Thank you, for the amazing reviews, I wasn't expecting to get so many, which why you are getting the next chapter the next day, this is in fact the last chapter :( But I hope you like it, please review and tell me what you think! :) Chapter Two
"So we have a date tonight," Jess said, as Becker stood next to where she was sitting at the ADD. Becker had an extremely confused look on his face, "with Tabitha and Hugo," Jess added, Becker nodded.
"I'm looking forward to it," Becker said sarcastically.
"You said you'd do it," Jess said worried that Becker would chicken out.
"I will, I will," Becker said, mocking surrender.
"Good, because she is really, really mean!" Jess said, Becker couldn't help laugh at how Jess was being so childish about the whole thing. He was actually looking forward to the date, not the part with Tabitha, but he was hoping that the two of them would get some time alone without Tabitha.
"I'll pick you up at seven," Becker said.
"Dress nice, it's some posh place, I didn't choose it Tabitha did so brace you for the worse," Jess called after him, Becker nodded, well tonight was going to be an interesting night, Becker thought.
"I am sure it will be fine Jess," Becker said.
"She is just so intimidating, I feel like nothing when I am around her," Jess said, looking upset.
"You are definitely something Jess, who cares if she is rich and married, you are twice the person she is, you kind and generous and fun to be around, and I bet Tabitha doesn't have as many friends as you do, I am not sure how her husband puts up with her, I was around her for just two minutes and I wanted to strangle her!" Becker said making Jess smile again.
"He is probably just obnoxious as she is," Jess said, Becker nodded laughing, they continued discussing whatever came into their heads, but they soon interrupted by the anomaly alert.
Becker rung Jess's doorbell, it had been a long day, terror birds had come through the anomaly and it had taken a long time, and to be quite frank Becker was exhausted. Jess opened the door after a couple of seconds, the dress was dark blue and had a silk bow wrapped around, it flowed down and hugged Jess in all the right places, it took Becker a good thirty seconds to remember to shut his mouth. "You look beautiful," Becker finally chocked out.
"Not too bad yourself, you clean up nice," Jess said, taking in Becker's tux, yep he definitely cleaned up nice; she was going to take full advantage of Becker in a suit. Becker typed the address into his sat-nav; neither knew where they were going, as Tabitha had simply emailed the address to Jess, not saying much other than that expect from the time, and how she was looking forward to it. Jess and Becker arrived to find Tabitha and her husband already sitting at a table.
"You're late," Tabitha said, when they reached the table, tapping her watch, Jess looked at the time one minute past seven, they were supposed to meet at seven, one minute late and Tabitha was already criticising her. Jess and Becker sat down, the waiter took their coats, Jess looked around, the restaurant was clearly extremely expensive, and looked like the kind of place where it would be £50, for a small salad. "This is my husband Hugo," Tabitha said, Hugo stuck his hand across the table for Becker and Jess to shake. "Hugo this is Jess and Becker," Tabitha continued. "I met Jess at university, although she was never quite as clever as me, or as popular, I took pity on her and become her friend," Tabitha said, Hugo nodded as if this was a reasonable explanation.
Jess's hands clenched under the table, noticing that Jess had gone tense, Becker took one of her hands under the table and gently rubbed it with his thumb, this soothed her, but she was still extremely annoyed. "So I am guessing that you have never been here before," Tabitha said.
"No I can't say I have," Jess said.
"Hardly surprising, it is very much an upscale place," Tabitha said.
"So Tabitha your job seemed very interesting, tell us more about it," Becker said changing the subject, before she could insult Jess. Tabitha started rambling on about her job, but both Jess and Becker phased out, just a couple more ours and you can go home, it won't be long it will fly by, just don't take the insults to heart! Jess thought.
"So what do you do Becker?" Hugo asked.
"I'm a solider for the government," Becker said.
"That must be incredibly boring," Hugo said, yep he's just as obnoxious as his wife.
"Nope, it's actually very exciting," Becker said. "But being a lawyer must be boring, just reading for most of the day," Becker said, if they were going to be rude about him and Jess, then he was going to be just as rude right back at them.
"No it is actually incredibly fulfilling-"Hugo started, but the waiter came up to them.
"Can't you see we are talking," Tabitha said annoyed.
"Do you think it would be ok, if I shot the pair of them with an EMD?" Becker asked, whispering in Jess's ear.
"No because I'd have to do the paperwork," Jess whispered smirking. Becker laughed.
"Sorry madam," The waiter said turning to leave.
"Well there is no point in you leaving now since you have already disturbed us," Hugo said, just as annoyed as his wife.
"The waiter probably wants to shoot them too," Becker whispered.
"Would you like any drinks?" The waiter asked.
