I am so sorry this has taken me so long. Here is the final chapter and I really hope everyone likes it. Any comments are appreciated but I am aware my spelling and editing skills are lacking lol.
Thank You and no I don't own Ugly Betty.
Ch. 7
Daniel sat watching the birds outside his childhood bedroom window, his vision blurred by the sun.
"Daniel?" Clair said coming up behind him. "Are you okay honey?"
"Yes, I'm just excited to get back to work," he lied. Something felt off, and it had since he left the hospital. Daniel couldn't put his finger on it, but he felt empty. Daniel knew what had happened the night of the shooting because it was all over the news, but it didn't feel real either because his memories still hadn't come back.
"Well, finish getting ready and we can head in. I'm sure everyone is anxious to see you." Daniel heard something in her voice that made him think she meant someone in particular, but he was too distracted to press further.
Clair left him to get ready, and when she stepped into the hall she pulled out her phone and dialed.
"Hello Clair," answered Betty. She had just stepped out of the elevator at Mode when her phone went off.
"Hello Betty, how are you?"
"I'm fine, just getting things ready for Daniels return." Tears caught in her throat and she had to push it away.
"Unfortunately, he still doesn't seem to remember anything, but I'm hoping seeing you will help."
"Me too." Betty looked down at her outfit. She was wearing the dark purple blouse and bright orange blazer she had been wearing when they had their first kiss. "I wish I could just tell him."
"I know dear but the doctor said piling on too much emotional information could be damaging."
"I know, and pushing him further away is not what I want."
"Betty you are being so strong. He will remember soon, I have faith and you should too sweetheart." Clair knew Betty would do whatever was best for Daniel, but she worried Betty would end up in more pain.
"Thank you Claire, and I will let you know how it goes."
After hanging up, Betty put on her best smile, set a bagel and coffee on Daniels desk and walked to her desk. The few people privy to Daniel and Betty's new relationship were told not to say anything to Daniel. Betty hoped they would do her the courtesy of not mentioning it to her either. She looked at what used to be Wilhelmina's office. Clair was very generous to Mark after the incident. She promoted him to creative director and gave him his own office, Wilhelmina's office. He had redecorated and removed any trace of the old occupant. Betty wondered if it was therapeutic for him, or just painful. Regardless of how it ended, Mark had always cared about Wilhelmina.
"Hey Mark." Betty said walking into his office.
"Hello my little Chiquita banana," he paused, looked her up and down, then added, "or should I say orange?"
"Ha Ha, very funny Mark."
"So are you nervous to see Daniel?" Mark took a seat behind his desk.
"Nervous is an understatement." Betty sighed and watched as Mark got distracted by something on his desk. "But I will catch up with you later, I can tell you are busy."
"Oh, I'm sorry, but yes there is no rest for the wicked. But I defiantly want to hear all about the disaster that will be today!" The excitement in Marks voice was to annoy her and by the way he was using his hand to "shoo" her out the door, she got the hint and went back to her desk.
Betty let herself get distracted by work, but every time she would hear the elevator open her heart would stop and she wondered if she could get through the day without breathing. A commotion sounded behind her this time and Betty knew it was Daniel. Everyone was saying how happy and thankful they were that he was okay and back at work. After a deep breath, Betty let herself turn around but was not prepared for what she saw.
Daniel felt like he couldn't breathe he was surrounded by people who cared about him but all he wanted to do was run away. Amber, or at least that is what he thought her name was, grabbed his hand and laced her fingers through his. He pulled his hand away gently and put it in his pocket. She didn't seem to care and kissed his cheek then whispered something about seeing him later. Daniel had been so distracted by the people and his want to get free, that he didn't notice she was holding his arm. When he started to leave she pulled and kissed him on the lips quickly, then got back into the elevator.
