Another Word from the Author

Salvation: The Graphic Novel

Well my friends, for those who may be interested, believe it or not, but we may be on the cusp of very soon seeing "Salvation: The Graphic Novel".

I have recently been in talks with a talented artist, who was looking for a compelling story to illustrate. I proposed Salvation to be that story, and he seemed very excited at the prospect. We've still been in discussion, but he seems very interested. So if all goes well, if things don't break down, and if he thinks my story is worthy - we should at some point in the near future, start seeing Salvation unfurl as a graphic adventure.

Now I have a lot of work to do, as I have to provide him with screenshots, environmental details, character profiles etc, as he's not too well versed in either game - but I've seen his work, it's very impressive, and I have faith in his abilities. And I am very grateful to him for even considering to do this. Not to mention how excited I am to see it!

Now all this could change. Nothing is set in stone. And he has the right to change his mind lol. But his DA page is: [incoum dot deviantart dot com] and his personal blog and portfolio is [www dot rgb-love dot net] - stop by. Add him to your watch. Show him your support of his art, and this idea :D And hopefully together, we can all soon enjoy the illustrated adventures of Gordon Freeman and Commander Shepard. (I mean, after all... we all know the written word can only go so far ;P)

So look for that in the future folks, and stay tuned!

Oh and P.S. Keep your fingers crossed!