-Okay, so this fic is a TRI-QUEL, meaning that there are two before it. Now, to understand it you don't have to read the first instalment found in my profile called "Stubborn or Heroic Why Does Lassie Keep Staring?." – However if you want to get past the first few paragraphs of this fic with out assuming this new 'Ray' character is a shameless Gary Sue and just clicking the back button then PLEASE. Go to my profile and give "Old Scars New Friends Down Lassie!" a read. Thanks!

As always reviews are encouraged! Please enjoy the chapter!



Tokyo Japan was as busy a night scene as any other big city in the world. The night clubs were filled with party goers and the streets were filled to the brim with late night traffic. The excessive honking of car horns mixed with dull throbbing techno music went unnoticed by the scene's regulars. However for one Ray Dunn it was a metronome. Nothing more then a concentration point for his next shot.

The G.A.S agent was perched high up in the Tokyo tower, low to the floor with his rifle aimed. He searched through the scope intently, passing over every pedestrian out tonight – searching and knowing that his target would be among them. Finally he saw her, the raven haired girl he knew to have worked with former G.A.S agent Don Lauren.

Takaha Kanno was her name, and like Don Lauren before her – she was a snake. Ray kept his sites on her for a good period of time – following her with his scope until she was in the clear. After about 45 seconds Ray had a shot. He pulled the trigger. The girl was down. Ray was done.

Ray watched through the scope down as the girl that was walking with her suddenly screamed, and turned to her fallen a friend – the other girl must've been no older then 17, which confused Ray. He didn't know Takaha to fraternize with minors. Something wasn't right. Ray cursed under his breathe, and following his gut, he did the one thing G.A.S agents weren't supposed to do – he got close to the crime scene. He blended into the background, having left his weapon up in the tower for pick up later. He watched as police and CSI swarmed the body like flies, and when they finally turned the girl over Ray's suspicion was confirmed. The girl he killed wasn't Takaha Kanno. Dammit.

Ray was off then, disappearing into an alley and stalking down it as he pulled out his phone pressing the first number on his speed dial. The voice to answer was male.


"I got the wrong shot." Ray said "It was a decoy, Kanno isn't on scene."

"Your orders?"

"Pull up all previous accounts; make sure they're all balanced."

"Right now Sir?" The operator sounded unsure, and if Ray was there he would've hit him.

"Yes, now. I want the last three transactions listed."

"Yes sir."

There were a few moments of silence then, and Ray could hear his tech typing away until finally the tech spoke again.

"There was a withdrawal from the Lauren account."

"Where?" Ray demanded.

"Tokyo Air."


"Give me another minute."

There was more silence then as the tech started typing again.

"Well?" Ray pressed for an answer, rolling his eyes when the tech sighed at him.

"Santa Barbara California."

"You're sure?" Ray needed to be a sure.

"There's a reason I was hired here." The tech reminded Ray, "Shall I get you a ticket?"

"No, I'll take care of that myself thanks." Ray hung up, but he didn't put down his phone. He knew how Takaha played the game and he wasn't ready to take chances – he dialled another number.

"Detective Lassiter" Lassiter's voice sounded just as Ray recalled from 6 months ago, demanding and arrogant.

"Ray Dunn." Ray wasn't beating around the bush. He could hear Lassiter's breathe quicken just a hitch.

"Oh – hey mom, how are you?" Lassiter kept his voice steady, which impressed Ray – a tad, and the detective didn't give any indication he was talking to anyone suspicious.

Good boy.

"I'm coming back to Santa Barbara." Ray said "Clear your schedule tomorrow night."

"That sounds great mom…but I'm kind of on a case." Lassiter sounded weary then, and he had every reason to.

"Pass the case onto your partner." Ray didn't make it a question. "There's a very good chance that your psychic's in danger again – and I doubt even he's going to see this one coming."

There was no long moment of silence; Lassiter didn't need to think about. Ray knew how Lassiter felt about Spencer – which was why he had immediately wagged the psychic in front of the detective like bait. It was a guarantee to have Lassiter bite.

"When and where?" Lassiter asked.

Ray gave Lassiter a time and place, and hung up leaving Lassiter sitting at his desk with a dry mouth. Unlike Tokyo, Santa Barbara was currently midday. Sunlight was pouring over every building and person. It was beautiful really, the sunshine seeming to be infectious. Thus making everyone currently around detective Lassiter seem even that more annoying. So it really didn't help that Lassiter had just gotten what he was now referring to as 'the call of death.'

Putting his phone down on his desk, Lassiter inwardly groaned – why was Ray Dunn calling him? Why? 6 months had gone by and Lassiter had been sure that he was in the clear of that whole G.A.S mess. This wasn't fair. Lassiter's expression soured greatly, a move that didn't go unnoticed by Juliet.

"What's with the look?" Her voice was accompanied by the same faint laugh she always had whenever she wasn't sure how to approach a person.

"Just tired from the case." Lassiter lied, "How'd the witness report go?"

"Pretty good actually." Juliet announced "I think I might have a lead."

"Really?" Lassiter sounded hopeful; if this thing could be solved by tomorrow night then he wouldn't have to worry about Ray too much.

"Yeah – witness said she saw a man in a red sweater leaving the convenient store across the street shortly after the shots went off. I'm heading there now to see if the store had any cameras, and maybe get identification."

"Yes." Lassiter said "That is exactly what I wanted to hear! - …Hey um, do you mind if I take off? I'm not feeling too well." Another lie.

"Sure I guess." Juliet didn't seem to mind. "I'll just grab up McNabb – see you tomorrow?"

