disclaimer- i do not own any of the characters to Yami no Matsuei. all rights and whatnot belongs solely to the original author.

Chapter 3: First day

It was two days before school started and the Student Council members had returned early to have a meeting. They had just finished their meeting when the Vice President said something that caught everyone's attention. "What did you say?" asked a young blonde hair teen wearing glasses.

"I said, that we have a new student that will be joining us when school open," said the long brown hair Vice President.

"But isn't it a little weird to be admitting a student in the middle of the school year," said a stern looking teen with blue eyes and wearing glasses.

"Yes, but it seems that this is a special case." The Vice President smirked as he pulled out a manila folder, opened it and passed it around to everyone.

"Oh my, he's a real cutie," said the blonde.

"He seems nice looking," said the stern blue eyed teen. "You said his being able to attend is a special case. What did you mean by that, Mr. Vice President?"

"What I meant Mr. Treasurer is that his uncle and great uncle work here at the school," said the long hair teen.

"I highly doubt that his uncle and great uncle working here will get him in," said a teenager with dark hair. He had an unusual birthmark under his right eye. "Every student has to pass the entrance examine in order to get into the academy."

"Don't get me wrong. He did pass the examine with a score of 94. What makes him so special is that he is the missing son of the Prime Minister that was found last year."

"I remember that. It was all over the news for a whole week," said a young dirty blonde hair boy. "They said the maid had kidnapped him and they have been living in the slums of Shinjuku for the past sixteen years. I think they said his name was Asano. Asako . . . No, Asato Tsuzuki."

"You mean that he is the nephew of the science teacher and the headmaster," said the golden eyed blonde.

"Oh yes," said the Vice President. "Although he is sixteen, they are starting him off as a freshman."

"Why?" asked the youngest boy on the council.

"No one knows," said the Vice President.

"Isn't it obvious," said the teen with the birthmark. "If he's been living in the slums of Shinjuku, it's safe to say he probably doesn't have much of an education. My dad's a detective on the police force and he told me that the school in the poor section of Shinjuku seems to breed only criminals. For all we know, this kid could be the leader of a gang."

"That's not a nice thing to say about a person you know nothing about," said the blue eye teen pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Be that as it may, I guess you would have to ask him." Then the Vice President turned to the silver hair teen sitting at the head of the table. The boy said nothing as he stared in awe at the photograph of the violet eye teen smiling. "Well Mr. President, I haven't heard you say anything. What do you think of the new student?"

"What's there to say," said the silver hair teen. "He's just another student among the thousands that comes here."

The Vice President snorted. "Who are you trying to kid. I see the light gleaming lecherously in your eyes. You're planning something. Well, I'm here to tell you. Whatever you are planning forget about it. This is the Prime Minister's son and not only that; he is Rikugo sensei's nephew and the Count's great nephew. You would be in so much trouble until not even I, the great Oriya Mibu, Captain of the Kendo Club, will be able to dig you out."

"You have nothing to worry about Oriya. I have no intentions of making him one of my toys." The President smiled at the violet eye teenager in the photo. "I do believe that I have found my queen. He is so adorable with those stunning violet eyes and that bright innocent smile. I plan on keeping this one and making him my future bride."

The others just rolled their eyes and started to leave the room. "Such a pervert," scoffed the young dirty blonde.

"How in the world did we end up with such a lecherous President," said the teen with the bizarre birthmark.

"Popular vote," said the blue eye teen. "All the boys in the school couldn't help but be captivated by his charm."

"Well, I wasn't," said the long hair blonde.

"No, you were just captivated by the Vice-President," laughed the blonde hair boy as he and the others walked out the door still talking and laughing.

"Kazu, you're my best friend and I hope you are listening to me very carefully. Do not doing anything that will hurt this boy," said Oriya looking his friend in the eyes. "He has already suffered by living a life in the slums. Don't do anything to make his life unbearable."

Kazutaka Muraki looked up at his friend and smile. "I will tell you this again. I do not want to hurt him. And I will prove it to you and to everyone that I am not the cold hearted bastard that everyone thinks that I am."

Oriya snorted and patted his friend on the shoulder. "All right, I'll see you tomorrow. And don't stay up all night slobbering over that picture. The kid will be here in person in the morning."

As Kazutaka watched his friend walk out of the door he turned his attention back to the photograph and smiled. "Asato Tsuzuki. You will be mine. So says the future doctor Kazutaka Muraki."