He knew the look on his face was not a pleasant one as he stormed to his office. His hand instinctively wiped any lingering reminisce of the kiss off his lips. Normally he would welcome a kiss from a beautiful woman, but for a reason he couldn't figure out, it made something in his stomach sink and his chest ache with guilt.
Daniel sat at his desk and took a deep breath, but when he looked forward, disappointment filled him. Betty wasn't at her desk. He had been anxious to see her while he was recovering and Daniel found himself thinking about her a lot. She had been the first person he saw when he woke up. She had seemed so concerned but then didn't visit at all when he left the hospital. Looking down he saw that the bagel and coffee where there waiting for him. Daniel just left himself sink low in his chair and zoned out on his computer screen.
"I can't believe he showed up with a woman!" Betty had headed straight to the Closet when she saw Daniel standing at the elevator with a woman on his arm.
"Betty, I know you are upset but he doesn't remember anything," Christina said trying to calm her friend.
"I know." Betty took a deep breath, "I know, it was just hard. It makes me wonder if what we had was really that important to him after all."
"Of course it is, and he will remember. As his friend you need to be there for him."
"I know, I just need a sign."
Before Christina could say anything, Liz and Toby from the gossip section, came in talking.
"I can't believe Daniel's reaction!" Toby said.
"I know, nit like him at all!" Liz added.
Betty interrupted, "what wasn't like him?"
"The way he acted after that model kissed him." They both said in unison and then giggled to each other.
"She kissed him!" Betty could feel her face turning red with anger.
"Yeah but he did not like it," they both laughed and Liz continued, "He pulled away and stormed into his office, like she had killed his dog."
"What?" Betty and Christina said together.
"Yup, I don't think I have ever seen him so irritated by a woman kissing him. Her breath must have been horrific." Toby said than they started laughing and walked away. Betty smiled and hoped this was her sign.
She got back to her desk and had barley sat down, when an IM popped up on her computer screen from Daniel. It just said to come into his office, but Betty could feel her face tingle and become red.
"Morning Daniel!" Betty said with her best smile, "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine," he said not convincingly, "Where were you?"
"I ran down to the Closet for a second."
"Oh," he looked across to his assistant. She was smiling but he could tell something was wrong. Her smile, while beautiful, wasn't stretched from ear to ear. She started to fidget and he realized he had been staring. "I'm sorry Betty, I'm still a little out of it."
"That's okay Daniel, I'm just so happy to see you." That reminded her that she hadn't gone to see him after her left the hospital. "Daniel I'm really sorry I didn't visit more, I was just trying to keep things going smoothly here so you didn't have to deal with it when you go back." Betty explained, she knew it wasn't the whole truth, but hoped he couldn't tell.
"Thank you Betty. I don't know what I would do without you."
"Of course Daniel," she started to turn and walk away.
He hesitated, "Thanks for the bagel," He smiled and her heart sank.
"You're welcome," She hurried back to her desk.
Daniel cursed under her breath, he couldn't believe he had almost said he loved her and wanted her to stay. He knew he was tired and stressed, and he would be the first to admit he had missed bit seeing her, but maybe that gunshot had done more than just take away the past few months. He brushed it off, signed and got to work.
Around 7:30, Daniel noticed he and Betty were the only people left in the office. The day had flown once he realized how much he had to do. Them being the last ones here was not out of the ordinary, but something about being alone with her made a wave of electricity pulse through his body and his hands became warm. 'Why am I feeling this way?' he thought looking out at Betty. She had taken off her jacket to reveal a purple blouse that flattered and hugged her body. He let his eyes linger on her breasts, then a glimpse of soft mocha skin under his hands flashed in his mind. 'What was that?" but before he could think about it further, his cell phone vibrated on his desk. It was a text message from the woman that followed him up in the elevator this morning. "Where are you?!" was all it said. Daniel didn't remember agreeing to meet her, in fact he didn't remember talking to her at all. 'Maybe she mistook my silence for agreement..' Daniel thought before replying. "I'm sorry for any miscommunication but I don't want to meet you." He felt a little bad, but was not in the mind set to deal with games.
