Alright guys. This is it. The final chapter of "Adventures". It has been a wild ride, filled with ups and downs, but things must come to an end. And I'm so glad that I'm officially done with this story. It's not really my favorite story, because if any of you knew what I had to go through to type up every chapter, you wouldn't like it as much too. Talk about being a major pain in the ass. But, it was worth it to see all the reviews I get on every chapter, saying how much you guys love it, and enjoy it and such. If I had the choice to do this whole story again, I would most likely do it again (with some changes of course). There are a lot of references in this chapter, so it's absolutely okay if you don't get them all. First off, I like to thank my college for giving me a free computer, and for fixing that computer when it was broken. Second, I'd like to thank my folks for cheering me on for doing whatever I want to do (even though they didn't really know about the stories I write). Thirdly, I'd like to thank my girl Catherine, who is doing her own thing at college, but we still chat when we get the chance. And lastly, I'd like to thank all of you guys for showing your support one way or another. Now that I got all the thank yous out the way, let me start by saying I don't anything except my OC. Everything is owned by Nintendo, and Sega. The character of Marco Mario (Mario and Luigi's father) belongs to Nintendrawer. I just borrowed the name, and showing who owns it. So, I finally give you, the final chapter of "Adventures of the Social Network". For the last time, I ask you to read, review, and enjoy.

Hope Boyd: I love Project A.F.T.E.R forums so much. I'm not ashamed to admit the fact that I do, and I'm a frequent visitor of that site. They crack me up so much with their commentaries!

1123 people like this.

Mario Mario: Really? I'm surprised you would say that. Didn't they mock this story?

Hope Boyd: Yeah. But the mock they did for this was freaking hilarious. I laughed so hard I cried. I just wished they continued it.

Luigi Luigi: Wait a minute. So you frequently visit the site that mocked you? Why?

Hope Boyd: One, because they mock people that have giant ass egos, and yet their stories suck. Two, they're doing things that people on here aren't. Some authors are really bad, but yet few to no authors tell them so. I'm not going to say any names, but I'm pretty you guys at least know one author that fits in that category.


12249 people like this.

Hope Boyd: Hell yeah! Giants ftw!

Mario Mario: What does 'ftw' mean?

Hope Boyd: For the win.

Mario Mario: Ahhh. I thought it was something else.

Hope Boyd: It's okay. I thought it was that too.

Luigi Mario: I wanted the Patriots to win. :(

Hope Boyd: *Gasp* Traitor!

Mario Mario: Shun the non-believer!

Luigi Mario: Ha ha very funny guys.

Hope Boyd: Are you sulking in the corner while you're writing this on here?

Luigi Mario: No. I am not going to cry over a silly football game.

Mario Mario: Yes, he is.

Luigi Mario: And how do you know?

Mario Mario: Because I literally see you in the corner, sniffling to yourself, muttering "Stupid Giants. Bunch of bullies".

Luigi Mario:...Thanks bro. -_-'

Hope Boyd: LMAO.

Luigi Mario: It's so hard to believe that you're gone. Rest in Peace Whitney Houston. You will be missed dearly.

56230 people like this.

Mario Mario: Yeah I know. She was so young.

Hope Boyd: So true. She had such an amazing voice. There will never be another voice like her ever again.


Mario Mario: It's on Google news, kiddo.

Felicity Toadstool: Shut up! You guys aren't lying to me, right? This isn't a hoax?

Mario Mario: No. Sadly, this one is true.

Hope Boyd: It is it just coincidental, or creepy that I was watching the Prince of Egypt earlier today?

Mario Mario: Really?

Luigi Mario: Wow. That's just really creepy.

Mario Mario: So...driving with Felicity went well today.

12972 people like this.

Felicity Toadstool: Stop lying to them, Mar! It did not go well at all!

Luigi Mario: C'mon Felic. It wasn't that bad.

