Hey lovely readers/reviewers! This is the first part of a three-shot that should hopefully be up pretty quickly!

If you're reading iCan Make Her Jealous I'm actually on the lookout for a new beta right now, so that chapter will be delayed a bit.

Thank you to KingxLeon21 for being my one-shot beta! :]

I think this is a little rough, but I hope you still enjoy it!

"You know, when you asked me to come over, I didn't think we were going to be spying on your daughter," Freddie hissed to Sam as she crept along the basement wall.

"Shut up Benson, you're lucky I invited you at all!" Sam whispered back, not bothering to turn around to actually talk to him.

With eyes gleaming Sam refocused her thoughts on her daughter Eva, who had her "friend" Matty over. Sam however was much too clever and noticed how deeply Matty had blushed when Eva suggested they go down to the basement to "watch a movie". Yes, Sam was positive that her only daughter was about to have her first kiss! And there was no way in hell Sam was missing that.

Today also happened to be the day Sam invited Freddie over for coffee, a plan that had turned into them secretly stalking her daughter.

Freddie sighed and pressed a button on his watch that briefly lit up the time, reminding Freddie that he had nowhere to be. With no girlfriend, no work today, his mother back in Seattle, and not even a pet back at his apartment, he really had no reason not to stay.

Letting his eyes briefly roam over Sam's body while she was distracted, Freddie couldn't help but wonder if he would leave if he did have an excuse. It's not like spying on people with the still very-attractive-single-hilarious-crazy-and-fun-Sam was a burden. It was just kind of creepy. However he could tell old feelings were resurfacing, ones he thought he banished a long time ago.

In the living room that was at the end of the hallway two teenagers were rolling around on the floor wrestling with each other and laughing.

"I'm SO stronger than you!" Eva bragged as she sat on top of Matty, who had his face mashed to the floor while she proudly gloated.

"No you aren't!" protested Matty, slowly pulling his head up.

"I totally am, you just won't admit it you weak little-AHHHHHH!" abruptly Matty jumped up, sending Eva flying off his back and hitting the couch.

"Are you hurt?" asked Matty alarmed, quickly seeing Eva curled up next to the couch.

Eva's head snapped up, her brown eyes gleaming. "No but you're gonna be!" With that she flung herself at him, tackling him from the front and sending them both to the ground.

The two hit the ground laughing and squirming, both trying to get away from each other. In trying to get away from Matty's grasp Eva managed to yank an arm out, disrupting her balance and causing her to flop forward on to him.

Both Matty and Eva turned bright red when she looked up at him and realized just how close they were. Gently Matty pushed them both up with one arm, keeping the other arm on Eva's forearm and holding her.

The two sat together, Eva practically sitting on Matty's lap and his hand now moved to her hip where it barely rested, almost hovering. They stayed like that for a few seconds, their wide eyes both turned away from one another, except for quick glances they'd steal.

"You can kiss me if you want," whispered Eva, trying not to cringe at the words as they came out of her mouth. They sounded so cheesy, and she was pretty sure they came from some TV show her mom used to secretly watch. Joy or Jump or some weird thing like that. Either way, things like that did not usually come out of her mouth, because she didn't usually kiss guys. Ok, she never kissed guys. It's not like she was off kissing girls, she was usually too busy doing something a little more exciting, like practicing her hip hop routine, or planning elaborate pranks to pull on nerds like her mom's friends Freddie and Gibby.

Actually Freddie wasn't a total nerd. He dressed sort of dorky, but still managed to look hot and always made her mom laugh and stuff. Eva secretly hoped her mom fell in love with Freddie, because he would definitely make a much better dad than the one who left years ago and only called whenever he moved to another city in hopes of becoming an actor.

"I want to," Matty assured her, snapping her out of her daydreaming, "I'm just really nervous."

"Me too," admitted Eva with a slight blush.

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" Matty asked quietly, hiding behind his long brown bangs tipped red, a similar style to most of the boys in her class.