"Which wine would you recommend?" Tabitha asked, the waiter pointed to one on the menu.
"When I was touring around the France, they said that particular wine was not at all divine in the autumn," Tabitha said.
"What wine do you think we should get dear?" Hugo asked.
"The most expensive!" Tabitha said, Hugo nodded laughing and the waiter walked away.
"Help these days, they seem to forget their manners," Hugo said. Jess and Becker just nodded neither sure what to say.
"So I have heard you have a little boy, he must be so sweet," Jess said, hoping that they could have a half-way decent conversation, however the couple started bragging about he learned how to walk and talk earlier than most children, and again Jess found herself phasing out.
"I am going to the lavatory," Hugo said getting up, a then let down and started rubbing Tabitha's nose with his, Jess and Becker looked on at the two of them confused.
"Your intelligence, your passion, your looks," Tabitha said.
"Your beauty, your drive and you womanhood," Hugo said.
"What the hell are they doing?" Becker whispered.
"I have not the faintest clue, but they look very weird," Jess replied.
"It something we do when either of us leave the room, you look into each other eyes and say what you love about the other," Tabitha said, as Hugo left. "A lot of couples just can't do it, they can't find three nice things to say about each other isn't that sad," Tabitha said. "I expect you two can't, you need the bond that I and Hugo have," Tabitha said.
"We'll do it," Becker said.
"We will?" Jess questioned, Becker gave her a look, "We will." Jess said as a statement this time.
"You ready?" Becker questioned. Jess nodded.
"I love your optimism; the way you always look on the bright side and help me see it too. The way you care about everyone, the way you are so generous and kind and the way you are so incredibly beautiful, that sometimes when I look at you I forget my own name," Becker said, Jess smiled.
"I love the way you have a huge heart, I love your protectiveness over me and the team, and the way you care about everyone, I love the way that I can spend hours with you and never get bored and I don't know I just think you're a really nice person and I like spending time with you," Jess said, hoping that Becker wouldn't guess her true feelings for him. She almost forgot that Tabitha was there as they both leaning and-
"Wow I don't think the pair of you could do it, you don't come off as a very strong couple," Tabitha said. "Anyway there must be something wrong with you Jess as he hasn't popped the question yet," Tabitha said, something suddenly snapped within Becker.
"There is nothing wrong with Jess she is perfect, and the only reason that you keep telling she is not is because you are an insecure bitch!" Becker said, and then looked shocked at what had come out of his mouth; he just couldn't take her being so horrible about Jess.
"Look I may not be married, or have my own business, and I am not rich, but I am happy with my life!" Jess said, now that Becker had cracked she might as well too.
"Well I am sorry you are jealous of my success!" Tabitha said.
"I am not jealous of your success, I have friends and people that care about me and none of my relationships are fake," Jess said, of course the one that she and Becker were currently displaying was completely fake, but Tabitha didn't know that.
"I have an actual family!" Tabitha said.
"I have a great job!" Jess said.
"I'm my own boss!" Tabitha said.
"I've, I've seen dinosaurs!" Jess said. "Wait I didn't mean that, no, I haven't!" Jess said.
"I know you haven't seen a dinosaur Jessie, maybe you have a mental health issue!" Tabitha said. That was enough to push Jess over the edge and she threw her expensive wine over Tabitha.
"Ummm I think we better be going," Becker said. "Goodbye Tabitha," Becker said as he ushered Jess out of the restaurant.
"You told her you'd seen a dinosaur," Becker laughed when they outside.
"I have!"
"I know you have," Becker said, laughing at how Jess was being so childish, "but what good have possibly come of saying that!" Becker said. Jess shrugged, they got back in the car, and laughed about the evening, Jess was just happy that Becker had taken the whole evening lightly. They eventually arrived outside Jess's door; Jess turned and gave Becker a kiss on cheek.
"Thank you," Jess said.
"No bother," Becker said. "You know it was kind nice, going on a date with you, even if Tabitha tried to ruin at every chance she got," Becker said. Jess nodded it had been nice, even if Tabitha had tried to ruin, she found herself wishing it had been just the two of them. She knew she had to say something, but wasn't sure what, if she didn't he would leave, without anything happening between them, and he did say she was perfect, right?
"Bye," Jess said.
"Bye then," Becker said, turning to leave.
"Bye," Jess repeated.
"Maybe we could ummm, do this again sometime," Becker said, "minus Tabitha."
"I'd like that," Jess said, Becker walked back to the car. Maybe Tabitha made her feel horrible, but Becker certainly made her feel amazing.
Thanks for reading and tell me what you think as I would like to write more Jess/ Becker stories in the future! :)