Felicity Toadstool: Wasn't that bad? I was doing an okay job in Moo Moo Meadows until a freaking cow came out of nowhere, and started grazing in the middle of the road. I know we're supposed to dodge them and all, and when I did, a Monty Mole popped up, and uses his claw on my kart, ruining my wheels. I tried to gain control, but I ended up crashing into the milk cart, and got milk all over me. It was so embarrassing!

Daisy Sarasa: C'mon Felic. That doesn't sound too bad.

Felicity Toadstool: The babies (your past selves), the cows, and the Monty Moles were all laughing at me. The Monty Moles were even pointing at me with their claws while they were laughing!

Daisy Sarasa: Felic, maybe you're just overreacting from everything.

Luigi Mario: No, they really were laughing at her like that. It was actually kind of funny.

Hope Boyd: Shut the front door! I missed that whole thing go down? Damn. That would have been hilarious to see.

Felicity Toadstool: -_-

Mario Mario: Are you okay kiddo? You ran off the court before I could make sure you were okay.

Felicity Toadstool: No! I'm not okay! I made a total fool out myself. I am never driving a kart ever again!

Peach Toadstool: Are you sure you're not being a little bit overdramatic Felicity?

Felicity Toadstool: I'm serious. If you saw how the whole thing played out, you would have a somewhat better understanding. I'm seriously not going to put my hands on a kart wheel ever again!

Peach Toadstool: Now, don't say that sweetheart. We all had trouble with the kart when we first started kart riding.

Mario Mario: Yeah. Weegee fell off Rainbow Road 26 times during his first try!

Luigi Mario: At least I didn't almost destroy half of Peach's Castle on the Circuit that was named after you!

Daisy Sarasa: ANYWAYS, you shouldn't let that one accident discourage you from driving. You'll get better when you try again.

Felicity Toadstool: Fine. I guess I can try again.

Mario Mario: That a girl! So next weekend?

Felicity Toadstool: Sure.

Luigi Mario wrote on Hope Boyd's wall: Shut the front door, huh? Very interesting choice of words. lol

Hope Boyd: Oh shut up. I don't use the f-bomb in this fic because if I do, then this gonna get bumped to the M rating, and not everyone can see M rated stories. If not a lot of people can see it, then I get less hits, and reviews. See?

Luigi Mario: Oh. You have a point.

Hope Boyd: Thanks. So...26 times on Rainbow Road? lmao.

Luigi Mario: I was a beginner!

Hope Boyd: Suuuuure you were. lol

Luigi Mario: And how many times have you fell off it?

Hope Boyd: Well, I just played Super Circuit, and the most I fell off during a race was around 10 times.

Luigi Mario: You're lying on here, and you know it.

Hope Boyd: Excuse you. It's been a while since I played. :p

Felicity Toadstool: The awkward moment when you're Adele's ex-boyfriend.

102340 people like this.

Daisy Sarasa: LMAO good one.

Peach Toadstool: To know that you're the reason why she won six of these "Grammys" because of your breaking up with her.

Luigi Mario: Your status got me lolling in the deep.

Mario Mario: She definitely wants to find someone like him, so she can win six more Grammys again!

Pit Icarus: Rumour has it he's suing her for the profit the songs made.

Hope Boyd: ^Nice Adele puns fellas.

Hope Boyd wrote on Raymond 'Boss-defeater' Shield's wall: You know what I realize in each others' stories?

Raymond 'Boss-defeater' Shields: What?

Hope Boyd: You have better grammar and spelling than I do.

Raymond 'Boss-defeater' Shields: I can't be better than you at English. I'm not English after all.

Hope Boyd: I'm only part English. I'm Scottish, English, and African American. :D

Raymond 'Boss-defeater' Shields: -_-'. I mean I don't speak it fluently like you do.

Hope Boyd: So? You still manage to have less mistakes than me.

Raymond 'Boss-defeater' Shields: No. I'm pretty sure that I make more mistakes than you.

Hope Boyd: On the contrary my friend. I make more mistakes.

Raymond 'Boss-defeater' Shields: No, my American friend. It is I that makes more mistakes.

