Chapter 6

Five minutes that is what I had after which I will be fighting for my life I guess. I went near the stands where Reyna and Hazel are looking at me like they can't believe what they just heard.

"Are you insane?" Reyna screamed at me "The entire first legion, Do you know that the first legion is the most disciplined and most ruthless of this camp"

"Well I thought here the more powerful you look the more trust you gain. Isn't the way it works?" was my reply "and the way I figured fighting the first legion is an instant way to get respect from all others"

She was at the loss of words probably due to my recklessness and slowly Hazel spoke "well I guess you will be fighting me and Reyna and don't expect us to go easy on you." And they both went off to get their armors on, and the five minutes passed by just like that.

I went back to the arena to find a bunch of people in classic roman attire with helmets on, very hard to say who is who. I counted and a total of fifteen warriors were there.

Lupa was standing on the platform in the middle of the coliseum "let the test begin, the match will continue until Percy Jackson is knocked out cold or he gets that chest from the legion"

I looked at them and three persons are standing near the chest whereas the remaining twelve guys started walking towards me. Then the front person charged me and my instincts took over. I managed to block every strike of his and before soon he exhausted himself by being all offensive. I saw my chance and twisted his sword with mine and clang his sword is knocked of his arm and I hit him on his neck with the flat of my sword and he fell down on the ground unconscious. Seeing this all the remaining eleven people charged me at the same time.

I don't know whether it is the lack of the heavy armor that made me fast or the armor they are wearing that made them slow but they their swords couldn't just touch me. Don't ask me how I fought because I myself don't know how I did it. My body just moved involuntarily dodging and blocking every attack and then attacking them. After 5 minutes I was clearly at an advantage when suddenly an arrow whizzed through the oncoming assault missed my shoulder by an inch or so.

But I looked from where did the arrow came and it is one of the three standing guard at the chest. I just lost my temper when I saw that they are aiming for me again. Meanwhile a guy tried to attack me from behind. I barely blocked his sword and "Never sneak up behind me" I said in a slow and threating cold voice.

I lost my temper and winds began to swirl around me. That guy who tried to attack me backed away from me. I began to rise slowly in the air and in a few moments I was in the middle of my very own hurricane. The winds are very strong and my attackers struggled to even stand let alone fight me. I concentrated a bit more and every warrior near me were thrown toward the walls due to the force of the winds. I willed myself towards the ground and the hurricane disappeared. I walked towards the chest and the three warriors standing in the way.

"This is your chance to back away or I won't go easy on you especially not after that little stunt with the arrow." I said and I am sure I sensed some confusion and fear in them. They stood there and I charged at them. Before two minutes two of the three are disarmed. The only one left is the warrior who shot the arrow at me, probably a kid of Apollo. Since that person only had a bow to defend I didn't want to attack with my sword. Suddenly out of instinct I pierced my sword in the ground and water started seeping through the hole. I concentrated on the water and willed it towards the lone warrior with enough force to knock that warrior out of the way.

I went near the chest and touched it and claimed my victory. The entire coliseum fell absolutely silent. Lupa spoke "The winner is Perceus Jackson, son of Lord Neptune" and every one was amazed at that announcement.

"Well done Percy Jackson", a voice in my head spoke, I recognized it as the voice of Hera, " Just you have to blend in them enough so that they can listen to you when the time comes" and I passed out.

I hope you enjoyed the story. Review it guys... please gives me the inspiration to write the story,

please let me know your suggestions too...