Disclaimer: All characters and elements the magical world you recognize belong to the amazing JK Rowling, not me (unfortunately). Much of the dialogue is from Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, in Snape's Worst Memory, I just put it in to my story to tell the story from Remus' point of view. Fear not, however, the rest of the story will be mine (with the exception of characters and setting)… Now, without further ado…

The Wolf and the Doe

thus leaving the victim immobile with no means to protect themselves. While this is a very useful spell to use in self-defense, there remains some controversy over the fact that the Petrificus Totalus jinx renders the victim completely vulnerable to any attack the aggressor may have in mind. Though Petrificus Totalus is a fairly popular, simple jinx, the controversy surrounding its use is still debated today.

Remus Lupin leaned back against his chair, scratching his chin with the tip of his quill. Was his conclusion truly strong enough? The week before full moon wasn't exactly the most preferred time to sit the O., and Remus doubted that his writing skills –while still miles beyond that of his friends James Potter and Sirius Black, and lightyears away from the ability of Peter Pettigrew- were in top form. And Remus Lupin needed top form. After all, he would need a miracle for anyone to even consider hiring a werewolf for even the simplest of jobs.

"Five more minutes!" Professor Flitwick cried out.

Remus reread the conclusion and decided it would have to do. It was, after all, Defense Against the Dark Arts – his best subject – and something as trivial as a few simple sentences on the last question would do no harm to the "O" he was sure to achieve.

He set down his quill and peered around the Great Hall at his fellow classmates. A gleam of auburn caught his eye from three seats away.

Lily Evans.

She was bent over her exam, her dark red hair cascading down her shoulders. She had one hand on her head, holding her hair away from her face as she jiggled her foot in time to the tapping of her quill. Remus couldn't see her face, but he knew she would be biting the corner of her bottom lip, freckled nose crinkled in thought. He lost his train of thought for a moment, watching the synchronization of Lily's restless movements.

Guiltily, he pulled himself out of his reverie; he knew for a fact that at least one other person was staring at her this intensely, and that that person, one of his best mates, had much more of a right to.

James, however, seemed completely absorbed in his test. This was highly unlikely; he was probably making up the list of things he and Sirius would need for their next prank.

This left Remus with a rare moment to openly admire Lily Evans from afar without feeling guilty.

Unfortunately, this opportunity was dashed as soon as it was presented as Flitwick called time and collected their parchments, succeeding in knocking himself over backwards.

Remus tore his eyes away from the back of Lily's head and began packing up his things, forcing his mind to focus back on reality.

He waited until a good portion of the students had left before getting up and joining James, Sirius, and Peter.

"So…" Sirius said, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Did you like question ten, Moony?"

Remus nodded sharply, giving a small smile. "Loved it. 'Give five signs that identify the werewolf.' Excelent question."

James' eyes widened in mock-seriousness. "D'you think you managed to get all the signs?"

"Think I did." Remus grinned and began ticking off the different signs on his fingers. "One: He's sitting on my chair. Two: He's wearing my clothes. Three: His name's Remus Lupin…"

The three of them howled with laughter, though Peter looked seriously concerned.

"I got the snout shape, the pupils of the eyes, and the tufted tail," he said anxiously, "but I couldn't think what else-"

"How thick are you, Wormtail?" James cried impatiently. "You run 'round with a werewolf once a month-"

"Keep your voice down," Remus implored, looking anxiously around to make sure none of the other students had heard.

The stepped through the great double doors into the blinding sunlight, making their way towards the lake.

"Well, I thought that paper was a piece of cake," Sirius said, tossing his head arrogantly. "I'll be surprised if I don't get an outstanding on it at least."

Remus tuned out the other boys' conversation, already knowing what they would be saying.

They make their way to their beach tree – and yes, it was considered by 95% of the Hogwarts population to be their tree, Sirius and James had made sure of that.

Remus had a feeling he knew why James had chosen this tree; it had to do with the group of girls walking ahead of them.

Lily Evans, along with eight or nine other girls from various other houses – Lily was practically the poster child for inter-house unity - , was quite fond of sitting by the lake and cooling her feet in the water, not too far from where the boys sat.

Not that Remus was complaining…

They reached the tree and threw themselves down carelessly on the long grass. Remus propped himself up against the tree trunk and pulled out a book. He pretended to read as James played with his famed stolen Snitch, much to the amusement of Peter.

Remus alternated between "reading", keeping an eye on James, and stealing lingering glances at the girls by the water. Or, if he was being completely honest with himself – which he tried to be, against his better judgment – Lily.

She had her socks and shoes off – hers were the red striped pair lying neatly on top of her shoes – and was dangling her feet down in the water; her toenail polish – as bright and quirky as ever- sparkled in the sun. He knew for a fact that it was purple this week, it was part of her routine: purple, red, red and yellow, then all the house colors together, and then purple again. Not that he would ever admit to knowing that… People already questioned his sexual preferences… Plus, it made him sound like a freak stalker…

Remus could bet what little gold he had on the fact that he was one of the five people who knew that particular quirk of hers: Lily herself, her two best friends Naomi and Katrina, their friend Matthew, and himself. Remus wasn't exactly sure how he fit into that category...