"No," replied Eva, in a voice she was sure he could barely hear, especially she was hiding behind her own hair, except her long blonde curly hair did a better job.

"Cool, me neither," he brought his face up to smile at her, at the same time she peeked out from her hair. Smiling at each other the two sat for a few seconds, neither making a move.

"So are you going to kiss me?" asked Eva a bit impatiently, a trait she'd most certainly inherited from her mother.

"Ummmm…it's ok. You can kiss me," Matty suggested, shaking his bangs out of his face to look at her hopefully.

But Eva shook her head impatiently, "It doesn't work like that, trust me."

"How do you know?"

"My mom told me about her first kiss!" Eva smiled blissfully at the thought, it was sooooo romantic! Meanwhile two adults hiding in the hallway just feet away both stiffened up.

"What happened with her?" asked Matty raising an eyebrow suspiciously. Eva wasn't known for telling the truth; she could easily be tricking him into making him make the first move.

"Ok, well it went like this; her friend Freddie was getting beat up by a big jock, who everyone thought was a total jackass! Lots of people were just watching this guy, and some, like Carly my mom's best friend were totally freaking out, but my mom slapped that huge jerk and started yelling at him!" Freddie's eyebrows furrowed in the darkness, wondering exactly this ordeal had happened.

"This sounds real romantic," Matty muttered sarcastically.

"Shut up and let me finish! Anyways, then, she was yelling at him and right in the middle of her yelling he picked her up and kissed her! She slapped him again when he pulled away, but he ended up asking her out, and he was secretly a really nice guy, and they went to prom together and one da-"

"That is not what happened at all!" In the middle of Eva's sentence Freddie burst out from the dark hallway, pulling Sam with him.

As soon as they were in the bright light of the living room, Sam smacked Freddie upside the head; hissing at him, "You blew our cover dweeb!"

Matty jumped up, his eyes darting back and forth between the two adults nervously. "H-H-How long have you guys been there?"

"Long enough." Sam smirked, causing both teens to blush a bright crimson.

"Matty, I'm really sorry, my mom is a total creep," Eva glared at Sam, who smiled innocently.

"I just wanted to watch my one and only daughter have her first kiss! Too bad you guys were too suckish to go through with it," Sam sighed dramatically and flopped on the couch.

"Well maybe if you had told your daughter the truth about your first kiss, this wouldn't be a problem!" Freddie defended, whining a little.

"What was your real first kiss like?" Matty blurted out, hiding back behind his bangs when everyone turned and stared.

"It was with me! On my fire escape!" Freddie proclaimed.

"What?" asked Eva eagerly, already forgetting that Sam had lied to her. This was exciting news!

"I felt sorry for the poor nerd."

"It was your first kiss too Sam!"

Watching them Matty giggled quietly, the sound turning Sam around to face him with a glare on her face. "What's so funny Emo Hair?"

Matty's eyes widened in fear and Eva groaned at her friend's new nickname. "Nothing!" he squeaked, plopping down on the couch, deciding that this was definitely not the right time to tell them they'd make a really awesome couple.

"Look, it went like this," Sam started with a bored sigh, "First off, Freddie pulled off the best prank he's ever done, handcuffing me to Gibby."

"Nice one!"

"Did I say you could talk Emo Hair?"

"I guess not…"

"That's right. So shut it."

"Yes, Sa-"

Sam shot the young boy another death glare, freezing him in the middle of his sentence.

"I mean, yes Mrs. Puckett," Eva buried her head in a mess of hair and fingers, trying to hide her shame. There was no way Matt was ever going to kiss her now. Or even talk to her. He'd probably run soon as her mom stopped talking and never come back. Plus he'd tell everyone at school how lame and creepy her mom was! They'd all alienate her, causing her to become a total outcast and have no friends for the rest of her school existence! Her life was so over.

"Anyways, to get revenge on Freddie I told everyone that he had never kissed a girl."

