A/N: First off, I'm humbly sorry for how long it took me to update. I have some serious writer's block I need to pound through, so hopefully I'll be back to speed soon. Secondly, sorry for how short this chapter is. It's a little – different, but it is part of the story so hopefully it doesn't get frowned upon too much. Reviews are always welcome, so don't hesitate to kick my ass if you don't like what you read or to praise me if you do. (By praise I mean give friendly compliments lol.)

Also not to spoil, but a reminder – later on in the chapter they mention a juicer with a penis. Out of context this reference is a tad weird, so to those who haven't read the first fic 'Stubborn or Heroic Why Does Lassie Keep Staring?' then I have the responsibility to tell you that the juicer is an element from that fic. While just as crude as it sounds is not something I conjured up out of left field for the hell of it.

~Enjoy the chapter!


Disclaimer: I do not own Psych. Even though I want too, I do however own the two OCs in this chapter, and while I already know Ray seems to be accepted as an okay piece of work by my readers. I'm not sure how y'all are going to respond to Scott. That's right Scott. Read on for further details. ^_^


Shawn had put the little crane in his desk drawer, unsure of whether or not he should show Lassie right away. Truthfully showing Lassie would be the smart thing to do, but Shawn did have appearances to keep up – though he hated it more and more with each day.

Maybe I should just come clean?

Nah, he couldn't. Lassie would kill him – seriously kill him, then Gus, followed by Jules, and then the Chief. Then his dad would laugh and leave, and Shawn would die cold and alone in jail. It was a bone chilling thought, but compared to all of the people Shawn had helped in his 'career' he'd rather die a liar. Even if lying to Lassie now hurt like a bitch.

He left his office then, unsure of what to do or who to call, Ray said he'd be in touch but what exactly was he supposed to do until then? That question was answered quickly enough however, when Shawn decided to head back to the apartment. He was in the process of letting himself in when suddenly the door swung open and Ray was standing in his threshold. Shawn who still had his key held up in mid air frowned.

"You're in my apartment."

Ray shrugged "I didn't have your phone number." He then stepped aside to let Shawn in; Shawn kept his eyes on Ray and was immediately a bit weary.

"Why are you in my apartment Ray?"

At this Ray directed Shawn's attention to the guest room. "Just setting up- go take a look."

Curious, Shawn ventured to the guest room and peered inside, again he frowned and he turned on Ray. "The hell did you do to it?"

The guestroom had been completely invaded, the bed sheets had been changed, random clothes had been strewn all over the floor, a CD player had been perched on the dresser, and the wall was covered with various posters. Some of the posters were of classic rock bands, a few more were of rappers, and at least one was a sports illustrated swim suit model.

"It looks like a teenager lives in there." Shawn didn't sound impressed, but mostly he was confused.

"A teenager does live in there." Ray answered "Your teenager actually."

The hell was Ray going on about? "Get to the point." Shawn was antsy, and that's when Ray called out.

"Scott come and introduce your self!"

Shawn blinked – what? That's when a boy roughly 15 came sauntering out of the kitchen, he was eating a single grape and looked way too comfortable. Like he had been hanging out at the apartment for awhile. 'Scott' moved to stand next to Ray and Shawn saw the familiarities straight away, the way Scott stood, from the way Scott stared Shawn down. Scott was Ray's son.

"I'm Scott." The kid waved.

"I got that much." Shawn answered, and he gave Ray a confused look.

"My boy Scott here is going to be your watch dog." Ray explained. "For the next 4 weeks, he's posing as your foster son."

"But he's your son." Shawn countered "Shouldn't your son be living with you – how the hell are you even a parent?"

"I'm not going into my life's story with you." Ray said. "This is my son Scott, he's training, and he's here for the next 4 weeks on stake out. He's been instructed to call me at the first sign of anything or anyone suspicious lurking the premises."

At that Scott just gave another little wave to remind the two men that he was still there, he even gave a sarcastic little "Yeah Scott – that's me."

Shawn saw a problem with this, why exactly was a teenager being trained? And for what exactly?

"You look concerned." Ray didn't make it a question.

"Uh – ch-yeah I'm concerned, there's a teenager in my apartment, one that – and no offence kid, but one that I didn't exactly expect. Or want. Does Lassie know about this? Have you called Lassie?"

"Whose Lassie?" Scott perked up a bit. "Is she cute?"

"Lassie's my boyfriend." Shawn said quickly enough, Scott just answered with a little 'o' face and got quiet again.

"I'll call your detective if that's what you're worried about." Ray said. "Until then, stick around a bit; learn some details about Scott you might have to remember later. Remember I'm only doing this to keep you alive."

"What about my friends?" Shawn interjected "They all know I'm not a foster parent, how the hell do I explain Scott's existence to them?"

"Scott -answer the question please." Ray turned the floor over to Scott, who cleared his throat before speaking.

"To any individual who is not directly involved with the case at hand, I am your foster child. I have documents in my bag supporting this fact; your 'application' to become a foster parent was approved 3 months ago."

"I never filed an application." Shawn said.

"It's all been taken care of." Ray assured him. "Just stick to that story, and in 4 weeks, little 'troubled' Scott will have run away through no fault of your own. You're not made out to be a bad guy, you don't have any actual responsibility to Scott, all you have to do is just let him stay here."

"Only if Lassie says yes." Shawn fell back on Lassiter immediately; Lassiter would never go for something like this, especially since it was something that went out of its way to make a mockery out of the justice system….right? …Right?

"You've GOT to be kidding me? !" Shawn nearly hollered later that evening when Lassiter had returned home. Like Shawn – Lassiter had been confused as to why there was suddenly a teenager in his house. Ray was long gone by then but Scott was still around, and he happily explained what he was doing there.