Remus glanced quickly back at his book when he saw James' hand creep towards his hair. Whenever James rumpled his hair, it was a sure sign that he was staring at Lily.

Remus glanced back at Lily and her friends once James turned back to fiddling with the Snitch. Her friend Matthew was approaching them, swinging his book bag back and forth. He was greeted by what seemed to be and enthusiastic welcome by the girls and sat down next to Lily, grabbing for her hand. James hated that, those signs of affection Matthew showed to "James'" Lily. It didn't help that Matthew wasn't an extremely effeminate or obvious gay man either – the only reason Remus knew him to be gay was that Matthew, under the impression that Remus was gay as well, had once hit on him in fourth year.

Matthew leaned over and whispered something to Lily. She bowed her head to listen, her hair covering her face from Remus' view. Suddenly, she snapped her head up and looked directly into Remus' eyes.

Remus quickly ducked his head back behind his book, cursing to himself. He tuned back into his friends' conversation just in time to hear Sirius' whining.

"I'm bored. Wish it was full moon."

Remus rolled his eyes at the page. "You might," he said darkly. "We've still got Transfiguration, if you're bored, you could test me… Here." He held the book he had been "reading" out to Sirius, who snorted and rolled his eyes.

"I don't need to look at that rubbish, I know it all."

Remus shrugged and opened the book back up to a completely different page than before.

"This'll liven you up, Padfoot," James muttered, smiling impishly. "Look who it is…"

Remus watched with dread as Sirius turned his head, still as a predator that had just spotted its swift prey.

"Excellent," Sirius said softly. "Snivellus."

Remus closed his eyes, looking pained. He had seen Severus Snape sitting in a clump of bushes not too far from them long ago, but was hoping the others wouldn't. Snape had picked the wrong time to stand up…

James and Sirius stood as one, giving each other identical evil grins. Peter looked like a child waiting for the circus to begin- all he needed was some fairy floss.

Remus kept his eyes on his book as the two made their way towards Snape, his red and gold Prefect's badge seeming to burn his chest accusatorially. He knew he should do something – stop them- but he couldn't bring himself to do it. They had been so good to him for years; it would seem an injustice to turn them in for something everyone already knew they did. He left disciplining his companions to his fellow Gryffindor prefect, a job Lily Evans was more than happy to take on.

"All right, Snivellus?" James called loudly.

Snape dropped his bag and grabbed his wand so fast, he seemed to be expecting an attack (the more Remus reflected on this, he realized that he probably was). He was too slow, however; his wand flew out of his hand before he had raised it halfway.

James smiled as Sirius let out a bark of laughter. "Impedimenta!" he cried, knocking Snape off his feet as he attempted to retrieve his wand. As per usual, a small throng was already beginning to gather around, eager for some entertainment at another's expense.

Sirius and James advanced on the fallen Snape, wands at the ready, and Remus went back to his book. If he'd seen it once, he'd seen it a thousand times – they were going to attack and humiliate Snape until he gave up or escaped, then wonder what it was that made him hate them so much. The idiots.

"Leave him ALONE!" cried the unmistakable, furious voice of Lily Evans. Remus' head snapped up. This couldn't be good…

Lily charged up to them, her thick red hair billowing wildly behind her, green eyes narrowed, hands balled into fists.

"All right, Evans?" James asked pleasantly, attempting to sound mature.

"Leave him alone," she repeated harshly. "What's he done to you?"

"Well," James mused, pretending to think about it. "It's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean…"

Remus frowned into his book, pressing his lips together disapprovingly as the onlookers laughed.

"You think you're funny," Lily snarled. "But you're just an arrogant, bullying toe rag, Potter. Leave him alone."

"I will if you go out with me, Evans," James said quickly, trying to come across as charming. "Go on… Go out with me, and I'll never lay a wand on old Snivelly again."

Remus' insides churned at his words. To think James felt he had a right to Lily when he did nothing but wreak havoc, bully younger students, and torment Snape whenever she was around. She deserved someone… better. Someone smarter… Kinder… Humbler… Someone who knew things about her that she barely did herself. Not someone who didn't even call her by her first name.

"I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid," he heard Lily snap. His lips quirked up into a small smile at her words.

"Bad luck, Prongs," said Sirius briskly. "OY!"

Remus looked up quickly, just in time to see Snape sending a cutting curse at James.

James whirled around, one hand on his sliced cheek, the other grasping his wand. With a flash of light, James had Snape hanging upside down in midair, robes over his head, revealing skinny legs and graying underpants.

The group around them cheered, even Lily's lips twitched for a second as though she was going to smile, but it was gone as soon as it had appeared. "Let him down!" she insisted.

James gave her a sickeningly false smile. "Certainly."