Betty looked into Daniels office. He was scrunching his face like he was thinking and Betty smiled. She missed him and it took everything she had not to tell him everything and run into his arms. She knew she couldn't tell him anything, but maybe she could recreate their last late night at work together.
"Daniel?" He looked up and smiled.
"What's up?"
"Hey, so it is getting late and I a starving. Do you want me to order dinner for us?"
"You don't have to stay Betty. I am almost done."
Her heart sank, "are you sure? I really don't mind, and you know… starving…" Betty laughed at herself.
Daniel smiled, "It's fine. I'm gonna get out of here soon too."
"Okay," Betty hoped he couldn't here the disappointment as she turned and started to walk out.
"But we can go grab dinner together."
Betty had to bite the inside of her cheek in order to keep her smile from taking over her face. "That would be great as long as you are feeling up to it."
"Thanks, but I am in no hurry to get home. It is my first night back in my apartment. After I was released from the hospital mom insisted I stay with her and I was too exhausted to argue."
"I think getting back into your own place and back to normal will help."
"I hope so. It's like I'm in a fog. Like, you know when you walk into a room and forget why you came in there?"
"That's kinda how I feel all the time; I know I'm forgetting something."
"But Daniel you are forgetting something, 3 months of somethings."
"I know, but I think this is more than that," Daniel paused for a minute, "I'm talking about something big. Not work or the stuff with Wilhelmina, but something else. Something important."
Betty knew that he meant their relationship and that spark of hope ignited in her heart.
"Do you have any idea what it might be?" Daniel asked and Betty wished she could tell him.
"No, I'm sorry Daniel."
His face fell and Betty could see the disappointment, "that's okay. And maybe you are right about getting back to my own apartment."
"I understand. Dinner another night then?"
"Unless you want to get takeout? I've missed you Betty." He smiled and the thought of being alone with Daniel in his apartment made Betty warm all over.
"Sure. I've missed you too."
About 30 minutes later and a quiet drive in a town car, they were settling in at Daniel's apartment.
"I'm gonna borrow your bathroom real quick." Betty said while walking into the other room.
"Okay, I will order food. Do burgers sound okay?"
"Perfect," Betty yelled before closing the bathroom door behind her. She turned and looked in the mirror. Her reflection didn't come close to matching how she was feeling. She was so nervous and excited. Betty knew she shouldn't expect anything, but the memories of what happened between them in this apartment was fresh in her mind. She promised herself she wouldn't push it, but that didn't mean she wouldn't look as good as she could.
Daniel heard Betty come out of his bathroom as he was pouring them some drinks. When he turned around his breath caught in his throat. Betty had taken her jacket off again and Daniel could swear her blouse had a few more buttons undone than before. Her hair was pulled down and fell soft around her face and shoulders. Something deep inside of him stirred and his pulse began to race.
"Are you okay?" Betty was looking at Daniel with her head cocked to the side and her eyebrows raised. Apparently he was starring again.
"Oh sorry, zoned out.." he turned and hoped the warmth in his cheeks wasn't him blushing. "Wine okay?"
"Sure." Betty smiled and accepted the glass. She could tell something was happening with him. She just hoped it was good. She knew he had noticed her subtle changes but wasn't sure how he felt about them.
"Should we order dinner?"
"Defiantly!" Betty said, she hadn't been joking about starving.
Betty watched as he found a menu in a drawer and dialed, she listened and realized that he was ordering from the place they had their first date. Without skipping a beat he ordered what they both had that night. Betty was too stunned to say anything and Daniel hung up then walked into his living room. Betty put her purse and jacket on his counter and followed him.
"I'm sorry Betty," Daniel said suddenly.
"Why are you sorry?"
"I know you have been dealing with a lot at Mode."
"Daniel you don't need to apologize." Betty let her voice drop, "I would do anything for you."