Hope Boyd: No way, my Dutch friend. I make more.

Raymond 'Boss-defeater' Shields: No. I do!

Hope Boyd: No. I do!

Raymond 'Boss-defeater' Shields: I do!

Hope Boyd: I do!

Raymond 'Boss-defeater' Shields: We each write a one shot, and make our readers look for mistakes in each one. However has the less mistakes is better. Deal?

Hope Boyd: Deal. Just don't be too disappointed when we find out that I'm right.

Raymond 'Boss-defeater' Shields: Same to you.

Mario Mario: Team Mario's looking real good for London 2012. Sonic The Hedgehog, you and your team better bring you A-game, because this time, Team Mario's bringing all the Olympic gold medals home!

239304 people like this.

Luigi Mario: That's right bro!

Peach Toadstool: Way to go Mario!

Daisy Sarasa: Definitely! You guys better put up a real fight against!

Bowser Koopa: Damn right we will!

Wario Wario: Hells yeah. When it comes to gold, I'm always getting it!

Waluigi Wario: We already got this in the bag!

Felicity Toadstool: We'll show you what we got, and then some!

Sonic The Hedgehog: Heh. Glad your team's motivated and excited. We'll just have to wait and see in London, who comes out on top, won't we?

Mario Mario: You bet. We're gonna give you a run in your little red shoes.

Sonic The Hedgehog: Is that so? Then I hope you're good on your word, shortie.

Mario Mario: You better believe I keep my word. They don't call me Super for nothing.

Prince Peasley Bean: Attention everyone! There will be a Valentine's Day ball on the Friday of Valentine's Day week, which is February 17th at Bean Bean Castle in the Bean Bean Kingdom by the order of her majesty, Queen Bean. It is absolutely mandatory to attend with a escort. See you all there!

31934 people like this.

Felicity Toadstool: Aw come on. What gives with this stupid ball?

Prince Peasley Bean: This ball is to celebrate Valentine's Day, and Saint Valentine.

Felicity Toadstool: I get that, but shouldn't we celebrate it with a party? A ball seems a little bit over the top.

Peach Toadstool: And how is it over the top? We haven't had a ball in months! It's about time we have one, and I expect you to be there with your escort.

Felicity Toadstool: But mom. I was going to go the City on Friday to get away from this whole ball thing.

Peach Toadstool: As princess and heir to the Mushroom Kingdom throne, it is your duty to be there with me, and your cousin Daisy. So, in short, you have to be there, with Pit.

Felicity Toadstool: Dang. But what if Pit has something to do then?

Peach Toadstool: Then, you'll have to make with what you have.

Felicity Toadstool: So..go with someone else is what you're saying?

Peach Toadstool: Absolutely not! I mean, if your boyfriend is unable to go, then you have the choice to go alone. But you have to be there.

Felicity Toadstool: Got it.

Hope Boyd: Well, I got an interesting request in one of my reviews. Supermariogirl wanted me to make a Taylor Swift reference in this story. Well, here you go girl: I like Taylor Swift, but I absolutely dislike her music with a passion.

10303 people like this.

Felicity Toadstool: Seriously? How can you dislike her music? "Love Story"? "Fifteen"? "Today Was a Fairytale"? "You Belong With Me"?

Hope Boyd: It just doesn't touch or affect me the way it does you. You're a sixteen year old princess basically living in a fairytale, so it would affect you. I'm an 18 year old college student trying to graduate from college, and get by in the world. Her music just seems way to unrealistic for me. I just can't relate to her on any level with her music.

Felicity Toadstool: And what music can you relate to, then?

Hope Boyd: Adele definitely. Every time I hear a song sung by her, I always think "Dang. This is how I feel right now.", or "Man. I've been there before. I can totally relate to this.". And there are times that I actually start to tear up, or cry cause I can relate to that so badly, and that's what make the songs even better. And I find it quite funny that I'm listening to her while I write this whole thing. but anyways, you're young, so you wouldn't understand.

