AN: An update for Dozen! Yay! I finally worked out Number Ten more how I wanted it, so here it is now. Brand new (expanded) romance for Obi-Wan and Aala! This takes place during Chapter 9 of Fallen. I'm so glad to be posting on this again, I'd love to do more. Please let me know if you enjoy!


"Leave me alone." Her heart raced in her chest, the words unconvincing even to her. Half of her wished he would disappear so she could find something besides him to punch, but the other half wanted him to close the last step between them and just take her already.

She couldn't sort out her feelings in her head and she couldn't figure out what she truly wanted. Either that or she just wouldn't let herself admit how much she needed him. It was so much easier to fight with Obi-Wan lately rather than face her own feelings, but then he would look at her like that

She took a breath intending to yell at him again when, suddenly, he was pressing her to the wall and she was clutching the edges of his jacket and they were kissing and she had no idea if she had kissed him first or he had kissed her.

The tip of his tongue tickled at her lower lip. She opened for him and he explored her mouth with fervor, stroking his tongue over hers. Obi-Wan kissed her like he needed to relearn everything about her, like he needed her to survive. She clung to him, the kiss making her dizzy. His hands clenched at her hips and she ran her fingers through his hair and over the stubble on his jaw, trying to pull herself closer. The tension melted away and it felt better than anything.

It seemed like hours before Aala finally pulled back to catch her breath. When she did, she wrapped her arms tight around him, hugging him close to her as if he might disappear into smoke.

But he didn't. He lowered his lips to her ear, breathing hard and kissed the lobe once, softly. "Aala, I just miss you."


Pulling away, a small smile curved his lips, reaching his eyes, making them crinkle in happiness. "As long as you promise not to try to hit me again," he teased.

She was defenseless; she could only stare back at him, her cheeks flushed and her breath still quickened by his touch. He was irresistible. And she was a stubborn fool. "I'm sorry it's so difficult for me to - let you in...I…I'm trying."

His blue eyes crinkled with joy once more. "I know. I'm sorry I upset you. I never meant I thought you were incapable. I don't. Not at all."

Aala gave him a swift kiss on the lips and turned to enter the code to her door, pulling him inside.

She laughed quietly as he swept her into his strong arms, sealing his mouth over hers once more. The room was small and simple with only a bed, chair, a little table by the door and a 'fresher. Neither bothered with the lights.

Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her, setting her down on the flat surface of the table, the nearest thing. Weaving his fingers through her hair, he cupped the back of her head. Aala hooked her legs around his knees, pulling his body toward her.

She could feel what he felt; his longing, how much he cared for her, his desire to be near her and she felt horrible for being so harsh with him before. Was it that hard for her to accept he simply cared for her?

It didn't matter now, not with the way they were wrapped around each other; his mouth was so warm and soft against hers, and his strong hands and his solid body, the way he was touching her…

And then he scooped her up in his arms at the exact moment she heard the table crack and break, pieces of wood clattering to the hard floor beneath them.

Apparently, it wasn't built for that type of activity. Aala couldn't care less as he dropped her to the bed and followed her down. His entire body pressed into hers and she wriggled underneath him wanting to feel more, wanting everything all at once.

Suddenly he sat up, pulling her with him. He gazed at her with such ardor she was inspired into movement. Her hands fumbled at her dress, but as soon as she started to make progress, she would change her mind and switch to trying to remove his shirt.

While she fumbled with their clothing, he reached out to clasp her head between his hands and pulled her close to kiss her again, solely focused on her. He nipped her lip before he tangled his tongue with hers. She couldn't help but moan in response.

Finally, he moved to help her remove the rest of their clothing and then he turned, leaning back against the headboard and pulling her on top of him. He lifted his hips, but she stayed just out of reach on his lap, bending forward to kiss his shoulder and lick at his neck, not purposely trying to tease him but leaving him wanting all the same.

Moving one hand from her waist, he slid his palm around the curve of her breast, his thumb and finger pinching her nipple. Aala tipped her head back, gasping his name. This seemed to snap something inside of him, the same way the table had snapped beneath them.

Flipping her over again, he pinned her to the mattress and slid inside her with one perfect movement. The way he filled her, the angle, was so exquisite it was all she could do to hold on and not immediately shatter to pieces. Reaching for him, she heard what sounded suspiciously like a very un-Jedi like growl as she arched her body to press into his, taking him deeper. She met his passionate gaze without hesitation, feeling closer to him than she ever thought she could be.