"Well thank you for everything Betty. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you." Unfortunately Betty did know what that would be like. Even though Daniel was there in front of her, he wasn't there the way she wanted him to be. They walked further into the living room together, Daniel took his jacket off, and Betty watched as he loosened his tie and undid the top button on his shirt. She smiled as her mind went to the first night they were here. Looking at the couch, Betty could almost feel his weight on top of her and his erection pressing against her most sensitive spot and she shuttered.
"Cold?" Daniel asked, apparently he had been watching her.
"Oh, no! Sorry, just got the chills." They both sat on the couch and turned to face each other.
"Okay, so how have you been? I haven't seen Henry around." Betty realized Daniel didn't know what had happened with Henry.
"That is a long story."
"Oh come on, are you still dating?" Betty told Daniel the story and watched as his brow furrowed and jaw clench.
"That spineless piece of shit! I can't believe he hurt you!"
"Daniel it really is fine, I realized I ever truly loved him. Not the way I loved yo… yogurt…" Betty could slap herself.
"Nothing, sorry, the point is I am okay with it. I'm happy for Henry."
Daniel could see she was telling the truth. He smiled at her, "how are you so amazing?"
"I don't know about that."
"Betty it's true," he moved closer to her and took her hands in his. "You are the best person I know. You are so kind and thoughtful," he moved closer, "you are trustworthy and would do anything for the people you care about." Now he was just inches from her and Betty hoped he couldn't hear how fast and loud her heart was beating.
Daniel loved the way her hands felt in his, and the sensation of being this close to her. He took a deep breath and the smell of oranges filled his nostrils. He was surprised when he could feel his groin become tense. "You're so beautiful Betty, inside and out," Daniel noticed her lips part slightly and he couldn't help but move closer. Just as their lips were about to touch, his doorbell rang. Daniel pulled away and stood, "foods here!" He said louder than necessary.
He got the food and came back to sit on the couch. Betty's chest tightened when she noticed he sat even further away and when he started talking about work, Betty knew he was going to pretend this never happened. 'I can't do this' Betty thought. She stood, quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed her jacket and purse. "Daniel, I'm so sorry, I forgot I had to go straight home. Thanks for dinner, but I…" She couldn't continue or he might hear the sadness in her voice, or see the tears she was trying to hide. Before he could stop her Betty was out the door.
Daniel just sat there for a minute. He couldn't believe he almost kissed Betty. She was probably so weirded out, he knew she didn't see him that way. Betty was too good for him and Daniel wasn't sure what he was doing. He wasn't sure what made him see Betty so different but now, in this moment, he knew what he was feeling was more than a passing attraction. Daniel took a deep breath, knowing Betty would never feel the same way and that was proven by her reaction to him almost kissing her.
"I have to apologize," he said before running out the door. When he got to the street, he saw her getting in a cab. Before he could call her name, she had shut the door and started to drive off. He waived for the next cab he saw, but Betty was already out of sight so he just gave the driver her address.
Betty sat across from Clair in her office, "I can't do this. I am trying to be strong but my heart is breaking."
"I am so sorry Betty. I know this must be hard, but what if you tell Daniel everything and he gets worse?"
Betty looked over into Clair's concerned eyes, "I know you are right. I just need to have faith that Daniel will remember soon," Betty gave a reassuring smile. "I think maybe tonight was too much too fast."
"What are you going to do?"
"Honestly, I don't know."
"Well, I will help if I can."
"Thanks Clair." Betty took a deep breath and slumped back in her chair.
Daniel paced in front of Betty's stoop trying to work up the nerve to see Betty's face. He couldn't explain it, but all he wanted to do was to take Betty into his arms and tell her he…" Daniel stopped pacing. "I love her." He sat on the steps in front of her house, the shock of what just came out of his mouth only made him more confused. "Where did that come from," he closed his eyes and pressed his fingers to his temples. Beautiful dark eyes behind a mask came to mind. He could see Betty standing in front of him looking more beautiful than he had ever seen her, wearing a black mask at what looked like a party. The image was like a dream, something he couldn't be sure was real.
