"He's gone."

Rachel was momentarily stunned out of words (which didn't happen often.) When she regained composure, her eyes bugged out of their sockets, "What do you mean gone?"

"What do you think I mean," Annabeth bit out, anxiously. "He's gone - as in, gone, lost, disappeared."

The mist flickered between the two, slightly. "Have you checked the bathtub?"

Annabeth let out a strangled noise, that could have been a sob. "We've checked the whole camp! He isn't anywhere!" Rachel was about to comment, but Annabeth continued, "All his stuff is still in his cabin, so he couldn't have run away, he would have taken his things."

"I don't know," Rachel said, her eyebrows crinkling in thoughtfulness, "I've learned long ago not to base Percy's actions to those of a normal human being."

There was another sob.

"But I don't think he ran away," the redhead amended quickly. "Why would he? You two didn't have a fight or anything, did you?"

"No! Everything was perfectly normal. I don't understand it," Annabeth admitted, reluctantly.

"Maybe he was taken," Rachel suggested.

Annabeth shook her head, "The gods wouldn't do that. Not after all he's done for Olympus. Impossible."

"Do you really believe that?"

"Not really. Rachel, what am I going to do?"

"You're Annabeth Chase," Rachel said, confidently. "And you're going to find him. I'll be at camp in a few days."

There was barely any time for Annabeth to respond because Rachel disconnected the Iris message, her confidence dropping considerably.

He was gone?