chakotay leaned in for a kiss.

"Mamma!" The sound of Alexis' excited voice broke them apart as they turned to see B'Elanna approaching with Miral and Alexis on either side of her. Lexie ran up to her parents and threw one arm around Chakotay's leg and the other around Kathryn's and then looked up with a toothy grin and those crystal blue eyes.

Chakotay and B'Elanna started talking, the girls plopping down on the grass to play, but Kathryn couldn't focus on the conversation. And this time it wasn't memories or random thoughts that had her preoccupied. Instead it was the dull spasms going on in her lower back and abdomen.

Uh oh…

"Kathryn?" Chakotay asked, brows furrowed as he and B'Elanna watched her.

A stronger spasm began in her back, making it's way around to her stomach. "Take Jason." She ordered firmly, holding the half asleep boy out for Chakotay to take. He did and just in time as she nearly doubled over in pain.

"Get the Doctor." She then heard Chakotay say and watched as B'Elanna ran off to fetch the other man. The next thing she knew people were running around her. Apparently the newest Voyager crewmember was coming sooner then anyone thought.

Admiral Janeway took her seat in the front row next to her husband of almost 25 years. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, but plenty of sun shinning on the spacious garden behind the Paris household. She looked around at the mass of people gathered. It seemed that almost the entire former crew of Voyager was at attendance.

A few rows back Lt. Naomi Wildman was sitting between Icheb and her mother, Tal Celes just behind them with her two year old son in her lap, Gerron on her left and Commander Vorik to her right. On the other side of the isle, in the front row, was Seven and the Doctor. Captain Harry Kim, who to this day she couldn't look at without seeing her young ensign, was standing with the band to the left of the make shift alter while discussing something with Tuvok.

She was just about to get up and see what her old friend and Harry were discussing, but before she could so much as start standing she felt Chakotay's familiar warm hand suddenly sneaking onto her knee. She looked over to see him watching her with a knowing look and a bad attempt at hiding a smile. She rolled her eyes, but sat back, subtly scooting a little closer to her former First Officer then was necessary.

She supposed she had been getting up and down a lot over the last hour, but she couldn't help it. First it had been something with the reception dinner, then a dress uniform dilemma with Sam, checking on Aurora one last time, checking on Jason one last time, and then a emergency call from the cook that had her hurrying inside to stop an enraged B'Elanna from shoving the man's face in the cake. And this last time she'd just returned from checking in with Aurora, Alexis, Miral, and Cara, the latter of which had somehow managed to get a dark substance suspiciously resembling chocolate on the sleeve of her dress. All in all, it had been a very busy day. A day that wasn't even over yet!

She sighed, looking around again to subtly check to make sure everything was ready. Not that she needed to. Between Tom, Harry, the Docter and Gretchen Janeway there was no way anything could be even an inch out of it's designated place. Not to mention B'Elanna who seemed ready to the rip the head off anyone who so much as thought about ruining her youngest daughter's wedding day. She was pretty sure the half-klingon had scared the cook into a coronary. Speaking of protective half-klingons…

B'Elanna dropped down into the chair next to her with a slight huff. "That man is a complete idiot." She stated firmly, obviously referring to the now traumatized cook.

Kathryn repressed a laugh and instead just nodded with a small smirk, patting the other woman on the arm at the same time. "I'm sure my mother and the Admiral can handle it." She assured her. Upon dragging B'Elanna from the kitchen they had run into her mother who then promised to handle anymore 'food confusions' and volunteered Owen Paris to help as well.

"Shouldn't you be on the other side, Torres." Chakotay stated teasingly, while looking over her shoulder at B'Elanna and gesturing to the chairs on the other side of isle.

"Shut up, Chakotay." B'Elanna's answer was hard, but laced with her own brand of teasing that they'd all become accustomed to over the last several years.

A few minutes later, after watching amusedly as Gretchen and Owen casually wondered over to the right hand side of the congregation and took seats next to a harassed looking Seven, Jason finally took his place on the make shift stage, right in front of the small gazebo just a few feet away.