It took all of the winter vacation but with the help of his uncles and aunts, Asato had aced the entrance examine and now today is his first day of school. He was shocked when he received a score of one hundred on the history part of the test. 'Who knew Uncle Touda was so smart in History.' Asato smiled as he remembered his stern looking uncle wearing blue jeans and a polo shirt, lying in the grass in the garden teaching him history. But Asato guessed it's to be expected of him. The man business deals with gathering accurate information or something along that line. His Uncle never truly told him exactly what he did.

Now, here he stands before the prestigious Meifu Academy getting ready to start his first day of school. Dressed in the school uniform, a crisp white shirt beneath a blue blazer, a red neck tie and black pants with the school emblem on his left breast pocket. It was a phoenix intertwined with a serpent. Rikugo had decided to drop by and take Asato to school with him. When they arrived Asato stood at the front of the school gapping at the huge structure. Although he has been inside the academy, Asato still looked at the school in awe. He couldn't help it. The building looked like the photos of Buckingham Palace his father had showed him. And in the center of the academy was a huge clock tower that was chiming the hour.

"Well Asato, it's time to get to your homeroom," said Rikugo smiling. "You remember where your homeroom is?

Yes, I remember.

So, what's your first class?"

"Oh yeah, it's History with Hideko sensei," said Asato straightening the imaginary wrinkles in his jacket and took a deep breath.

"There's no need to be nervous Asato." Rikugo hugged his nephew tightly. "Everyone will like you if you just be yourself. Now, if you have any problems you know where my office is."

Asato nodded and smiled at his uncle. "Good. Now, I have to go and get ready for my next hour class. I'll see you later." Rikugo walked away but stopped to turn and wave to his nephew. "Make lots of friends Asato."

Asato sighed as he walked into the school. It was a good thing his uncle had brought him to the school to show him where all his classes were located. He would have never found his classes. He walked down the empty hallway to the stairs and went up to the third floor. His homeroom was the first door on the left. He stood before the door and took another deep breath. "Well, it's now or never." He raised his hand, knocked and opened the door.

The teacher had just finished telling them about the new student when Asato opened the door. "Oh, come in," said the teacher smiling. "Class this is the new student. Please tell the class your name." He turned to Asato.

Asato placed his sweetest smile on his face as he gave the class his name. "Please to meet you. My name is Asato Tsuzuki. I hope we can be friends."

"Now, you can take a seat next to Kurosaki. Raise your hand Mr. Kurosaki so he can know where to sit," said the teacher.

A young boy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes raised his hand. Asato walked to the back of the class and sat down.

"Hi, I'm Asato." He held his hand out to the young boy.

The blonde rolled his eyes and took the offered hand shaking it. "Hisoka Kurosaki. Let me be the first to welcome you to most perverted school in Japan, Meifu Academy. So what class do you have first?"

"I have History with Hideko sensei." Asato took out his schedule to show the other teen.

"I see we have several classes together and your locker is right next to mine." Then the two began to get better acquainted. The blonde found the violet eye teen to be quite kind and silly when the need arose. He realized that he really like Asato. Hisoka had offered to show Asato to the classes that they had together and would show him where the classes are that they don't have together.

Ten minutes later the bell rung for the students to go to their first class.

Hisoka led Asato to their locker. "This is your locker."

"Thank you," Asato said smiling. "I have to admit when I first arrived I was so nervous." When he opened his locker Asato gasped in shock. Hisoka just rolled his eyes as a dozen or two red roses fell out of the violet eye teen's locker. "What in the world . . .is this?" He bent down to pick up a few of the roses.

Suddenly all sound around them stopped. Asato looked up to see the sea of students part like Moses did the Red Sea. Walking toward them were four handsome teenagers. "Wow," said Asato staring in wide eyed awe. "Are they models?" His eyes were drawn to the smiling face of the silver hair teenager.

"Oh please," snorted Hisoka.

"Who are they?"

Hisoka took out his books and closed his locker. "They are what the students here refer to as the Royal Court."

"The Royal Court?"

"Yes. It was all the idea of the Headmaster and the student body. All the members are the Princes of Meifu Academy which unfortunately I am one of."

"You're a member of the Royal Court?" asked Asato staring at his new friend in shock.

Hisoka sighed in disgust. "You really need to do something with that Great Uncle of yours."

"How do you know that the Headmaster is my Great uncle?"

"Please, there is nothing that happens in this school that the Royal Court, or should I say Student Council, doesn't know about. Anyway, the blonde wearing glasses is Yutaka Watari, second year student, Science Representative. Next to him, brown hair, blue eyes, glasses; Seiichiro Tatsumi, third year student, Treasurer. Beside him long brown hair dark eyes, Oriya Mibu, third year, Vice President and he is also Captain of the Kendo club. You'll meet Terazuma later. He's out sick. He's a fourth year, Ethic representative."