The second Lassiter agreed was the second Shawn had dragged him into their bedroom to hash it out. "You're seriously saying yes to this?" Shawn didn't like that at all.

"Yes, I'm seriously saying yes to this." Lassiter said. "As horrible as it sounds – I actually trust Ray, to a degree."

"You trust him?" Shawn's eyebrows vanished into his brow. "Since when do you trust perfect strangers?"

"Since these perfect strangers have a track record of keeping my boyfriend alive." Lassiter answered. "This isn't an ideal situation, but having an extra pair of eyes around here isn't such a bad idea."

"I don't get it." Shawn sighed "You're usually the first one denying help, I mean I love you – but I know you, you're hating this situation right now."

"I do hate it, however – think about the balance of power here. I can't exactly march up to the chief and say 'this is what's happening', the man is bloody assassin. Are you interested in getting killed? No. Neither am I; I'm also interested in not seeing you behind bars."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shawn asked immediately.

"He's posing as a foster child, if any of us were to fess up, it can get bad. Being charged for fraud? Probably not fun. So not only is he posing as YOUR foster child, but he has documents with YOUR name on them. The evidence is built up."

"You're a cop Lassie." Shawn pointed that out right away. "And you know those documents are fake."

"Exactly, I KNEW they were fake; so now hypothetically -we're both getting charged."

At that Shawn smiled despite what they were arguing about. "You'd lie to keep me out of prison?"

"In this situation –yes, because it's beyond our control. Now if you were to do something completely stupid on your accord I honestly couldn't help you."

For brief second Shawn had considered telling Lassiter everything, but then Lassiter said that and Shawn retreated. Nope. He was still going out a liar. That was close though.

"Noted." Shawn said, and he gave Lassiter a smile. He then got back to the matter at hand. "Alright, we're both in this – we might want to get out there and actually talk to the kid."

"Good idea." Lassiter answered. "You go first."

"Wait why me?"

"I don't talk to teenagers." Lassiter got defensive. "The most I've done with a teenager is restrain them from doing something stupid, and drive them home. Believe me when I say that their parents are never happy to see me."

Shawn chuckled at that, but none the less he nodded. "Okay me first." He turned and opened the door, poking his head out of the room he saw Scott sitting on the couch; watching television, and drinking a glass of juice.

"Hey" Shawn greeted, "You found my juicer."

"Yeah it's pretty funny." Scott commented. "The penis? Kind of gay though, don't you think?"

"It really hadn't occurred to me." Shawn said. "That doesn't make you uncomfortable does it?"

"Nope." Scott answered. "My dad and Terry were together for roughly five years, I'm used to it. Just hang a sock on the door or something."

At this point Lassiter had walked up behind Shawn and for now was just observing their conversation, which was a weird one. Shawn had barely moved from under the threshold of their bedroom and Scott had yet to lift his eyes from the television.

"Terry?" Shawn said. "I didn't know that about Ray, you said they were together? Can I ask what happened?"

Lassiter quickly whispered in his ear that Terry had been killed by Don, a fact he only knew because it was mentioned in passing when Ray and Lassiter first met. Shawn made a long 'o' face followed very quickly by a "nevermind."

"I'm not going to bite." Scott said suddenly "You guys can come and sit down."

Lassiter and Shawn shared a hesitant look, neither men really sure how to act around a 15 year old. It was Shawn who dived in first, taking Lassiter by the hand and guiding him to the couch to sit down. The three of them stared ahead, Scott leaned back with his arms crossed and Shawn and Lassiter leaning forward looking uncomfortable.

"So Scott…" Lassiter eventually asked. "You're Canadian?"

"For the most part." Scott answered "With my dad's line of work, you move around a lot."

"Oh." said Lassiter "So it's kind of like having a military dad?"

"Nope, when my dad does a job only one person dies." Scott sounded so casual about that, it irked Shawn a bit – teenagers should not be that comfortable talking about death.

"Tell me what it was like." Shawn wasn't sure why he was asking. "Growing up with a dad like Ray – it can't be normal."

"It was fine." Scott said. "He's my dad, he's my dad and right now I'm helping him on a job. That's all you need to know."

Scott didn't exactly shut them out, but he did leave little room for communication. He stood up then and stretched. "Going to my room, knock if you need me."

"Shouldn't we talk more?" Shawn was up to. "Get some details on you, you know – in case people ask…?"

"Not today." Scott answered. "Today I'm getting settled, tonight I do my first watch, and then tomorrow we can dish it all out."

"I'd rather dish now." Shawn didn't like the way Scott was speaking to him, thus he challenged the boy. "While we're all still here."

"Nope." Said Scott. "Don't feel like it, going to my room now." He gave a cocky grin and turned on his heel, Shawn made a move to stop him but Lassiter put his hand on Shawn's arm.

"Tomorrow." Lassiter said. "Just give it a night, okay?"

"One night." Shawn reluctantly agreed. "One night – but tomorrow? I'm getting my way."

Lassiter grinned at him, a stupid grin Shawn had never seen before.

"That's a new look." Shawn commented. "Did my head grow a chocolate bar?"

"No." Lassiter said. "Just laughing at you."

"Oh." Shawn said. "Wait why?"

"Because you're Shawn Spencer; care free, charismatic, over the top eccentric – but left with a teenager for longer then a few hours and you turn into Henry Spencer."

Shawn froze, and he thought about it. "Dude….so NOT cool that you just said that."

Lassiter's only response was to just give Shawn a kiss. "Don't worry about it." Lassiter encouraged. "Your dad isn't an unattractive male; if you get your looks from him too, I might not put a bag on your head later in life."

Lassiter walked away then, chuckling, leaving Shawn baffled. "Not cool Lassie!"