Anime: Soul Eater
Pairing: Death the Kid X OC
Summary: A skilled technician that's not in Shibusen? Unacceptable! Jade is recruited by Death the Kid himself to join Shibusen and help keep the world in order. A mystery begins to unravel as both Jade and Kid search for answers about their fathers. Can they really choose between love and family? Can they choose between life and death?
Author: Triggerspec
OC: Jade and Victor (Vic), (oh and I forgot to mention the crazy jungle guy)
Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater or the characters. I also cannot take credit for the similarities to the plot. All credit goes to Atsushi Okubo. (I only take credit for Jade and Vic)
Italics = thoughts

A/N: This is my overall favorite chapter! I love the beginning! And this is the final chapter and I hope you all have enjoyed this story. It was nice havign something other than Naruto to write about. I want to thank all for the alerts, favs and reviews. And defiantly for those who have read and enjoyed this story! 3 thank you all!

Asura: This..., this is not what I wanted.
Maka: What did you want?
Asura: I wanted a family, a life, a world where my family would feel no fear.
Soul: Without fear you couldn't use courage to show off.
Asura: You bugs disgust me. -leaves-
Tsubaki: Now what?
Black Star: Off to search for the gods to surpass them! -runs off-
Liz: -walks over to Kid and pats his back- Don't feel bad.
Jade: Well, are you ready Vic?
Vic: I was born to follow you My Lady. -bows-
Jades: -raises eyebrow- Never do that again.

"You know, if Kid didn't already shoot me, I would have killed you?"

"Heh, don't make me laugh. If it wasn't for the Kishin, I would clearly have killed you."

Jade and Black Star stood nose to nose as blades dripped blood from their backs.

"You know, all I wanted to do was to save my father. Why is that so hard to do?"

"Because to save your father you need to surpass the gods, and I know first hand. That's a road that is a bitch to follow."

The two laughed as the both fell to their knees. Both pulled out the blades as black blood mixed into red. They leaned on one another with their foreheads. Neither one would give in.

"You know Black Star, if you hit that ground first, that means I win."

"As if. You're defiantly gonna reach the ground first."

Both could barely keep their eyes open, the world around them became fuzzy as the loss of blood began to take effect.

"Tell me Black Star, what are you going to do when you surpass the gods?"

A few seconds passed by and Jade thought the boy had lost consciousness, but just as she was about to give in she felt his chest move from a small chuckle. Both of them were slurring their words, it was only a matter of time.

"Heh, you know..., I never thought about it. Maybe I'll settle down, start a family. Raise a bunch of kids who will themselves grow to surpass me."

"Wow..., I can't believe something so deep just came from you."


Asura watched as both bodies finally slid off one another and fell limply to the ground. He tried to feel sadness for the loss of his daughter, but inside he couldn't bring himself to accept it. It wasn't death for her, just defeat and hopefully when all these bugs are exterminated she will recover and once again they will be a family. A large uncanny smile spread across his face and that's when he took notice of the pair getting up.

"Nothing is unusual here... The appropriate one stands in the appropriate place after the appropriate ones have collapsed to the ground, defeated. There is nothing unexpected or odd about it. Because this is reality. Not one shred of uncertainty exists here. Not even fear, of course..."

Asura grinned as Maka took a hold of Soul and readied herself with the scythe.

"Kishin Asura! Your soul is mine!"

Asura was amused at the bitter face she made. Such a useless human.

"Quit your howling. It's annoying. But to think you would return sane after being swallowed by black blood..." he looked up to see the unsteady shake of her hand, "What's the matter? You're trembling. Are you afraid? Yes, that must be it. Fear is the cause of all trouble. Failure, setbacks, jealousy, misdeeds, betrayal and defeat."

"Shut up."

"Don't deceive yourself. Poor little thing..."

"Shut up!"

"It's no use to threaten me. I cannot feel fear. But you're afraid of me. Our fight might as well be over already."

"Nothing you say to me will change anything!"

Maka intensified her glare and clenched her fist, stopping the shaking. Inside Soul smirked as the girl shrugged off her fear.

"I will fight! That is all there is to it!"

"Let's do it, Maka!"


"Soul Resonance!"

The two shouted in sync, letting out a battle cry as they gathered up their strength. Soul's blade extended into the Witch Hunter blade and as Asura stood, not moving Maka went after him. In mid air, one of Asura's wraps grasped Maka by the neck, suspending her int he air.

"How powerless you are...," and without a movement of muscle she was thrown into the cement leaving a crater, "To think that my final opponent just as the world is about to end is a good-for-nothing like you. Those other brats put up much more of a fight than you."

