A/N: It's been a long time guys. And yes I am still writing this story, no matter what Omniverse says. I don't follow it anyway. If you do, pretend this is an AU.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

The nursery room was filled with the soft cries and coos of newborn babies. Some were sleeping, tired from their journey to the world. Others were wide awake, curious about their brand new surroundings. Parents huddled by the nursery window, eager to see their babies. Loving, tired smiles graced the parents' faces as they spotted their child.

Some of the parents had no partners with them, either being single mothers not wanting to leave their child's side or fathers who had left their recovering wife to see their new baby. Couples, however mostly made up the crowd at the window. One such couple was a muscular, brunet man and a slender, black haired Japanese woman.

Ben Tennyson had an arm around his wife, Julie's shoulder as he smiled through the glass at their sleeping newborn twins. Julie smiled up at Ben tiredly and leaned her body up against her husband's muscular form. Her brown followed Ben emerald gaze to their babies.

Julie had just spent twelve hours of labor- a very painful natural delivery that involved a lot of screaming and labor induced threats- in order to deliver two beautiful healthy children; a boy and a girl. The boy had Ben's muddy brown hair and the girl had Julie's ebony hair but both of them had Ben's emerald green eyes and Julie's light skin. The boy had been born first then three minutes later, his twin sister followed. At that moment, Ben named his son Kenneth, after his older cousin and Julie named their daughter Lenora.

It had only been a few hours after the twins had been born and Julie already wanted to see her babies. Ben was going to argue that she should rest but Julie had given him such a glare that he feared that he hadn't taken her down to the nursery, she would have murdered him on the spot.

"I can't wait to take them home," Julie said softly, holding onto Ben's arm.

Ben smiled at her and said, "I know. I think they'll love the nursery." He hoped that they would. He spent hours putting those cribs together and he had blue and pink paint stains on two pairs of his jeans.

Julie smiled then frowned a bit. "What if…we're not good parents?" she asked, looking up at Ben worriedly.

Ben smiled at her gently. "I think we'll do just fine Julie," he told her with a gentle voice. "Will we make mistakes? Sure we will. But I think that part of parenting is realizing those mistakes and resolving to never make them again. We'll love these two with our whole hearts and raise them to be happy and healthy and respect any personal decision they decide to make. And the most important thing is to love them no matter what."

Julie smiled at his words and then turned to look back at her sleeping children. "I don't think that will be a problem," she said softly.

A/N: Review please?
