WOW! It's been awhile! After getting a few emails regarding this story here and there, I've decided that I should probably start it up again. Even though now there's been more information and story in the Assassin's Creed universe, I'm planning on sticking with my original made up story after Brotherhood. Maybe throw in a few things of Ratonhnhaké:ton, who knows! It's been a few years, so my writing's a little messy, and this is a short chapter, but I hope it's still enjoyed otherwise. :-)

After trying, and failing to get a night's rest, Shaun sat up with a huff from his 'comfy' position on the main room's floor. Seeing Rebecca awake and staring at the ceiling, he yawned sleepily and hung his shoulders, "You know what would be just, fantastic?" He said with a dull expression, rubbing the back of his head to fix the flat strands. "Uh… A cup of tea?" Rebecca said as she skimmed through her music play list on her iPod. "No. Well, yes, but no. It would be absolutely fantastic if it would stop bloody raining." He let out an aggravated noise as a drop of water hit him square on the nose. Oh, even better! A leaking roof! He thought, swiping the sliding drop off of his face.

Rebecca stood up all-of-a-sudden, pulling her ear buds out and shoving her iPod in her pant's pocket. She ran to one of the boarded corner windows and peered outside. "It's raining blood?!" She yelled, hands on either side of the window, mouth agape as she looked out into the blackness. "What? Now I know you don't honestly think its literally raining blood outside. But you do need to be at least a little quiet and not trample around the room like a rhinoceros!" Shaun whispered harshly. "Well no shit Shaun. And for your information, I did not trample, I ran! And you're one to talk! For someone that 'sleeps' like a frickin' water buffalo!" They both stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move, or insult.

"You two are fighting already? That didn't take very long." Desmond appeared out of the kitchen, yawning as he gripped onto the top of the doorframe. He stepped backwards, stretching his back to get the knot out that he obtained from lying on the hard flooring. "Ahh, that's better." He sighed, dropping his arms to his sides as he rolled his neck.

Rebecca chuckled, shaking her head as she walked towards him. "Now Desmond, do you honestly think I would back down from an argument? Especially one from that guy?" She clapped a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

In the background, Shaun rolled his eyes and lay back down, pulling his coat over his face. "Ugh. I'm going to try and sleep. If you both would be so kind as to not make any noise, that would be-" "Fantastic?" Rebecca cooed, pressing both her hands together against the left side of her face. "Don't let the bed rodents bite." Shaun remained silent, making it clear that he wasn't going to be bothered or egged on.

Rebecca stalked over to the hallway opposite of Desmond, "Well, I'm gonna go explore this wondrous, decaying piece of wood before it actually decides to completely fall apart." "Mm, now wouldn't that be terrible." Shaun mumbled loud enough for only Desmond to hear. Desmond shook his head, making his way over to the sofa and sitting down. "Have fun." He gave a short wave then held his chilled hands in front of the furnace.


Rebecca wandered into a small bedroom, which wasn't much of anything thanks to the mold and wet wood. Walking over to a two-door closet, she lifted the unhinged door to the side, pinching her nose as an awful smell wafted into the air. "Man, this place reeks. What the heck died?" She said, squinting her eyes and keeping her nose covered. She tapped a few random objects with her foot, kicking them aside to look at more molded junk. She frowned, digging into her pant pocket to fish out her iPod. She placed her ear buds in her ears and began whistling to the tune that vibrated through the small speakers.


Three hours had passed, the rain begun to die down and the sun began to rise. Rebecca had found quite a few trinkets, not really worth anything but still what she deemed 'cool enough to keep'. She looked out the window; it was light enough to where she could make out the front trees and shrubs. She smiled excitedly, dropping the object she was examining and ran down the hall to the front door, side-stepping a few randoms. "Hey guys!" Turning the knob, she hurried outside before the rain could pick up again.

Desmond halted his stitching of Altaïr's sleeve and watched as the door tapped against the frame from the wind. "The door's still open." He mumbled; his lips enclosed on a threaded needle. "Great analysis. Why don't you go close it?" Shaun replied, currently hunched over a few open books and papers at the water-damaged desk. "No thanks. That would require me getting up from my comfortable seat and leaving the warmth." Desmond replied, looking over his shoulder as he heard papers shuffle and Shaun's chair skid across the floor, eyes following Shaun until he disappeared into the kitchen. He pulled the needle from between his lips and yelled, "Don't mess up my bed!" "Ha! You call this a bed?" Shaun yelled back, chuckling at the mess of moth eaten blankets and stacks of books. Desmond squinted, "Yes in fact, I do!"