Kathryn smiled at her son, noticing how Chakotay suddenly had proud look in his eyes as he grasped her hand a bit tighter. Standing up there in his tux, his pitch black hair waving a bit in the wind, he really did look just like his father. He even had his father's jaw structure and definitely his smile. The only difference was the hazel eyes like his grandfather and the nose which he got from her. Mainly, however, he had 'Chakotay' written all over him.

Then again everyone said Alexis could be her clone. And she had to admit that there were times, especially lately, that she could look into her daughter's deep blue eyes, see the reddish-blonde hair and half smile and swear she was looking into a mirror and seeing a younger version of herself. Harry even pointed out, on several occasions, how Alexis could be seen with hands on her hips as if she was standing on the bridge of a starship and dishing out orders.

Cara Kes Janeway was a bit different. The youngest Janeway, at 18 years old, was a perfect blend of both her and Chakotay. Brown eyes that glistened in the sun and reddish-brown hair that was just a bit darker then her sister's. She was the ultimate combination of Janeway and Chakotay genetics. Even her personality would range between her father's calm serenity and her own sarcastic attitude.

Tuvok moving past her to take his seat at the end of the isle broke her musings just in time to watch Harry get ready to start the procession music. Jason straightened, eyes going to the makeshift entry way at the end of the pale gold clothe being used as a walkway. Next to him stood Rojan, one of Jason's best friends and best man.

As music began to drift through the air the audience stood, turning to face the entry way. First to emerge were the bridesmaids; Miral in her Starfleet dress uniform, Cara, and then Alexis who was wearing her dress uniform as well. They walked up to the little carpeted area being used as an alter. Cara winked at her brother as she moved to stand next to Miral, getting a little grin in return.

The crowd gathered smiled as Alexis unexpectedly stepped over to stand next to Jason instead of with the other two girls, pushing Rojan over a bit, much to Jason's apparent amusement. She then smirked over at Miral who just rolled her eyes.

As the girls took their places the music changed and everyone looked back at the entry way. Aurora, dressed in a beautiful dark maroon, long sleeved dress, slowly walked down the isle, being escorted by Tom who was grinning from ear to ear. Kathryn smiled as well, remembering how Tom had grinned just like that when he first showed off his second born to her extended family who'd been waiting outside B'Elanna's hospital room for nearly nine hours.

Once Tom handed the bride off to her awaiting fiancé he turned and took his seat next to B'Elanna, grabbing her hand like Chakotay had Kathryn's. The ceremony then proceeded smoothly, bride and groom reading vows, going through the traditional human wedding ceremony until the end. Then, right after they shared a kiss to which Cara made a gagging gesture, Captain Kim presented them with a bat'leth as per Klingon tradition. Minus the actual combat, of course.

The wedding ceremony was followed by the reception which was being held inside the Paris home with overflow and mingling on the front lawn and basically anywhere else someone felt like wandering to. It was, to the say the least, a comfortable and relaxed party. Like one big family all shoved into one area. Most people would probably find being stuck in small spaces with so many people a bit discomforting, but not this crowd. Many of them were, after all, used to conditions like that.

Once again, like every year it seemed, Kathryn Janeway was struck with how natural this all seemed. As if no time had passed since Voyager first got pulled thousands of light-years from home. Maybe it was because her crew, her big extended family, never really left each other. They may have spread out, talked less in some instances, but they were always together in one way or another. And for some of them, like her and Chakotay, Tom and B'Elanna, the Doctor, Tuvok, and Seven it worked out even better because they saw each other at least once a week if not every day. They had all stuck together in the Delta Quadrant and she knew they always would, even when not being constantly attacked by murderous aliens. They stood by each other through thick and thin, through the fights and danger and fear even when they wanted to just give up or strangle each other, depending on the situation. Because they were family, an ever growing family, and nothing would ever change that. At least, not if Kathryn Janeway had a say in the matter. And everyone knew she did.

A/N: First of all, I want to thank you all again for everything! You guys are seriously awesome! Secondly, I have thought about writing a sequal to this story. It probably wouldn't be as long and wouldn't be posted right away (I have a couple other stories already lined up). But I don't know how many people would be interested. So please review and let me know what you think. That's it for now, so thanks for sticking around!