Before Daniel could think further on it, he heard the door open behind him and he froze.
"Daniel? What are you doing out here?" Ignacio asked.
"Oh, Mr. Suarez, I was looking for Betty."
"Really?" Ignacio smiled, then stopped and looked concerned, "wait, I though she was with you."
"She was, but something happened between us and she left."
"Daniel what happened?" Ignacio was getting increasingly concerned.
"I'm not sure, we had a moment," Daniel stopped, "but I ruined it, and I keep seeing…" Daniel grabbed his head.
"Did you remember something Daniel?" Ignacio came down the stairs and looked up at Daniel.
"I don't know. It feels like a dream…"
"About Betty?"
"Sometimes," Daniel paused, "most of the time."
"I should call Betty."
"Wait, Mr. Suarez, what is happening? Wht is everyone keeping from me?"
"I really should call Betty." Ignacio didn't give Daniel a chance to argue and walked into the house to find his phone.
Daniel started to follow him into the house, "Daniel?" The sound of her voice made his heart beat faster. He turned and she was standing there. Her face, confused but beautiful. He could tell by her streaked mascara and red eyes that she had been crying.
"Betty I am so sorry."
She put on her fake smile, "what are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong."
"Please Betty, I know what almost happened must have freaked you out. I'm sorry I came on to you."
"Daniel, no you…"
"I know you don't see me that way and the last thing I want to do is push you away."
"I don't want that either." Betty closed the distance between them. She decided to be honest, "Daniel, I wasn't upset because I didn't feel the same."
Daniel looked into her eyes, hope fluttering in his stomach. He couldn't explain it, but all he wanted was standing in front of him. She was what he wanted.
"I wanted you to kiss me, but I was afraid you didn't want me."
"That couldn't be further from the truth batty." He stepped closer, lifted his hand a cupped her cheek. Betty put her hand on his and pushed her face into his palm. Betty closed her eyes and the look on her face was one of familiar longing, her eyes tightened and Daniel watched tears start to stream down her cheeks.
"Betty," he whispered before kissing her. Every inch of his body pulsed with the feel of her lips on his. Betty put her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Every ounce of need and desire they had pored into the kiss, their bodies firm against each other. They couldn't get close enough.
Betty was scared to open her eyes or pull away. What if it was a dream? Daniel tongue danced with hers and it made her body warm and tingle. Daniel pulled away slightly, "come home with me." He asked against her lips.
"Yes," Betty didn't even think about it, she only wanted to be with him.
The cab ride was a blur of hands and lips caressing skin. Betty didn't even stop to consider the driver as they made out in the back seat. When they finally walked through Daniel door into his apartment, their hands pulled at each others clothes, leaving a trail to his bedroom.
Daniel looked down at Betty, taking in the sight of her soft and beautiful curves. Her skin soft under his hands and the look on her stunning face showed longing and want. His penis grew hard with need. Every feeling, sound and touch felt strangely like déjà vu but he didn't dwell on it. Daniel didn't understand how he got to this point, but he knew it was right. This is where he was supposed to be. He lifted her onto his bed and watched as she scooted back closer to the pillows. He crawled on after her and gently opened her legs revealing her sweet center, wet with need. Wanting this to last he let his mouth explore her thighs then closer and finally his tongue was tracing along her soft folds, Betty gasped and urged him to probe further.