"What about you?" asked Asato.

"Me. I'm the secretary. And last but not least, we have our king, the President of the Student Council. Kazutaka Muraki," said Hisoka.

Asato frowned as he thought about the name. "Muraki. Muraki . .. I have heard that name before."

"I'm not surprised. The Muraki family is one of the leading Medical families in all of Japan. Both his father and grandfather are doctors and once he graduates Kazutaka plans on being a surgeon as well. The elder Muraki had turned his home into a hospital about twenty years ago to take care of patients who could not afford medical treatment."

"Wow, what an impressive family," said Asato. He could not pull his eyes away from the Student Council President. There was just something . . . something magnetic about the other. Then he remembered. "I remember now. The doctor that took care of me was called K. Muraki."

"You were treated by the grandfather, Kazuhiko Muraki. All the men in that family are brilliant."

Asato glanced at his new friend. "You sound as though you don't like them."

"It's not that. It's just that they are arrogant, snooty and the President is a pervert," said Hisoka smirking. "But I have to admit that Muraki is truly someone you can count on in a pinch."

The four teens stood before Hisoka and Asato. "Well, you must be Asato Tsuzuki," said Tatsumi smiling while pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "Welcome to Meifu Academy. I hope you have no trouble fitting in."

"Oh no," Asato said blushing as he kept glancing at the silver hair teen. "Hisoka was kind enough to show me to my locker. Although my uncle had showed me around the school. I'm still not quite sure about navigating through the halls. It's so big. I've never seen anything like it." The blush darkened on his face as he noticed the silver eyes of Kazutaka seem to shimmer in the dull lights of the hallway.

"So Asato," said Kazutaka still holding his smile. "Did you enjoy my welcome gift."

"More like courting gift," mumbled Hisoka.

"Gift?" He frowned in puzzlement.

"The roses."

Asato's eyes widened in shock as he held up the handful of roses. "You did this?"

The silver eye teen just nodded his head.

"But . . . but roses are so expensive and you . . . you. . . "

"You deserve them. And you needn't worry about how expensive they are. These comes from my own personal garden in which I attend."

"You have your own garden?"

"Yes, and when I knew you would be attending the academy I just had to get you a special gift. These are called Red Queen. They suit your lovely eyes."

Hisoka pretended to gag behind Asato.

"That is two dozens and I will not stop until I have given you a million roses."

A slight blush crept across the bridge of Asato nose as he stared at the flowers. He didn't know why but the look in the other teen's eyes made his stomach squirm in a strange way.

"Hey, you didn't give me roses when I came here," pouted Watari.

"Of course not, Oriya threatened to kill me if I made a move on you." The silver hair teen smiled as he nudged his friend in the side.

"My hero." Watari squealed as he threw his arms around his young swordsman.

"You mean you two are a couple?" Asato asked shocked.

"Of course, what did you expect in an all boys school," said Oriya planting a kiss on the blonde's jaw. "I would say about forty percent is gay, thirty percent is bi and the other thirty is straight."

"Also, as king of Meifu Academy, I am happy to inform you Asato Tsuzuki that I shall make you my queen," said Kazutaka smiling brightly.

Asato arms went limp as they dropped to his side and the roses slipped from his numb fingers. He stared at the silver hair boy as though he had just lost every marble in his head. His violet eyes widened in shock. Asato found himself absolutely speechless.

"And also, if you do not like this lecher touching you just let me know," said Oriya smiling sinisterly at his friend. "I'll take care of the little pervert for you."

Kazutaka shivered in fright as he remembered the time he made Oriya mad and the young Kendo Captain chased him around the house brandishing a sword ready to skewer him. "Anyway Asato, it was a real pleasure meeting my future queen." Kazutaka took Asato's hand and kissed the back of it. Asato blushed from head to toe as the other students stopped to watch what was going on. "Until we meet again, have a wonderful day." Then he looked at Hisoka. "Make sure to take good care of my queen, boy."

"Bite me," snipped Hisoka.

"No thanks, I'll leave that to Tatsumi." Was Kazutaka's quick come back.

Hisoka rolled his eyes as his cheeks were stained pink. "Jerk. Let's get to class before we are late."

"Wait, but what about . . ." He pointed to the roses.

"Don't worry about them. Your Romeo will pick them up." Hisoka latched on to Asato's arm and led him away from the smirking, or maybe leering Student Council President. Asato was one hundred percent sure the other teen was leering at him.

"I'll see you soon, Beloved!" Kazutaka called out after the retreating, if not shocked, violet eye teen.

