Well here is the remastered version. I'm sorry for those people who liked the other one, but I really gad no choice, I wasn't happy with it and I didnt know to continue a story if I wasn't going to happy with it. Most of the chapters are a bit different compared to the original one so don't complain that its all the same, there is a few modification since the original one.

So anyway hope you all enjoy.

Dislaimer: I dont own any of the characters...I wish though

Clear blue skies, clouds passing by peacefully, birds chirping happily, its mostly always like this in the peaceful town of Pallet Town. As a young teen always loves it when its like this laying down on the grass, his eyes closed, with his cap covering his eyes. Sometimes this is what he needed, maybe to forget every single trouble he might of went through in the past. Yep he always loved it when its this way hoping nothing will disturb it.

"Hey Red there you are. What are you doing?" Said another boy also wearing a cap.

Red started groaning and opening his eyes slowly. "What do you want Ash can't you see I'm busy?"

"Your not doing anything but laying down on the grass, so come already lets go eat, I'm starving." Ash said petting his growling stomach.

Reds stomach also started growling. "Fine, your lucky I got myself hungry too or else I wouldn't even bother going with you guys." As Red got up and stretched.

"Geez why is it that you always have to make yourself feel distant with all of us?" Ash asked. "You should already know that, its just the way I am, but you guys seem to have no problem with it." Red replied. "I guess but can we go now, I feel like I'm going to faint if I don't eat soon." Ash whined feeling a bit drowsy.

"Alright lets get going." He said being annoyed by Ash's whining.

Just in a couple of minutes the both cap wearing boys made it to Pallet Towns local waffle house, Home Style Dining. "Finally you two got here lets order already." Said Gary as he, Misty, Brock, and Iris were already in the counter to order. "Hey don't order without us." Yelled Ash now he along with Red got in line to catch up to the others.

After ordering there food they all sat down in a round table and happily ate.

"Man I'm full that chicken and waffle really hit the spot." Said Ash happily satisfied with full belly

"Like always Ash you're the first one to finish." Said Iris still finishing up her hash browns.

"What I was hungry." Replied Ash reaching up to his soda and drinking the last amount it had left. "Its not a crime to be hungry"

"Well I'm done." Said Brock as he just sits down waiting for the food to go down.

"So Ash what took you and Red so long to get here anyway." Misty asked.

"I was looking for Red everywhere until I found just laying down on the grass up in the hills." Ash answering Misty's question "He was even being to stubborn to come so it took me a while to try and convince him

"You didn't convince me, all you did was annoy me, and I just got hungry too that's why I cooperated." Said Red. "Maybe if I had some duck tape with me I would tie up your mouth to prevent you from even eating and just see you suffer from hunger."

"Like you would of done it anyway even if you had any."

" The way how Red is always serious he just might." Brock pointed out.

" Yep I remember the time he released all of Bugsy's bug collection because he wouldn't leave Red alone until he would convinced him to help him catch more bugs." Gary explained. "I still remember how devastated he saw all of his bugs out of their cases."

"That's Red for you short tempered, hotheaded, and distant, but we still love him." Iris gestured.

"Yeah its not like everyone's perfect." Misty also complimented.

Red got up from his seat. "Well thanks guys for those kind words but I think I'll be leaving now."

"Come on Red stick around." Ash pleaded

"No thanks I feel like going home early today." Red said

"Alright see you later Red." Gary said

Everyone else said good bye to Red as he raised his hand goodbye making his way out of the door.

The sky was already turning dark which meant it was already night time. After few minutes of walking Red made it to his house as he went to the front door.

"Hey mom I'm home." As Red got inside the house.

"Hi hon how was your day?" Reds mom asked from the living room.

"It was alright I guess, I'm just going to head to bed a bit early."

"Before you do I need to tell you something."

Before Red was about to head upstairs he heard his mom and decided to go see what she wanted. "Alright mom what do you need to talk to me about?"

*breaths heavily* "Son I'm sorry, I don't know how to say this, but we're going have to move."

Red was just stunned by what his mom just told, was his mom telling him the truth, why on earth would she even think of that? He wanted to know a good reason why she's even deciding this. "What! You can't be serious mom, tell me the reason why we have to move. He said in a loud angry tone.

"I'm sorry but I was offered a new job. It has a higher pay rate and more health benefits, I couldn't refuse that offer. She replied in a low voice. This might be a great opportunity for both of us where we don't have to worry about money as much as we used to; plus it's a good to move, it'll be an adventure and a great way to finally just live a bit easier." Reds mom answered in a low voice.

"What makes you think that is making me feel better about it." He said coldly."Would you care to tell me where this new job is at?"

"Its in Fall City at the Fiore region.

"That far, you cant be serious?". Red took of his cap and rinsing through his hair.

"Please understand I'm doing this for you"

"For me? What you can do for me is to not make us move. I'm 16, I can already go out and find a job. I'll go apply to wherever is willing to hire me."

"I don't want you to. I promised myself I wouldn't let you work at the age you currently are. I want to see you go out and be a normal teenager living your life without wasting it on work," She sobbed. "I would hate to see you waste your young life because you had to help out provide for us, just like I had to."