Felicity Toadstool: Oh. Wow. You make a pretty valid point.

Hope Boyd: But, to end this on a brighter note, her song "You Belong With Me" and "Mean" are quite catchy. My roommates sing "Mean" to me almost every day as a little joke. I find myself humming both of those songs at times.

Felicity Toadstool: Lol nice.

Felicity Toadstool is single.

Nicholas Gerard Smeake likes this.


Luigi Mario: Seriously?

Daisy Sarasa: What happened between you guys?

Pit Icarus: Felic, please don't do this! We can work it out! Please! I really really like you, and I don't want it to end like this!

Felicity Toadstool: What in the world are you guys talking about? And Pit, why the heck are you begging? You didn't do anything wrong in the first place.

Pit Icarus: If I didn't do anything wrong, then what's with the relationship status change? And don't say "It's not you, It's me." stuff either. We both know what that really means.

Felicity Toadstool: Oh crap! I didn't mean to change this! Sorry guys! I was editing some stuff on my information, and I didn't realize I accidentally did this until now. Sorry if I got you guys worried.

Pit Icarus: You almost gave me a heart attack, Felic. I really thought something was wrong.

Nicholas Gerard Smeake: So, you two aren't breaking up?

Felicity Toadstool: Of course not. :D.

Nicholas Gerard Smeake: :(.

Mario Mario: Peach Toadstool, will you do me the greatest honor, and accompany me to the Valentine's Day ball?

24233 people like this.

Bowser Koopa: Say no so you can go with me!

Pauline Johnson: Say no so he can ask me!

Peach Toadstool: I would love to go with you Mario!

Bowser Koopa: I don't know why the heck you want to go with him.

Felicity Toadstool: For starters, he doesn't have the audacity to kidnap the woman he loves five times a week.

Luigi Mario: Don't forget his sense of justice and heroic deeds.

Daisy Sarasa: And his generous, kind nature.

Hope Boyd: Whoa.

Luigi Mario: What's up Hope?

Hope Boyd: I just had a major déjà vu moment as I read this. Weird. Wonder why.

Felicity Toadstool is in a relationship with Pit Icarus.

19203 people like this.

Daisy Sarasa: Much better.

Pit Icarus: I couldn't agree with you more Daisy.

Felicity Toadstool: I still can't believe you begged on facebook on the internet.

Pit Icarus: When I saw that update, I honestly thought I was going to lose you forever.

Felicity Toadstool: Pit, if we did had a problem, or something of the sort, I would not write a status about it. I would talk to you before anything. You told me time and time again how I can confide in you about anything, and I always do. If I did want to break up with you for any reason whatsoever, I would always let you be the first one to know.

Pit Icarus: Thanks Felic I needed that.

Felicity Toadstool: You're welcome. By the way, I'm breaking up with you.

Pit Icarus: WHAT? D:

Felicity Toadstool: Ha ha ha! Just kidding!

Pit Icarus: You're lucky you're adorable, and I really like you.

Felicity Toadstool: I know. :D

Bowser Koopa: Peach Toadstool, will you be my Valentine, and wife?

123 people like this.

Hope Boyd: Again with the freaking déjà vu! Curse you déjà vu!

Felicity Toadstool: Oh dear lord. Is he seriously doing this again?

Daisy Sarasa: Yup. Is that why I hear sappy 80s music coming from outside?

Peach Toadstool: Yes. He's out there trying to serenade me with a boombox.

Luigi Mario: How much you wanna bet he say "Say Anything", and thought it could work for him?

Felicity Toadstool: I don't think anyone would go against you on that bet, Lou.

Mario Mario: You want me to deal with him Peach?

Peach Toadstool: No it's fine. I'm sure his boom box will run out of batteries soon.

Felicity Toadstool: Can I throw something at him?

Daisy Sarasa: Go for it!

Mario Mario: Yeah!

Peach Toadstool: Absolutely not!

Felicity Toadstool: Awww. Why not?