Soul shouted and finally with a twitch of her palm, Maka gave a response. The blade of the witch hunter came back and Maka pushed herself back up.

"Oh? You're going to stand? In that case, I'll make it so you can't by tearing off all the armour around your mind."

"Are you still okay, Maka?" Soul questioned, worried about his partner.

"I'm perfectly fine!"

She went after him again, swinging and jabbing. Her and Soul had no chance in a drawn-out battle and they both knew it. With a large swing the Kishin jumped back out of the way, giving Maka and Soul the distance and time they needed. Like a burning flame Maka's soul erupted in a candle wick way. The blue flickered as her and Soul used everything they had.

"So you're going to attack?"

The Witch Hunter blade grew, transforming into Maka's finest attack, the Anti-Magic Hunter. Asura did nothing as the blade came toward him, he just stood up and let the blade strike into his shoulder. Slowly the blade sunk a little farther until it reached his hip bone.

"An Anti-Magic Wavelength, huh?" he looked up at the angered face, his eyes cold and stern, "Let me ask you. Am I evil? You're mistaken."

With just his fingertips, Asura forced his own wavelength into the blade causing the spiral of colour to scatter into many shards. Maka just stood dumbfounded at Asura's words.

"Is the madness I emit impure? No, madness is an emotion that exists in the minds of everyone," slowly, the hanging half of his body began to morph and re-attach itself to his body, "Even inside you of course."

"Ass hole!"

"That's a filthy word. It looks like you'll need to be punished."

In a blink, Vaja erupted and shot out a beam. Maka just clenched her eyes shut waiting for the attack. But nothing happened and she looked up t see Soul standing in the path.

"Again you do what is futile."


"You okay, Maka?" he asked as he collapsed face first into her lap.


"The burden of expectation and responsibility from your fallen comrades weighs down on you. The pain and unease you sense from that is another type of fear."

"Shut up, damn you..."

"Irritation and intimidation are also types of fear."

"I said shut up, dammit!" she set Soul down carefully as she stood back up in rage.

"Impatience and anger are also fear. In addition..."

He attacked her with a sleeve like a fist, upper cutting her into the air and another pound on her from the top, hurling her into the ground.

"This is pain. The most primitive and savage fear. But for weak people like you, it's quite effective."

Shaky, Maka managed to bring herself to her feet, "I am a weak person. But..., compared to the pain then..., compared to that punch..., this is nothing at all!"

"Than see if you can withstand the pain I give you. Dodge it and your partner will die."

Asura let out another beam of light aiming directly for Maka. The blond stood her ground with her hands outstretched. Like hell she was going to let him kill Soul. He did the same for her and no matter what she wasn't going to give up. With the impact she lost her consciousness, giving up the feeling of fear.

It wasn't until a sharp pain in her shoulder woke her up again. With a scream that could break a window bellowed out from her mouth, a most devious grin on Asura's face spread wide.

"Fighting while asleep is too dishonest. Yes, that's more like it. That emotion your feeling right now is true fear." Asura picked Maka up by the throat, holding her eye level with him, "It's okay. It's time to give in now. Surrender yourself to the madness too. It'll free you from that fear. All of the pain and anxiety will go away. There's nothing you can do anyway. Your friends, your Anti-Magic Wavelength..., nothing you've tried has worked on me. Now you've lost your partner, and you can't control your body properly. There is no way you can defeat me now."

"There is no way for me to..."

"That's right, you have nothing left."

"I feel relieved..."

"Wh-What did you just say?"

Maka brought her hand to Asura's arm, causing him to flinch back. The Asura without Jade was returning...

"I said I feel relieved, that's all..."

"What? R-Relieved?" Asura threw her back and began to scratch his head furiously.

-"Relieved? Relieved? Relieved?" "I don't have this power because I want it."-


"I felt I had to master it to keep the grownups from criticizing me, but I guess I'm not very good at that kind of thing, to be honest."

Asura just hunched over, staring at Maka in disbelief, "Are you..., stupid?"

"Who are you calling stupid, you bastard?" The Kishin flinched and looked over to see Black Star pushing himself up against a rock, "She's not skilled like I am, but she has something incredible here!"

He pointed to his chest with a smirk on his face.

"Maka's strength isn't a special ability or anything of the sort..." Kid managed to breath out.

"That's right..., Maka has the courage..., to fight fear." Soul cheered on.

"Courage, you say? What's with you people?" Asura's eyes twitched as the fear inside of him began to over power him once again, "Why do they try to rely on something so uncertain? Stop! Don't look at me like that! How can you give that look in a situation like this? What's going on? Just who are you?"

Asura had defiantly lost himself, after so many years of fighting off the fear that he traded for his precious Jade... This is what was becoming of him now?

