
My Thoughts, Exactly.


What would become of me?

The two of us were the same. We were identical. We had the closest personality no other twin brothers had.

We were inseparable.

But, something went wrong.

I, Kaoru Hitachiin, made a mistake.

I only wanted him to get rid of his ego, for him to be more selfless,

to be less immature.

I only wanted him to be happy, to let him feel something so fulfilling and wonderful..

something more than excitement itself.

But, maybe he took a step forward.

Hikaru took a step forward.

And let me fall behind.

What about me?



This was my thoughts about episode 21 of Ouran High School Host Club. That was the time when Haruhi, Kaoru and Hikaru went into a courage test. And, it's about Kaoru thinking about the pumpkin carriage and all. I just gave emphasis into what he was thinking back then. And, it really struck me, hard. Anyway, as usual, this was short. But, I made a fanfiction about a usual daily basis about Ouran. I'll post it up soon, I guess. R&R!