Snape came crashing to the ground, landing in a heap with a loud thud. He jumped to his feet, but Sirius cried "Locomotor Morits!" and Snape came crashing back to the ground, rigid as a board.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Lily shouted, getting her own wand out now.

James and Sirius eyed her wand cautiously and with good reason, for Lily was famous for the damage she could do with her wand when provoked.

"Ah, Evans, don't make me hex you," James cautioned.

"Take the curse off him, then!" she cried.

James heaved a sigh and muttered the counter curse. "There you go," he said as Snape stood back up. "You're lucky Evans was here, Snivellus-"

"I don't need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!" Snape yelled.

Everyone went silent. Even Remus couldn't stop a small gasp from escaping. Sure, Snape was a Slytherin, but he was also – against all reason – one of Lily's best friends.

Lily fixed her gaze on Snape, giving him a cold, hard look that would make even Lucius Malfoy run screaming. "Fine," she said coolly, weighting her words to be sure Snape got the message. "I won't bother you in future. And I'd wash your pants if I were you, Snivellus."

"Apologize to Evans!" James roared, pointing his wand at Snape.

"I don't want you to make him apologize," Lily shouted, turning her glare to James. "You're just as bad as he is…"

"What?" yelped James. "I'd NEVER call you a – you-know-what!"

"Messing up your hair because you think it looks cool to look like you've just got off your broomstick, showing off with that stupid Snitch, walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can – I'm surprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me SICK." Breathing hard, face furious and red as her hair, she gave James one last withering glare, turned on her heel and hurried away. James called after her, but she didn't look back.

"What is it with her?" James asked.

"Reading between the lines, I'd say she thinks you're a bit conceited, mate," Sirius said, clapping James on the back.

Remus was busy watching Lily make her way up to the castle. The way she kept moving her hands to her face gave him the distinct impression that she was crying.

"Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's pants?"

Remus snapped back to the scene before him. James had Snape upside down again, the crowd jeering and laughing around them.

Remus closed his book with a snap. This was far over the line. He got to his feet and moved swiftly towards the scene.

"James!" he called.

James turned to him wearing a pleased smirk. "Ah, Moony, I see you are the first officially in favor."

There was uproar as the crowd clamored for attention, all encouraging James to go on. James smiled, opening his mouth and raising his wand.

"James!" Remus repeated.

This had the opposite effect than what he had been hoping for; the crowd began chanting the name like a war cry.


The crowd fell silent almost instantly. It was rare enough that Sirius contradicted James, for Remus to do so was unheard of.

James turned to face him, the smile fading as he blinked in shock. "What?" he asked, sounding dumbstruck.

"I said, you're out of line, James," Remus repeated, raising his eyebrows cooly.

"Wha- Moony…" James said, smiling as if waiting for someone to yell out 'April Fools!' though it was the middle of May. When no one did, however, James' eyebrows knit together in childlike confusion. "Moony?"

"I've let you get by with plenty else, James, but you've gone too far this time. Put Snape down and let him alone." Remus glanced up at the red-faced Slytherin glaring down at them all from around ten feet off the ground. 'Furious' simply could not describe his expression.

"Aw, come on, Moony! … Remus?... It's only Snape…"

"Snape or not, he is a student here and one of my duties as prefect is to protect the students of Hogwarts. Now I am ordering you, James, as a prefect, to put him down and leave him alone."

Remus didn't know what had suddenly given him the courage to stand up to James. He could almost see their friendship crumbling before his eyes as he spoke. It's for Lily, he told himself. You're doing this for Lily…

James stared at him, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.

"Now, James. Or I will be forced to take fifty points from Gryffindor."

"Remus?" James whispered, looking more vulnerable than Remus had ever seen him. Sirius stared at him in shock from over James' shoulder.

Remus raised an eyebrow and James turned slowly back towards Snape. Looking like a small boy who had just been told that Cookie Monster had suddenly developed a fondness for fruits and vegetables, he raised his wand and slowly lowered Snape to the ground. Snape snatched up his things and ran back up to the castle.

The crowd was silent. Not even the birds in the trees made a peep.

Remus swallowed hard and took a deep breath. He nodded jerkily to James and Sirius. "Thank you, James," he muttered, much too polite and formal for a group of friends. He turned and walked back to the tree, snatched up his book bag, and continued on his way back to the castle, trying to ignore the stunned silence behind him.

Well, that friendship was over, he thought grimly himself. It had been good while it had lasted. He was back to where he'd started five years ago, alone and friendless, he was sure.

For Lily, he reminded himself as tears blurred his vision, despite his attempts to stop them. You did it for Lily.

Remus felt sure that it was wrong of him, but this thought seemed to validate his every word.

A/N: This is my first story… I wrote it about a year ago, so it's not the best but… I needed a first story to upload to get the hang of this website and I found this one on my computer. I'll probably change the title later on as the story develops, seeing as I feel like revisiting this one… Review please! I LOVE constructive criticism (hint hint)! :-P