"We'll see." Lassiter had his jacket and was standing. "I'm sorry about this."

"Oh don't be." Juliet; insisted "I sill owe you from the week I had bronchitis."

Which was coincidentally the same week this whole thing with Ray first took place - wicked.

He bid Juliet goodbye and was quick to get home, he needed to think, to clear his head, and try to ready himself for whatever Ray Dunn had to say. Because it couldn't be anything good. Lassiter pushed through his door – and was suddenly surprised to find that Shawn was home.

"Lassie you're early!" Shawn looked happy, and he leapt from the couch to plant a big fat kiss right on Lassiter's mouth. For that brief moment Lassiter's mind did indeed clear, and Lassiter had to kiss back. Shawn home after such a disturbing call was more then welcome, Lassiter was comfortable again and he slipped easily into domestic mode.

"I wasn't feeling too well." Again Lassiter lied "So I turned everything over to O'Hara for the rest of the day."

"Oh." Shawn frowned a bit then. "You're sick? Awww man and I kissed you! Now I'm going to get sick. This so isn't fair Lassie."

"You're just the sweetest thing." Lassiter used sarcasm "You really know how to make a man feel welcome in his own home."

Shawn grinned, and offered a shrug "I learned from the best – now how sick are we talking? 'Oh-my-lanta I have a cold', or bring in the hazmat suits and the hose?"

"Just run down." Lassiter admitted, "Was thinking of just relaxing."

Shawn smiled then and taking both of Lassiter's hands he started leading him through the house.

"Wait where are we going?" Lassiter suddenly asked – as if he had to, he wasn't surprised when their trip ended in the bedroom.

"To the relaxation chamber." Shawn used a low voice, "I'm going to take care of you Lassie."

"Oh really?" Lassiter said "Wasn't it just this morning you told me to be home by 9pm sharp for a rough game of cops and robbers?"

"Yes, but it's not 9 yet – its midday, so we're doing this for now."

"It is midday." Lassiter repeated "Which pegs the question – why are you here?"

"Gus got asked to do an afternoon route." Shawn explained. "So I'm hanging out. Now – if you please, get on the bed Lassie."

Lassiter obliged and sat on the edge of the bed. Shawn sat on the foot of the bed and crossed his legs. "So what'll it be; body massage, blow job, ocean noises?"

"Neither." Lassiter said "Just a nap."

Shawn frowned again, and this time instead of playing the sweet boyfriend turned on Lassiter in an instant. "What aren't you telling me?"

How the hell does he do that?

"Okay -okay." Lassiter fessed up. "I got a call today – from Ray."

A moment of silence.

"Ray." Shawn said "Ray – the Canadian in the SUV?"

"Same one." Lassiter said truthfully. He didn't want to get too far into it; Shawn only knew what he was told. Having been drugged up by Don at the time the details to that scenario were still shaky for the psychic. Lassiter had hoped to keep it that way for as long as possible.

"What does he want?" Shawn asked then "Seriously – what could he possibly want? It's been over 6 months."

"I know that, but he wants to meet me." Lassiter said. "Gave me a place and time and everything."

"You're not going are you?" Shawn looked worried.

"I think I have to." Lassiter said regretfully "I'm not happy about it either – but…"

"But what?"

"He thinks, someone could be after you – again."

Shawn sighed, and surprisingly instead of just getting up and walking away he leaned in and gave Lassiter another kiss, gentler this time and he let it linger. Giving Lassiter just enough time to kiss back and let his eyes slide closed. "What else is new?" Shawn then chuckled against Lassiter's lips and gave him one more tiny peck.

Lassiter shivered, that kiss – oh that kiss. How was kiss that good even possible? Lassiter didn't know. There was no question in his mind now, Lassiter would do anything to keep Shawn breathing, and close to him. He had to. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you this time." Lassiter promised.

"I believe you Lassie." Shawn said, "But don't worry about me. This is an equality thing okay? I'll help in any way I can."

"I don't want you to get hurt." Lassiter protested, and when Shawn smiled this time Lassiter frowned.

"If I can control it, I will not be hurt." Shawn held up his hand in a scout's honour. "Now promise me you'll let me come with you to see Ray tomorrow, that or to at least call me the second you're heading home so I can come meet you."

Both of those options seemed too dangerous for Lassiter, but Shawn was grown man – he couldn't keep him locked up. "I'll call you." Lassiter promised. Shawn kissed him again, and this time Lassiter grabbed a hold of both of Shawn's arms and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss until he couldn't breathe. Shawn moaned against him and Lassiter's response was to turn them so that Shawn was lying under him, and he was kissing down his neck.

"Let's change the subject now." Lassiter encouraged "– and since we're both here, we might as well have a nooner." He kissed Shawn again even though Shawn had started to laugh.

"Lassie just said nooner." Shawn giggled, and Lassiter rolled his eyes.

"Never mind that now Spencer Just take your clothes off."

"Yes sir!"

After the deed, Shawn had fallen into a content sleep against Lassiter's chest. Lassiter lied awake holding Shawn to him with one arm his fingers gently sliding against the skin of Shawn's forearm in a slow rhythm, he couldn't stop thinking about Ray. Lassiter sighed, whether he liked it or not though tomorrow night he had to get up and meet Ray the following evening. It just sucked. Like – really, the feeling Lassiter had in his gut now was one he couldn't describe. Finally though he turned his head a bit to regard Shawn's sleeping form, what was that weird saying Shawn had started saying recently? Oh yeah –