Peach Toadstool: Because, that's rude. I'll just kindly ask him to stop. See? Not everything has to resort to violence. You'll need to learn when you become Queen one day.

Daisy Sarasa: Luigi asked me to go to the ball with him, and I said yes!

27954 people like this.

Mario Mario: That a boy Weegee!

Felicity Toadstool: Way to go Lou!

Peach Toadstool: We're so happy for the both of you!

Luigi Mario: Thanks guys.

Mario Mario: It's about time you made some moves on that girl.

Luigi Mario: Jeez! Now, you're sounding like dad!

Marco Mario: Well of course he is! Cause he's absolutely right!

Mario Mario: Dad! What the heck are you doing on here?

Marco Mario: Well, your mother and I wanted to know how you two were doing. By the way, mom says hi. Way to go sons! I'm proud of you guys for finally making those famous "Mario moves" on them.

Mario Mario: Dad! O_o

Luigi Mario: This is so embarrassing!

Marco Mario: You know, if you guys pick up a phone, and call us more often, this wouldn't have happened.

Hope Boyd: He makes a good point guys.

Mario Mario: Do you call your dad Hope, since you're so quick to reprimand us for not doing so?

Hope Boyd: Actually I do. And if I didn't call him after a while, he would most likely either text me, call me since he can't have a Facebook due to his job. Either way, it's a win-win for me.

Luigi Mario: I so dislike you right now.

Hope Boyd: :D

Pit Icarus: And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

10202 people like this.

Peach Toadstool: I love this song! Iris is amazing!

Daisy Sarasa: I know! The Goo Goo Dolls are awesome.

Felicity Toadstool: So true. And that is so sweet how that song somehow relates to you.

Pit Icarus: Lol I guess it does. I just found this song on Youtube, and I really liked it. I decided to post them on here.

Hope Boyd: You guys wanna hear something really funny? The song is from a move called "City Of Angels", where an angel falls in love with a human. He becomes human for her, but she ends up dying at the end of the movie. What a coincidence, huh?

Felicity Toadstool: I have a feeling you were inspired by that movie to make us into a relationship.

Pit Icarus: Wait a minute. You're not going to make me turn human for Felic, just for her to die so suddenly, right?

Hope Boyd: Of course not! Shoot, I don't even what's going to happen to the two of you yet. Guess we'll all just have to wait and see. ;)

Felicity Toadstool wrote on Peach Toadstool's wall:'s been almost four hours since he started playing the music, and I have to wake up in 6 hours. Apparently, asking him really nicely to shut off the boom box doesn't work, so can I?

Mario Mario, Luigi Mario, Daisy Sarasa, and 12 other people like this.

Peach Toadstool: Go right ahead. I'm tired of hearing "True Colors" over and over again. And he just won't take no for an answer. And the fact that after I said no to him the third time, made him turn up the music and start singing along to it.

Felicity Toadstool: Yes!

Daisy Sarasa: I'll do it with you!

Felicity Toadstool: Sure! The more, the merrier!

Mario Mario: Don't miss girls.

Felicity Toadstool: Of course we won't Mar.

Daisy Sarasa: With a target as big as Bowser, how could we?

Mario Mario: You make a very good point.

Bowser Koopa: Who the hell threw a slipper and a book called "Singing On Key for Dummies" at me? That is not funny!

92034 people like this.

Mario Mario: Bwahahaha!

Luigi Mario: On the contrary, this is too funny!

Daisy Sarasa: I threw the slipper. Felic threw the book at you, which was quite clever in my opinion.

Felicity Toadstool: I figure he needs that book more than I do, so I let him have it for free. lmao.

Bowser Koopa: What the hell was that for girl?

Felicity Toadstool: Since you wanna know what that was for, let me tell you. I have to wake up at 5 in the morning to get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to school. It's almost 12:30, and the only thing that's keeping me from getting the sleep I need is some moron playing FREAKING CYNDI LAUPER ON A DAMN BOOMBOX! SHUT THE DAMN THING OFF AND GO HOME BEFORE I TAKE THAT BOOMBOX AND SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR FREAKING THROAT!