"My name is Maka Albarn. I'm a scythe technician."

"No! I'm not asking your name! That isn't what I meant! I mean who are you?"

The Kishin pointed a finger accusingly as he stomped around.

"I am me and no one else."

"You really irritate me. You're like an itch I can't reach. It's like having cigarette smoke blown directly onto you when you're asleep! Enough! I'll exterminate all of you! That is the only option!"

Asura was sweating and completely freaking out. He coughed up Vaja and charged up and attack for the extermination.


The word broke his concentration and he raised an eyebrow at the blond, "Huh? What did you say?"

"I don't know. Maybe its a magic charm. Whatever the case it has nothing to do with you."

"It bothers me though! Why would you do that? It disgusts me! I'm about to retch..., Stop that!"

"No, I won't! If I stop now, I'll never be able to face the people who supported me and fought alongside me. It was because of them that I'm here now. They gave me their courage. Now I just need to add my own courage to it.

"Add courage? Just what are you trying to do?"

"I'm going to put it all into this fist!"

"That's stupid! What can you possibly do with such scrawny arms? Nothing! That's what! It won't matter one bit anyway! It won't do anything at all!" Asura spun his head around in a circle, "I don't understand you one bit."

It took a couple moments, but the Kishin just froze. Trying to process everything in his mind.

"I don't understand... How can they have such high hopes for her? She's so weak..., she has nothing. She's a measly human! What is courage?"

Asura let out a ear shattering scream as everything that he once thought of was all a lie and nothing made sense. Maka just swallowed her fear, pushed out all the courage she could muster and ran after him.

"Kishin Asura! Prepare yourself!"

"Stay away!"

He slammed the ground causing the cement underneath him to shoot up like a cliff. Throwing Maka to the ground. But she got right back up and ran up the steep hill, chasing after Asura.

"What good would that do anyway? Defeating me won't make the madness go away! Even if you defeat me, a successor or a junior or a newcomer or a #2 or whatever else will just show up soon after and be a new source of madness anyway! So it's pointless!"

"Hell..., if I care!"

Asura flinched back, waiting for the strike to hit him in the face. With all the courage Maka put all her courage and let go. With all her weight behind it she felt her fist strike the face of the Kishin. As a strange squeeze was felt on her fist she looked up to see Asura perfectly fine, standing with his jaw and eyes wide open. She followed her arm to see a hand holding on to it. In front of her now stood Jade, covered in blood, both black and red.

"I'm sorry Maka. I can't let you kill him."

"J-Jade what are you doing?"

"I'm doing what I need to do. I'm saving the only family I have! You know what it's like don't you... When you sit at home and wonder where your mother is..."

Maka dropped her arms and just stared into the almost mirrored image of the Kishin. Jade turned around to see her father, his face twisted and twitching.

"I can't believe after all these years of searching for you, it all comes down to this..."

"Wh-What are you going to do?"

"I was going to save you, avoid all of this..., but... I don't think we are salvageable."

"Wait, Jade!"

With an open palm a pulse shot out of Jade's hand and Maka was forced through the air back down to the bottom of the cliff. Jade pulled out the butterfly knife and combined it was the dropped half of Vaja.

"Are you ready Vic?"

"You act as if I have a choice?"

Jade looked up, crimson eyes stared into crimson eyes. There was nothing but a smile on Asura's face.

"I knew, even if I wasn't around, you'd grow up perfect."

"Are you ready?"

"Jade! How dare you take my spotlight!"

The girl chuckled as she heard Black Star's voice call out to her. Asura grabbed the remade weapon and stabbed it in his heart. Jade took the other end and forced it through her own body. The two souls once again became one and forced inside the strange dagger like weapon form of Vaja. From the force of power once again combining a large blue light erupted from the two and shattered the barrier that once surrounded them. With the Kishin gone, the skies once again became blue.

Kid stood at the edge of what was left of the platform they fought on staring out into the horizon. For some strange reason, it didn't feel like it was over. That for some strange reason it wouldn't be the last time he would see Jade. Maybe it was just hopeful wishing.

"Hey Kid..., you picked yourself a great girl."

"I know. But, it's over now, because we have Shibusen to clean up and a world to keep in order."

The crew re-grouped and began to chat and bicker about what was going to be coming in the future.

"No matter what happens, we cannot regret what paths we take!"

Kid stated and the group all chuckled.


They all turned to Black Star with confusion...

"I don't know who collapsed first, me or Jade?"

They all just stared at him in dis-belief.

"Maan, I have to start this surpassing god thing all over again..."

Tsubaki let out a sigh as Liz and Patti patted her on the back for comfort.