I'm so sorry, I couldn't upload anything...well, to be honest, I didn't have anything to upload :') forgive me my darlings...soo, the story goes on :) I promise to speed up the writing, but i need some ideas and suggestions.

You are free to provide me with them! Plus, if you dont understand something, comment and i will do my best to explain

It might be a bit confusing for now but hopefully everything will become clear after a while :D xxx

Emily's POV

Perfection and surrealism. Complete and utter beauty was all I could see. At that time I was totally oblivious to the man in red who silently observed me, amused by my reaction. It was a long time since I saw anything other than the boring madhouse I lived in. Surprisingly, I missed reality. Walking on the edge of the blade made me realize that even though there were things in life which I couldn't bare there were more things which I adored and required. My instincts had taken over my desires and fantasies about a perfect world.

And just like that you suddenly changed your attitude towards death? Man, you are pathetic. What was the bloody point of going through all of this just to "realize" that there are good things in life? You have been defeated.

Yes, just like that I decided to live on and try and make my life worth it. As soon as the lid opened and I saw the sky I was mesmerized by its beauty. My free spirit didn't need to fly towards the distant galaxies, the water in the sea could calm and embrace it, my light in the dark tunnel wasn't coming from the eye of a higher being, it came from the star above me. My soul didn't need love, it had…

'If you continue to stare at the sky instead of getting out I will have no choice but to shut the lid and bury the coffin with you.' A tall man had blocked my view of the moon. The lack of light restrained me from seeing his face; however, by the sound of his voice I guessed that he was old. Or simply wise.

Get out of the coffin! You don't want us to be buried AGAIN!

Slowly, I tried to lift myself off the ground (more specifically, the coffin) but my legs were weak from the lack of movement in previous days. I collapsed right next to the man. When I looked around the graveyard I noticed that there were no tractors or people with shovels. How did the man dig my coffin out? It required a lot of strength for me to start creeping away from my fresh grave towards a beautiful concrete angel which seemed to observe me with it's monumental eyes, beckoning me. Strange noises were coming from behind but I refused to look. The man said he was going to bury the coffin? It would most likely take him a while and when he'll be done, I'd be gone. Gone somewhere no one could ever find me.

'Stay where you are, girl.'

And that's when I heard the shots.

Just a little note: When the POV changes, the story goes back to the place where it started but from a different POV :) xxx

Alucard's POV

Ungrateful dog.

During the last 300 years I learned not to expect much from humans, especially females. Of course, there were exceptions. Integra Hellsing, my dearest master whom I shall serve until the death of hers is a fine example of a moralistic leader who sacrificed her youth and her life to serve England, the Queen and God. My curiosity made me save this girl's life even though I knew that by the end of the day I will regret it. As soon as the lid opened she glanced up the sky and froze. Not a single word escaped her lips, not even a simple greeting or a thank you. She seemed to be a teenager, a strange and complex child who wasn't shocked or scared.

A teenager who accepted death. Nothing unique, when humans are young they tend to believe that they are invincible. Their brain simply cannot cope with the thought of dying young, which is why their fear of death is less strong compared to the older generation. My, what pleasure it would have brought me to show them how wrong they were.

Her bewildered expression wasn't amusing anymore. I had to return back to my duties for the night and this human child had to be dealt with.

'If you continue to stare at the sky instead of getting out I will have no choice but to shut the lid and bury the coffin with you.' I wanted to have the tiny bit of fun I could allow myself with the human. I wanted to feel the fear running through her tiny vessels mixed with the crimson liquid I strongly desired. Watching her getting out of that uncomfortable wooden bed was quite intriguing. Humans are so weak. And yet they dominate over vampires. They are truly wonderful creatures.

When she finally got out she began to crawl away. At that time I realized that I would most likely have a lot of trouble with that creature. Slowly but steadily she moved her slim body toward an ugly statue covered in dust with a smashed wing. If this monster was suppose to represent an angel who brings peace then no wonder this village has a high death rate.

I could feel those FREAKS running towards me, two from the right and one from the left.

They never learn.

The moon was especially bright today. Today was special itself. I casually got my Casull out. My duty was to exterminate things which didn't deserve to exist.

Come a little bit closer, I want to get a closer look at you before you die.

Oh, of course, one more thing. The human.

'Stay where you are, girl.'

Let the game begin.

Oh noo, I hope I didin't make Alucard too OOC...sorry if I did. The deal is, I'm trying to make his seem like a monster and a normal person at the same time :D

Tell me what you thought about this chapter :) xxx