Altaïr cleared his throat, successfully getting Desmond to focus back on the task at hand. Desmond gave a small "Sorry." Continuing to thread the tear together.


Rebecca climbed into the back of the van; throwing books and papers around, while making sure none hit Baby. She smiled as she grasped the objects she was searching for. Jumping out of the van, she slammed the doors shut with her foot, securely locking the doors and making her way back inside as the rain started up.

Desmond looked up as the front door opened and Rebecca appeared in the doorway. "What do you have there?" Desmond asked; he leaned on his right knee while placing his elbow atop his other leg. Altaïr sat in front of him to the left, mouth in a small frown as the task was stopped yet another time. He now focused his attention on the woman as well.

Rebecca shifted the objects to her opposite arm, slamming the door shut and walking over to Desmond. "Some old notes I was taking while you were in Baby. Figured I'd educate myself while we wait out this rainstorm." Rebecca frowned as she heard an obnoxious scoff come from the kitchen.

"You? Educating yourself? This jetlag really must have gotten to you!" Shaun called out as he came into view, mug in hand and a grin plastered on his face. "Because I don't recall you ever wanting to voluntarily educate yourself or be educated by anyone else." Taking a quick sip, he placed his new steaming hot tea on the old desk and leaned into the sofa.

"I'm sorry, what? I couldn't hear your crappy insult over the rain and my awesome music. You'll have to repeat it when I care." She stuck her tongue out at the English man then strode down the hall to her now acclaimed moldy, smelly room. Shaun stared after her then looked at the other two males. He shrugged, going back to busying himself.


Shaun meandered to the bookcase, pulling a small, white cloth from his shirt pocket and glided it across the hardbacks and shelves, causing dust to fly around. He covered his mouth and nose with the fold of his right arm attempting to seal himself from the particles, but wasn't quick enough. As a result, he clenched his eyes shut and coughed vigorously, waving his other hand around and stepping away from the area.

"You doing alright over there, Mrs. Doubtfire?" Desmond asked with a snicker, looking up momentarily from his newfound tinkering with the gas heater. Altaïr sat hands-on-knees beside him as he quietly observed the metal contraption. Content now that his clothing was finally pieced together again.

Wiping his eyes with one hand and swiping away the dust particles with the other, Shaun frowned at Desmond. "Are you implying I look like a woman-masked man and dress in women's clothing and bodysuits?" He leaned back against the wall, his brows raised at Desmond.

Altaïr's ears perked up, lifting his gaze all the while giving the two males a puzzled look. Desmond made eye contact with him briefly then smiled at Shaun, "Well, to an extent... I've never seen a 'masculine' man such as you dust so elegantly, then cough like a jackhammer." Shaun scoffed at the lame attempt to insult him.

As the two continued, Altaïr listened to them bicker. Flexing his left hand, his hidden blade shot out with a loud "Shhink!" Successfully shutting up the two. They watched carefully, their eyes never leaving the Master Assassin.

And the unnerving feeling is back… Desmond thought as he looked at Altaïr's unsheathed blade. Sliding his fingers across it, a frown crossed Altaïr's lips, his golden eyes shimmering from the glowing fire.

He looked up at Desmond, his face serious, "We must speak." He said with a stern voice. Flexing his hand once more, the blade shot back into its' case. He stood, footfalls heavy against the floorboards as he made his way out the front door.

Desmond and Shaun shared a glance, both simultaneously letting out a breath they weren't aware they were holding as the front door securely shut behind Altaïr. Desmond scratched the back of his head and cleared his throat. "I have a feeling I'm not going to like this." He said hesitantly, pulling down his sleeves and slipping his shoes on.

"From the look on his face, I'd say we pissed him off… Well, good luck!" Shaun kicked himself off the wall and started up his dreadful dusting once more.

Desmond glared at him a second then stalked off. Grasping the doorknob, he turned it, tugging his hood over his head as he made his way out into the pouring rain.