Okay guyz this is my first fan fiction... hope you will enjoy this one...

Disclaimer: every character belongs to rick and i claim no authority on this story

please do review guys.. let me know...

Chapter 1

I was walking in a forest and suddenly I got attacked by some sort of creature the size of a small hill. I thought I could out run that thing but it proved to be faster than it looked and it was about to give a fatal blow to me and I woke up.

I found myself in the middle of the forest and I can see in a distance smoke rising to the sky. I tried to remember where I was and then it hit me that I forgot everything except for my name, "percy". I got to my feet and followed the path leading towards the smoke. I walked for about fifteen minutes and "Stop where you are" I heard someone cry after me. I stopped and watched who it was. There were about 10 people and they all were in some ancient armors holding various kind of serious weapons. They came near me and a girl with blue eyes and sandy hair asked," who are you? Why are you trespassing here?"

I said" my name is percy and I am afraid that is all I can tell you guys about me"

She let an angry look at me, "Listen, if you value your life, it will be better for you to answer my questions or else you will regret later", she said with so much anger in her eyes, but when I kept quiet she took out a crescent shaped sword and said "Get ready to die".

With that she pounced on me, I instantly took out the pen in my pocket and uncapped it, in my hand was a bronze sword, she attacked me furiously but I was able sense her moves with ease. No matter how hard she tried I was deflecting the blows without even breaking sweat. She began to lose the match and that's when it happened all the other guys in that group who stood watching our fight came to her aid. I felt a strange pull in my gut that somehow felt familiar and since I couldn't remember who I was and then these people are attacking me, I felt a sudden surge of anger seep through and I went crazy in the fight.

Dodge, slash, dodge, block and hit, it all seemed so natural and familiar to me fighting with that sword, and when I stopped all the ten people are lying on the ground with all wounds, staring me to death. I restrained myself from making any serious wounds on them by avoiding all the vital spots. Now it is time I get some answers, so I asked the girl with blue eyes "where am I? What is this place?"

Suddenly I heard a snarl behind me and when I turn back I say a wolf the size of a horse looking at me and the weird part is it talked. It asked me follow her to the camp

Then I followed them to a very large area. At the center of it there is a huge castle and around it lays some big houses. There are kids of all ages practicing with weapons. The group took me to the central castle and I was taken to a big room and after a few moments large wolf entered.

"All I remember is that my name is percy and nothing more", the campers in the room all stared at me in disbelief and when I asked what it is the wolf replied" Don't you realize it, you are talking in Greek"

Then I realized that I am indeed speaking Greek and then asked where am I, " you are in the Castra Roma and to answer your next question, my name is Lupa"