This little one shot is based on a cute fanart by Muchacha10 called "CANNABLAINE" - and pokes fun a the (horrible) fan fiction idea that is Cannablaine.


Kurt sat in the Warbler practice room at the piano, waiting for Blaine to show up. They had a duet to practice for and he still had yet to arrive.

Kurt's hand played the piano lazily, messing up a few of the notes as he sang the duet softly, by himself.

"I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you

Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you.

I've seen the paths that your eyes wander down

I want to come too…"

Blaine opened the door of the practice room slowly, making sure it didn't make a sound. Kurt's back was too him, his shoulders and his shoulder blades moving lithely under his jacket as his hands moved over the piano keys.

Slipping through the door as soundlessly as he could, Blaine grinned, tip-toeing over to Kurt, who was singing their duet.

"No one understands me quite like you do

Through all of the shadowy corners of me

I never knew just what it was

About this old coffee shop I love so much

All of the while I never knew…"

Blaine was right behind Kurt now, grinning down at him with an unmistakable glint of mischievousness in his eyes - that is, if anyone had been there to see it. He licked his lips once, staring down at the exposed part of Kurt's check, his muscles moving in time with the music.

"I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you - OH GOD!"

Kurt had begun to sing, but then cut off with the crashing of piano keys has Blaine's lips found themselves on his neck. "Blaine! Oh my god, Blaine! Stop that, it tickles!"

"Nom, nom, nom," mumbled Blaine into Kurt's neck, laughing as he placed the kisses up Kurt's neck. Kurt spun around in the chair to face Blaine, their lips meeting in a sweet kiss.

"You, sir, are late."

Blaine smirked, kissing Kurt on the lips once. "Sorry, babe. I was a little hungry so I swung by the cafeteria." He kissed him on the cheek and sat next to him on the piano. "You sound fantastic. I only hope I can live up."

"Of course," said Kurt, rolling his eyes. He straightened his back and put his hands back on the piano keys. "Let's get started."


I hope you enjoyed - and make sure to check out Muchacha10's fanart (the link to her DeviantART is on my profile)!