"Mom! Everything that has happen to us was because of him, its because we struggled all these years. Red yelled in frustration. "I had to see you as a little kid work hard, come home late, seeing you cry yourself to sleep. Mom, I'm just mad for seeing you go through all that all the hardships and the moves. Its that very reason why I don't even trust in being close with anybody. Can't you see that life has always made us its b..."

Getting tired of her son's bad attitude she ended up slapping him hard right across his face. "That's enough Red," She yelled trying to put some sense into him. "Life is hard I know that and sometimes it can be unfair, but you know I got over it, its time for you to get over it too. I cant stand to see you being filled with this much hate for the rest of your life. Its going to be so unhealthy for you if you keep holding on to it."

Red breathed heavily and thought of what his mom said, simply just letting go of everything couldn't be done so easily, with what he had went through in the past is something he cant let go over night. "Hmp. whatever, but I'm not making any promises." He started to cool down and rubbing the spot where he got slapped. "Now, can you tell me when we're leaving?"

"In about a week." She answered hesitantly

Just after hearing the answer he slowly started making his way up the stairs to get to his room in order to just let everything absorb to his head. "Its been a long day and I think I should let everything mix in before I end up making myself more angry."

"I understand, but just remember know that I'm doing this for you" She pleaded.

"Yeah sure."

A week has passed and it was the day that Red is about to leave not only Pallet Town but also the entire Kanto Region, where everybody that he knows live, and it was only going to be a few moments when its going to be time to leave his native region. But for right now, it was time to say goodbye to his close friends. "Its almost time for me to leave," Red said trying not to show any emotion. " and to think my life couldn't suck even more than it already is. Oh well I guess I should've seen this coming."

"Man I can't believe your moving today." Ash said in a upset tone. "I always thought that you would be here forever but I guess not."

"Please don't remind me."

"We're really going to miss you." Iris started to get sad.

"You know, you can always visit us. We're going to here if you need us." Brock said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah I guest. Dam it I cant believe my mom is doing this. Red was now starting to get frustrated.

Misty went up to him trying to get him to cool down. "Come on go easy on her, didn't you say she was mostly doing it for you. At least she's not doing it for her own selfish reason. I'm sure it was hard on her too, don't stay mad at her."

"Yeah your mom is great. I'll never know why your…" Ash didn't get to finish his sentence since Gary stopped him. "Shut up Ash don't bring up that. You know how easily angry he gets if he's ever mentioned." Gary whispered into Ash's ear. "Oh I forgot. He muttered. "Can you let me go now, I cant breath."

Red started making his way towards Ash and Gary in very angry mood. "What were you about to say?"

"He wasn't going to say anything important you know him he can be stupid sometime." Gary trying to make up a quick excuse.

"Hey!" Ash whined.

"Well anyway it was nice knowing you Red, don't." Gary reached out his hand for a hand shake. "Don't be a stranger if you cant come visit at least keep in touch with a call or an E-mail."

Seconds later they broke the hand shake. "I'll try. Mine as well get going now. Its been great knowing you guys." He said emotionless.

"Hope we'll get to see him again." Iris said hoping

"I'm sure we will he's our friend after all . I just hope the new friends he meets over at Fall City will appreciate him like we did and maybe even help him to finally let go. Ash said hopefully. "I'm sure but what I hope is that he'll find someone that will make him happy. Am I right Ash?" Misty said teasingly as she grabbed Ash's hand firmly. "Well who ever that persons going to be she has to be willing to try and really get through to him, but enough of that I wish him luck on his life on Fiore and someday I will go there to make sure he doesn't forget about us."

Everyone smiled on how persistent Ash was. they wished the same thing and deep down they all know that something will happen to their leaving friend that will finally make him at peace with himself and everyone who are currently and soon might be around him.

Red was walking the plain empty fields of Pallet Town as he saw his house a few distance away and in front of two big moving truck along with the men from the moving company putting the last of the boxes into the truck. His mom was quietly waiting for him to arrive to be finally able to leave.

"Oh you're here." Red's mom noticing her son near by. "Are you ready to leave?"

"I'm never ready, but I'm willing to go wherever your going."

"Glad to hear that. Well lets get in the truck, we got a long way to go. The furniture is already over at our new home, along with a couple of new things that you might like." She said so sure of herself.

"I'll be the judge of that mom, so lets get going, its hard enough still being here." He said coldly getting inside the truck.

"I sure you'll be quite surprise."

She fallowed her son getting inside the moving truck sitting right next to him.

They drove past through route 1 where it was eventually going to take them to Veridian City , a town that is really close be to Pallet Town. They ended up driving past it also without taking detours so they wont waste much time getting to Fiore. It didn't take long to get to the Indigo Plateau where their ship is located that is going to take them to their new home which was probably going to be like almost a two day cruise through the sea from Kanto to Fiore. "I guess this is going to be a long trip." Red complained.

I gotta say I think this was better even though its almost like the same one I made it a bit different to where I like it and I hope you all like it as well. I wanted this to be a seriouse story where there will hurt/comfort, drama, and along with a bit of romance to where this actually is high school where a lot can happen, which the other one wasnt going anywhere like that.

For those people who read the original please review and tell me your honest opinion about the road this story might go in the further chapter or just tell me what you think I really would like to hear your words so please review...

Until next time everyone...