Bowser Koopa:...Okay.

Luigi Mario: Felic is really scary when she's tired. O_O

Daisy Sarasa: Peach is much worse than her. Be glad he didn't have to deal with her.

Peach Toadstool: Received the most beautiful bouquet of roses from my knight in shining armor. Thank you so much Mario! I love you!

29394 people like this.

Felicity Toadstool: Awww.

Daisy Sarasa: How cute!

Mario Mario: Anything for you il mio amore.

Bowser Koopa: See! Why can't I get that gratitude for my bouquet!

Peach Toadstool: Oh. And thank you Bowser for the bouquet.

Bowser Koopa: That's better.

Daisy Sarasa: Absolutely love the bouquet of daisies and lilies, and my amazing lunch cooked by my sweetie. Luigi, thank you so much. Love ya babe!

31234 people like this.

Felicity Toadstool: That's so sweet!

Peach Toadstool: It really is!

Luigi Mario: You're welcome mi sole splendore.

Waluigi Wario: And what about me?

Daisy Sarasa: Your bouquet was filled with piranhas that almost bit off my hair. I had to throw them out the window because they tried to eat the Toads.

Felicity Toadstool: It's true too. I saw her do it myself. Almost ate poor Toadette.

Waluigi Wario: -_-

Hope Boyd: To my Secret admirer, thank you so much for the bracelet today. It's very pretty, and I adore it. So, whoever you are, thank you for the bracelet. I only wish I knew who you were, so I can thank you in person.

19354 people like this.

Mario Mario: Good for you Hope! You deserve to get nice gifts once in a while.

Hope Boyd: Thanks Mario. I only wished that he would tell me who he is, so I could thank him in person.

Mario Mario: Maybe one day he will.

Hope Boyd: You're right. Maybe he will. And even if he doesn't, I get a free bracelet out of it. :D

Felicity Toadstool: So, my boyfriend, Pit, decided to surprise me by not only giving me chocolates, but he also played "So This Is Love" on the Violin. How romantic is that?

23934 people like this.

Daisy Sarasa: Wait. Since when could he play the Violin?

Felicity Toadstool: I have not the slightest idea. I didn't even know he could play in the first place!

Pit Icarus: I've been playing since I was a child. I only play on special occasions, and what better occasion than on Valentine's Day?

Mario Mario: Yeah. Weegee and I found out during a game of tetris.

Luigi Mario: Oh yeah! I remember that!

Felicity Toadstool: Wow. I absolutely loved it Pit. Thank you so much. I don't deserve all this.

Pit Icarus: You're welcome. And you absolutely deserve this. All that and more.

Hope Boyd: You know what I love about Valentine's Day? The next day when all the chocolates are 75 percent off. :D

156303 people like this.

Felicity Toadstool: Amen.

Daisy Sarasa: You said it girl.

Peach Toadstool: Indeed.

Mario Mario: Delicioso!

Luigi Mario: Yum!

Hope Boyd: Exactly my point.

Wario Wario: I'm sexy and I know it.

123 people like this.

Felicity Toadstool: Oh dear god no! Only one man can say that, and that's Ricky Martin. Because it's actually true for him.

Mario Mario: You were watching Glee, weren't you?

Felicity Toadstool: Heck yeah!

Wario Wario: Hey! This is about me!

Felicity Toadstool: And you are...?

Mario Mario: Irrelevant to the our conversation.

Felicity Toadstool: Nice. Anyways, did you Amber Riley's rendition of "I Will Always Love You"?

Mario Mario: Yeah. It was amazing. Very well done.

Felicity Toadstool: I agree.

Wario Wario: Ya mind having this conversation somewhere else, where I don't get any notifications about it?

Felicity Toadstool: Oh yeah. My bad. :D

Hope Boyd wrote on Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields' wall: So...who won?

