I've decided to write this little one-shot because I was bored, and it isn't one of my best stories ever, but I wanted to work something else, so this is it. It's kind of horrible, actually, but I feel like I should at least post it. This is obviously Katniss and Peeta, but I didn't want to write their names in. This takes place after Peeta is taken by the Capitol and Katniss is with the rebels. I made Peeta die in this, so I'm sorry! But read please.

The Girl In Love

"Here. He says he wanted you to get this letter if he didn't...make it out of there alive." Says a man with a glass of wine in his hand to the girl, pushing a envelope into her hand. He gives her a weak smile and walks out the door, leaving the girl in the room alone with her own thoughts.

When the door finally shuts, the girl looks at the envelope, and with trembling hands, she opens it and finds a letter, written on paper that is slowly yellowing like the envelope it was sealed in. The girl breathes and carefully opens the letter, not wanting to damage it in any way. She begins to read the letter slowly.

My Dear,
If you got this letter, that means I'm dead. Don't cry sweetheart. I never wanted you to cry, and I know you never loved me the way that I loved and still love you, but I know you love me enough to be upset with my death. Look, one of us had to die anyway, and it had to be me. You know it's true. If I lived, I wouldn't have anything to live for anymore anyway. You're the only reason why I live. But you have so many reasons why you have to live. You have a family to go back to, and a best friend who is in love with you. My family will miss me, and I know you will too, but you'll all move on after a month or so. You'll start a new life with the boy you actually love, get married, and have beautiful children. I congratulate you in advance since I'm not going to be there. Sweetheart, I know you're crying a bit now, but please don't. I'm happy that I died and you lived. I love you and you deserve to live. Don't blame yourself for my death because I planned all of this myself. I wanted it end this way. I wanted you to be the victor and go home to your family. I'm going to stop writing now because I don't want you to get uncomfortable because of me confessing my love to you again. But if you ever feel sad or upset and you need a friend, remember you have a whole life ahead of you and a guy who will always love and cherish you sweetheart. You know who I'm talking about. Well, good-night, sweetheart. We're leaving tomorrow and I need some sleep. See you later.
Love Always, The Boy With The Bread(you remember, don't you?)

P.S. There's a rebellion going on, apparently, and they need a Mockingjay. Just saying.

The girl stares at the letter, a fat tear falling down onto the letter, smudging the Love Always. She carefully puts the paper back into the envelope and puts it under her pillow. The girl looks out the window, watching the sun set behind the mountain while she recollects her thoughts.

Who is she now? She's lost so much but found so much more after everything that happened. She wasn't the same girl who volunteered for her sister anymore. And she's not the same girl who went into the arena for the second time either. She isn't the Girl On Fire anymore.

She is the Girl In Love, and she wished she had realized that earlier.

OK, so Peeta wasn't exactly in character but I am horrible at writing guys like Peeta. I don't usually write stuff like this, but I've decided to give it a try. So review and tell me your thoughts! I want to improve my writing. If this doesn't work out, I'm sticking to SYOT stories. Thanks!