Betty let out a moan as his tongue found her clit. She arched her back and dug her hands into the bed beside her. The feeling of his mouth made every nerve in her body spark, Betty grabbed the back of his head, guiding him till she climaxed. Daniel licked and savored every sweet drop. He leaned back on his knees and before he could move, she was up and had moved to return the gesture. He watched and she took hold of his shaft and let her tongue tease the tip. "Oh Betty," he gasped. She used her other hand to reach behind him and pull him closer. Her hand still on his erection, she guided him inside of her mouth. The feeling of her warm mouth and playful tongue made his body tense. She took him far into her mouth and began to speed her face and she sucked his hard cock. Daniel looked down and her eyes were looking back up at him. The feeling and sign was too much. "Betty, I'm going to cum if you keep that up."
Betty smiled to herself then slowed her pace. She enjoyed the feeling of him in her mouth and the knowledge that it made him feel so good. But Betty wanted to have him inside of her. "Please Daniel. I need you." Those words made his own need grow, he crawled on top of her. His hands found her breasts, they were so beautiful and his hands ached to touch them, letting his mouth find one of her nipples, suckling softly, then harder. Betty moaned and his hand kneaded her other breast. He took turns teasing and playing with each breast until her need was too much. "Please Daniel!"
He positioned himself between her legs and slowly entered her. She was so tight and wet and warm that he could not help himself, "Betty!" The sound of him screaming her name made Betty crazy, "Daniel, harder please." He obliged her, finding his rhythm. They hungrily moved together, in and out, faster, harder. Betty could feel herself getting close and raked her fingers down Daniel's back, he arched and she could feel him getting harder inside of her in preparation to cum. "Betty I'm coming!"
"Oh God yes, me too!" Together they came, ecstasy rolling over both of their bodies. Daniel fell to lay next to Betty. Their breathing was labored and bodies warm. Betty closed her eyes and felt Daniel's hand find hers. They lay there in silence satisfaction, hands together, finger's laced until they both fell asleep.
Daniel woke up with the worst headache he could remember having in a while. He slowly got out of bed, looking down at the amazing woman still lying there. He could feel his heart swell and everything seemed right. The headache throbbed again and he went to the bathroom looking for asprin. The bright lights made his eyes hurt and the pain in his head intensify. Daniel grabbed his head, pushing at his temples. "Ugh." He reached for the medicine cabinet and pulled out the bottle of asprin then filled a glass with water. He put two in his mouth and drank them down, but when he pulled the glass from his mouth he saw blood in the glass. His mind became fuzzy and the glass dropped from his hand, Daniel stumbled back and everything went black.
Betty was awaken by a loud crash, she looked around and noticed Daniel was not in bed with her. She panicked, jumping from the bed. "Daniel!" Nothing, but Betty saw light coming from under the bathroom door. She knocked, but he didn't answer, Betty opened the door and saw Daniel lying unconscious on the floor, blood smeared on his face. She ran, grabbed her phone and dialed 911, then returned to Daniel's side.
The next hour was a blur, the EMTs came and got Daniel to wake up, he was very out of it so they put him on oxygen and loaded him into the ambulance. The entire time he just called for Betty so they let her ride with him, Betty sat there helpless and crying as they tried to get him to say anything other than her name. Once they got to the hospital, Betty was told to wait in the waiting room while they rushed Daniel to the ER.
Betty didn't even remember calling Clair or her family, but they were there shortly after. "Betty what happened?" Clair asked, they were still waiting for a doctor to come out and tell them what was going on. Betty explained why she was with Daniel and why the only thing she had on was his robe. Even though Hilda had brought her clothes, Betty just held them, scared that if she walked away a doctor would come out.
"Betty, the doctor said too much emotional information could be bad! Why?" Clair stopped and sobbed.
"Clair, I swear, I didn't tell him anything. It just happened, he kissed me and it was like we were…" Betty closed her eyes, the tears were starting to sting.
"Clair, lets let Betty get dressed. We are all upset and hopefully the doctor will be coming out soon with some news." Ignacio interjected resting his hand on Clair's shoulder to comfort her.
"You're right of course. I'm sorry Betty. I know you would never do anything to hurt Daniel."