Asato turned to see the 'king' waving at him. "Is he always so . . ." Asato didn't know what to make of the Student Council President.

"Perverted. Lecherous. Amorous," said Hisoka finishing for him.

"Among other things." He turned back to face his friend.

"Oh he can be much worse but you're the first one he has ever given roses to." Hisoka looked at his new friend. "Tell you the truth I've never seen him look so series. But then again, I have only known him for a few months. If you want to know more about him you would have to ask his friend, Oriya. They have known each other every since they were children. He would be a better person to ask about Muraki's behavior."

After that Asato went silent as he was led to the next class. When he sat down beside Hisoka and opened his desk, Asato gasped in shock as his cheeks tinted a dark crimson. His desk was filled with roses and a note. 'Here are another two dozen roses to add to your collection. I have 999,952 roses to give you before I have reached a million. Until we meet again, Beloved. With love, your king.' Asato quickly tossed the note back inside and closed the desk. He lowered his head and gently began to bang it against his desk.

"What's wrong?" asked Hisoka.

"I'm beginning to wonder if I did something wrong in a past life to make me the obsession of someone I just met today."

Hisoka arched a brow in confusion. Asato raised his head and opened his desk. The blonde snorted out a laugh. "You may as well get use to it because Kazutaka Muraki is a very persistent person. I have a feeling he is not going to stop until he has achieved his goal."

"And that is?"

"What else. To make you his queen."

Asato groaned as his head hit the desk with a dull thud.

That was the theme throughout the whole day. Whenever Asato opened his desk or his locker he was bombarded with dozens of roses from his king. And in the classes that he did not have with Hisoka, a student would walk into the classroom with an armful of roses and hand them to Asato. And at lunch all the students could no go to the cafeteria because Muraki had taken it over for the two of them. The violet eye teen had never blushed so much in his entire life. He had a feeling that if this continued his face will be permanently stained red. Asato sighed. "Well, at least he's not doing an impersonation of an octopus. What a strange guy." He smiled as he re-read the note. 'Beloved, I know this is sudden but I just can't complete my day without letting you know how I feel about you. I can't wait until tomorrow to her your lovely voice and to see your beautiful face. I look forward to seeing you at lunch again tomorrow, or maybe I will be seeing you before then. Your king.' He sighed as he had to agree with Hisoka. Kazutaka Muraki was a jerk . . . but he is a cute romantic jerk. He giggled as he stood by his uncle's car waiting for him.


As Asato and Rikugo walked into the mansion, Hinako and Enma walked out of the Study to greet them. "Welcome back," said Hinako hugging her son.

"Well Asato, how was your first day at the academy?" asked Enma smiling as he ruffled his son's hair lovingly.

"Today was the most strangest day I have ever had in my life," he said blushing as he remembered the dozens of roses and love notes Kazutaka sent him. "That is the weirdest school I have ever seen."

"Oh, sounds to me like something interesting happened at school," said his mother.

"You don't know the half of it." Asato did not mean for his parents to hear that but they did.

"What happened?" asked Enma frowning. "No one hurt you, did they?"

Asato couldn't say anything as the blush on his cheek spread over his face and down his neck. How in the world was he going to tell his mother and father that a boy was madly or obsessively in love with him.

Rikugo laughed as he patted his nephew on the head. "No but I'm sure Asato wished someone did. You are looking at the new queen of Meifu Academy."

"Uncle Rikugo." The blush deepened on the boy's face as Asato ran up to his room.

"The new queen?" Hinako looked at her brother-in-law with a puzzled look on her face.

While Enma just groaned and turned around to walk back into his study. "Suzaku was right. Uncle is a pervert." Rikugo and Hinako heard him say before disappearing in his room.

Hinako stared from her husband's retreating form back to the laughing Rikugo. "What is going on? What do you mean by new queen?"

Rikugo stopped laughing and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Well, it seems that Asato has caught the eye of the Student Council President, Kazutaka Muraki. The boy has been giving Asato dozens of roses and love notes all day. And during lunch, he confiscated the whole cafeteria so the two of them could have lunch together. Alone."

"Oh my," Hinako said blushing. "Maybe I should go talk to him."

"Nah, you should let him be. He is a bit embarrassed. Just let him be alone for a while and he will be fine." Rikugo kissed her on the cheek. "Tell Asato I'll see him in the morning. Bye. " He opened the door and walked out. "I can't wait to tell the others about this. Byakko will die of laughter."

"Bye." Hinako shook her head in exasperation as she closed the door behind him and went into the Study to talk to her husband.