His movements were quick and precise, each thrust of his cock sturdy, overwhelming her with pleasure. Every snap of his hips took her higher and higher, no limit in sight. Ecstasy swelled inside her, making her feel like her skin was on fire, like she might burst into flames, but he took her further still. The coil Obi-Wan ignited between them wound tighter and tighter, but he kept them balanced on the precipice. She knew he was holding them both there, moments from release, building the potential of their ultimate pleasure with delay.

Aala gasped, then cried out loud as the sensations he was causing within her threatened to become more than she could bear. She clutched at the muscles in his shoulders, his skin slippery now with sweat. Barely able to breath, she tipped her head back, baring her throat for him

Obi-Wan groaned, the sound a tantalizing rumble from low in his chest. He dropped to his forearms, pressing his body to hers, crushing her breasts against his hard chest and buried his mouth in the crook of her neck. He nipped the sensitive skin there, hard enough to sting. Aala lifted one hand to slide through his disheveled hair, holding him against her. She wrapped her legs tight around his waist and bit the edge of his ear in return, making him growl again.

Ecstasy sang through her body, crackling like electricity. It was too much, she had to come. "Obi-Wan," she gasped, rocking her hips, writhing beneath him. "Please. More."

A low chuckle rumbled against her skin, and Obi-Wan nipped at her pulse but his rhythm did not change. "Yes," he sighed, teasing, tickling his stubble against her collarbone. He shifted above her, reaching with one hand to grasp her hip, holding her body hard to his so she could barely squirm. Aala wailed, squeezing around him, not caring that all of the hotel could probably hear her now.

Unable to control himself, his hips jerked in response to the clenching of her body. Finally, Obi-Wan began to take her harder, long powerful strokes. Aala knew his ironclad control was slipping. Relief was in sight, and the thought took her higher yet with joy.

"Please," she breathed in his ear, trying to erode his control even further and urge his abandon along. She was not above begging, not now, not feeling like this. "Please, please, please…"

Gasping for breath now himself, chest heaving against hers, Obi-Wan gave in. Still thrusting at that perfect sturdy pace, he let his hand drift over her hipbone and slip between their bodies. The moment his fingertip circled her swollen clit, Aala shattered, crying out as she came hard. Her release triggered his own. Obi-Wan groaned, pressing his face into her neck as he gave a final thrust and spent himself deep inside of her.

Aala felt nothing but heated intensity and raw emotion, completely laid bare before him in a way she had never let herself be before.

Her body shook with pleasure as his length throbbed inside her. She clutched at him, holding him close as the waves washed over them both. Too soon, she felt satiated and completely spent, her limbs numb and exhausted. Her hold on him loosened despite her best effort, and he collapsed to her side, flinging his arm across the bed so he lay next to her, flat on his back and breathing hard.

Many long minutes passed before her heart slowed enough she could catch her breath. Exhaustion and utter contentment threatened to take her, but she fought them both, turning her head on the pillow to look at Obi-Wan.

Force, but he was so fucking sexy. His body looked amazing, sprawled across the bed, toned to perfection, his muscles coated in a glossy sheen from his exertions. Perhaps he was only a little too pale from so much time spent on his blasted ship in space. Obi-Wan deserved sun and fresh air, the wind and a never ending blue-green sea. Aala allowed herself one moment of fantasy, closing her eyes and imagining them stranded on some desert island far, far away from everything and everyone else.

But it was not to be.

She blinked her eyes open and found him watching her, his own gleaming with happiness, his mouth quirked.

For one moment she let herself just look at him before she spoke. "Thank you," she grinned.

Obi-Wan gave a throaty laugh, rolling back towards her and pulling her in to lay in his arms. She tipped her chin to look at him.

"For sex?" he asked, grinning.

"Well yes, but I meant...for not giving up. On me."

His expression softened. "I would have to say the same." He pulled her close, tucking her in against him.

Aala couldn't remember ever feeling such contented pleasure. She gave a deep, happy sigh. "Ten," she breathed, snuggling into him and tangling their legs together.

Obi-Wan chuckled, his chest rumbling beneath her cheek. "I hope that's ten out of ten and not ten out of one hundred..."

Aala laughed breathlessly, turning her head to kiss his shoulder. "No. Number ten," she smiled, blissful. "Whatever that was, you've never done that to me before."

AN: Please, please review! I've also just started another story, Escape, with another author. First chapter is up and second coming soon, so please check that out! Thank you!