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: Depends. You have made 24 mistakes, I have made 54. However, I have thrice as
much words as you. To make things fair, you'd have to divide my amount of mistakes by three. Then I have 54/3=18 mistakes. In that case, you won.

Hope Boyd: Told you that you were better in grammar and spelling.

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: How did I lose... I mean, I might be good in school and get extraordinary grades, but still...

Hope Boyd: Grammar wasn't my best subject. I was okay in english, but it was grammar that always messed me up. I told you not be too disappointed when you found out. ;)

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: Same here. -_-' Though, English is my best language (even over Dutch...).

Hope Boyd: *Shrug* Well, whatcha gonna do?

Luigi Mario: As I walk into the ballroom, I see Felicity and Pit singing a duet of Nat King Cole's "Love", and it wasn't half bad guys.

10022 people like this.

Felicity Toadstool: Uh thanks Lou.

Pit Icarus: Thank you.

Daisy Sarasa: Did you record it?

Luigi Mario: Of course. It's on Youtube.

Peach Toadstool: I have an idea! Why don't you two perform that duet again at the ball?

Felicity Toadstool: Perform the song front of people? I don't really know. The thought of performing in front of so many people really scares me. I get nervous and stage fright really easily. I'll just freeze on stage.

Pit Icarus: Don't worry Felic. I'll be right there with you during the whole performance. We're going to do it together, and I won't let anything happen to you.

Felicity Toadstool: Thanks Pit, but aren't you working the night of the ball?

Pit Icarus: Nope. The Goddess Palutena believed that I should represent Skyworld, and accompany you at the ball, so she gave you the night off. But, I still have to ask; Will you accompany me to the Valentine's Day Ball?

Felicity Toadstool: Of course I will! There was no one else I wanted to go with other than you!

Pit Icarus: I'm so glad to hear that. Lol

Felicity Toadstool: You honestly think I would go with someone else if you couldn't come?

Pit Icarus: Maybe.

Felicity Toadstool: There is no way I would be accompanied by anyone else other than you! If you couldn;t go with me, then I was going to go to the ball alone.

Pit Icarus: But, it's mandatory to bring a date.

Felicity Toadstool: So? It was either you or no one at all. I know I sound really selfish right now, but I didn't want anyone else but you.

Pit Icarus: Glad we both feel the same way. There's no other girl I would go with other than you.

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields wrote on Hope Boyd's wall: So, you said you would tell us who the Nobody is, so spill it!

190203 people like this.

Waluigi Wario: Yeah! Who's the nobody!

Bowser Koopa: Yeah! We want to know damnit!

Hope Boyd: Alright. I'll tell ya. To tell you guys the truth, he nobody wasn't one person. The nobody was an account that was shared between a few people. Bowser, the nobody for you was Mario. Waluigi, the nobody for you was Luigi.

Bowser Koopa: Are you fucking kidding me?

Waluigi Wario: It was those two the whole damn time?

Mario Mario: Yup! :D

Luigi Mario: Fooled you! :p

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: Darn. I thought it was Chris. And for me?

Hope Boyd: Oh, that was Birdo.

Catherine Birdo: Hey sexy! ;)

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: WHAT? YOU SAID IT WASN'T BIRDO! O_o

Hope Boyd: Yeah, well I lied. Welp, now you know who the nobody is! You're welcome!:D

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: I dislike you so much right now. -_-

Hope Boyd: You know, if you never said it in that review before, I would have never gotten an idea from it. Sides, it was so much fun to do! And everyone loved that little bit while it was going on. And I made you somewhat famous off of it. In the end, we both won. :D

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: Why does it feel like you're the only one who won throughout this whole thing?

Hope Boyd: Because I most likely did. :D

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: -_-.

Peach Toadstool: Had so much fun at the ball! Everyone looked great, and the whole night was magical. Mario swept me off my feet, Luigi and Daisy were dancing so beautifully, and Felicity and Pit sang the most gorgeous duet. It was truly a magical night.

193834 people like this.

Luigi Mario: Yeah. It really was magicial.

Daisy Sarasa: Definitely. I got to spend it with my sweetie.