"Mom! That's so mean!"

"And it was live on iCarly!" Freddie added, still sounding bitter and jaded.

"Mom! That's horrible!"

"The dork deserved it!"

"I did not!"
"You so did Freddifer!"

"I so didn't!" Freddie snapped, mocking Sam's tone.

"Let's face it, you did."

"How does this lead to a kiss?" Matty asked tentatively, stopping Freddie from continuing the argument with Sam. Sam rolled her eyes at the question, and finished her story.

"So then, Carls made me feel really bad about the whole thing so on the next iCarly I told everyone I'd never kissed anyone either…"

"And that you were wrong! You said it was wrong to tell the whole viewing audience about my lack of kissing!"

"SHUT UP AND LET ME FINISH!" Matty shrank back into the couch at Sam's harsh tone despite the fact it wasn't directed at him while Eva flopped down beside him, realizing this story could take a while. Freddie smirked at Sam, who luckily, didn't notice.

"ANYWAYS, after that, I went to the fire escape, where Freddie was pouting. I apologized for it again, even though he'd watched the show, and for a bunch of other stuff. He said how it'd be weird if I didn't make his life miserable all the time, blah, blah, blah, and we decided we should kiss. Just to get it over with."

"Awwwwweeeeeeeeee," Eva cooed beaming up at the two adults who were both purposely avoiding eye contact with each other and everyone else in the room.

"That's pretty cool," added Matty, who, Eva noticed, had not moved away from her, but had actually moved closer! Maybe he didn't mind all this craziness?

"Yea it was pretty cool," Freddie said smiling at Matty, but still not looking at Sam. Hopefully she wouldn't punch him for that comment.

Secretly he'd always really enjoyed their first kiss and how perfect and right it felt. Which, considering what a mess their relationship had always seemed to be, was kind of ironic.

Sam pushed Freddie gently, just enough to make him stumble a bit. "Oh please, we all know it was the best kiss of your life."

Before the two could start fighting again Eva piped up, "Well that's even better than the story you told me mom! And so cute!"

Redirecting her attention to her daughter Sam nodded, "And it was no big deal, kissing someone isn't some huge thing," Looking a bit disappointed Freddie nodded beside. Apparently the kiss had meant more to him than it had to her. Not surprising.

"It seems like a big deal," muttered Matty, ducking behind his fringe once again.

"It's not! See, watch this!" Sam closed the short space between her and Freddie in just one step and pressed her lips to his, catching the brunette off guard, his eyes open wide.

"See no big deal," Sam said a little breathlessly when she abruptly pulled away. Freddie still stared at her with big, shocked eyes, but she turned back to the kids like it was nothing. It was in fact, their second kiss ever.

Matty raised an eyebrow suspiciously, "But wasn't it weird after you kissed the first time? Cuz you guys were friends?"

"We went right back to normal. Well I went back to being awesome, and Freddie went back to being a total loser!"

Sam turned to Freddie for a reaction, but he wasn't listening to her at all, his eyes glazed and unfocused as they stared at indistinctive spot on the wall.

In Freddie's head he could see him, Sam and Eva going on a picnic and getting into a food fight, having a dunk contest at the swimming pool, laughing together at a movie, and outside in the middle of an epic snowball fight.

All these things had happened, but his active imagination tweaked them; Sam kissing the spot on his face where he'd gotten hit with bacon, Sam wearing that really sexy bikini just for him, Eva snuggled up next to him during the movie like he was her dad, and Sam kissing him with her icy lips when she tackled him in the snow.

"NERD!" Sam shouted in his face, clearly not impressed that he wasn't paying attention to her. Freddie blinked, surprised to see his dream right in front of him. Smiling at her annoyed expression he grabbed her by her arms and kissed her, right on those perfect lips. Somewhere in the background Eva gasped and Matty cheered, but Freddie barely heard them.

For once Freddie Benson was living his dream.

Reviews are love! :D