Betty just nodded then let Hilda lead her to the bathroom. Hilda had brought her a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Justin had grabbed her a pair of shower sandals from the gift shop when they realized she didn't have shoes. After she came out of the stall, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were red and swollen. Hilda just stared. "Hilda, I can tell you have something to say, so just say it." Betty didn't mean to sound short but couldn't help it.
"I'm sorry Betty, I just wish there was something I could do."
Betty walked over and hugged her sister, "you're doing it."
"I love you Betty, and Daniel will be okay."
"Thanks, I love you too." The redundancy of the situation was nerve racking. When they returned to the waiting room there was a doctor talking to Clair, Betty hurried to her side.
"What's happening?"
"This is Betty, tell her what you told me." Clair told the doctor.
"Oh, well I was saying Mr. Mead is stable and going to be fine." The doctor paused and Betty could feel her lungs fill with air and relief wash over her. "With the recent trauma and amnesia, Mr. Meads psyche had been overloaded essentially."
"So what does that mean? Is he going to forget things again?" Clair asked what both she and Betty were thinking.
"Well we don't know if he has lost or regained any memories. He has only said one thing since he got here." Clair reached for Betty's hand and smiled. She obviously knew what the doctor was about to say and said it for him.
"He has been asking for you Betty."
"Really? Can I see him?"
"Normally we would not allow anyone that isn't immediate family, but I have been made aware of yours and Mr. Mead's situation and considering he has been asking for you, yes you can see him. He is in room 413."
"Thank you doctor," Clair shook the Doctor's hand then let him get back to work.
"Clair, you should see him first."
"Betty, no. You need to be the one to see him."
She took a deep breath, Betty was terrified that he had forgotten about last night but before she knew it, she was standing in front of the door. A nurse looked over at her questioningly, and she realized she had been standing there a little longer than she should have been.
Walking into the room, there were two beds. One was unoccupied, Daniel lay sleeping in the other. Betty walked over and sat in the chair next to his bed. He stirred and muttered, "Betty."
"Daniel?" His eyes opened and he just starred at her.
The light streaming in from the window behind her made her look like an angel. She was the most beautiful thing he had every seen. "Betty," he said again. He could tell she was hurting and he knew it was because of him. It made his heart hurt, and he could feel tears stinging his eyes.
"Daniel, are you okay?"
"Yes, I just missed you so much. I didn't realize how much until now."
"What do you mean?" Hoped flared inside of her.
"I can't believe I could forget the one person that means the world to me."
Betty couldn't stop the tears from falling, "You remember!"
"Yes, and I am so sorry for what I put…" Betty cut him off with a kiss. She pulled away and Daniel cupped her cheek, "I love you Betty."
"I love you too Daniel. So much." They both just starred at each other, both crying, both feeling more joy and love then they realized was possible.
Betty reached over and turned off the alarm on Daniel's side of the bed. How he could sleep through it, she didn't know. She looked at him sleeping next to her and her heart was full. They had been married a year now, and every day she fell in love with him a little more.
The light in the kitchen was soft, streaming in through the windows. Betty and Daniel had searched for months for the perfect house, and when Betty saw this kitchen and pictured family dinners and holiday meals, she knew she was home. Betty turned on the coffee pot and pulled out some eggs.
As she pushed the scrambled eggs around the pan, a pair of lips kissed the back of her neck. "Good morning my love, this smells great. How are you feeling?"
"We are feeling hungry," Betty turned and Daniel placed his hands on her swollen belly. Their daughter was due in two months and they were excited to start this next chapter. He had her sit down while he finished cooking, then as she ate, he rubbed her swollen feet and threw out names he knew she would hate, just to make her laugh.
The turmoil and grief were so far away now and all they could see was the love they shared, the family they had made and the future that still lay before them.
Again, sorry for the wait, and thank you so much for your continued interest and comments. This is the last chapter in this story, but not the last story I plan to write. Just hope it doesn't take me so long next time lol :)