Mario Mario: I'm glad you had such a great time. I thought Bowser was going to ruin it when he tried to make you jealous with that weird koopa girl.

Daisy Sarasa: So glad I wasn't the only one who saw that.

Peach Toadstool: Except when I told him I was happy for him about his new relationship, he didn't seem to pleased. He he.

Bowser Koopa: weren't jealous? At all?

Peach Toadstool: Bowser, I've told you that I wasn't jealous. I was happy you found someone who truly likes you.

Bowser Koopa: :(

Pit Icarus: And let's not forget that Felic did an amazing job.

Felicity Toadstool: No, I didn't. We did an amazing job, and I wasn't even scared. Thanks for being there for me.

Pit Icarus: Not a problem. I'll always be there for you. :D

Hope Boyd: Okay guys, let me tell you all what the point of this story was. The point of this was story was to mock everything and everyone, from my own OC, to the events that happened. That's why I wasn't bothered when Project A.F.T.E.R mocked it in the first place. I wanted it to be mocked in the first place. Which is why i was somewhat bothered when this started becoming a trend. So...basically, this succeeded because nobody got the joke.

1022943 people like this.

Mario Mario: You know, this makes a lot of sense now that you told us.

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: Darn it. You even mocked me, who claims to be good at discovering such things, in the story. You let me go as a detective on Halloween, just to hint on how I was failing to see through the upper layer of the story, down to the truth.

Hope Boyd: Yup. Sorry about that.

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: I don't mind. I like stuff where the reader gets the truth put under his very nose, but yet he doesn't see it.

Felicity Toadstool: And you made me seem like a total Mary Sue on purpose, even though I'm not?

Hope Boyd: Yup. You really aren't naturally Mary Sueish. You were artificially made to be Mary Sueish.

Felicity Toadstool: Ahhh.

Pauline Johnson: And you made seem like a slut, even though I'm not?

Hope Boyd: Yup. To be honest, I actually like you. I have nothing against you. I only made you slutty for the point of the story.

Pauline Johnson: Ahhh. I get it now.

Hope Boyd: Glad you do, and I'm glad you guys do too!

Bowser Koopa: Going to beat down a certain authoress for putting us through all this embarrassment and pain for the past 15 chapters! -With Waluigi Wario and Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields.

Waluigi Wario and Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields like this.

Hope Boyd: Aw come on guys! It was all in good fun. Ray, you can vouch for me right? And I thought you weren't a fighter.

Raymond 'Boss defeater' Shields: I'm not a fighter. But, I can;t let you get away with shipping me with the nobody a.k.a Birdo. I'm recording the whole thing.

Waluigi Wario: We're gonna beat the living crap out of you for all that you've done to us this whole damn story!

Hope Boyd: As much as I would love to stay, and watch that scene unfolds, I have papers to write, homework to do. See ya! Author Powers Activate!

Hope Boyd: So guys, this is it. The last status on this story. I would like to thank everyone who gave me over a whopping 200 reviews. Unfortunately, I can't list them all because there's too many of you guys! Thank you for the hits of over 9,000, the 36 favorites, and the 21 alerts. Words cannot express how much I truly appreciate you guys for everything. I also want to thank Project A.F.T.E.R Forums for mocking this story. By mocking it, they got my point across, and it became more famous! So, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for reviewed, favorited, alerted, and even read. So until the next story, this is Hopefaith2 signing off!

2011000 people like this.

Bowser Koopa: Don't think you can escape from us that easily Hope! One of these days, we'll get you,and no amount of Authoress powers can help you get out of the beating we have in store for you!

Waluigi Wario: Yeah! We're gonna make you regret what you've done to us!

Raymond 'Boss defeater" Shields: What they said, in a total, nonviolent way of course.

Hope Boyd: Okay guys. See ya then! And before I forget, just because it has the completed tag on it, doesn't mean it's officially over. I'll still update this story with a new chapter every once in a while, so keep an eye out for those. Until then!