It has been awhile and I apologize for that. I've been busy with school but it had finally ended. It ended last week! WHOA!

Anyways, I thought I will inform you all that I got a Twitter awhile back with the name ThereRnoFNnamez. I know no one on there really, so I will appreciate it if you check me out. You will have to follow me I believe to talk to me because I put safe settings on my Twitter. Never no what crazies are out there. Yep, but if you do follow me on there, which I hope you will, then I will like you to tell me who the heck you to make sure I will not allow a pedo to follow me.

I bored you enough so here is the list of…annoyance?

Uncle Jake

(You all expected Daphne didn't you?)

10. Steal his jacket.

9. Use the stolen jacket to then clean up a drink you spilled.

8. After he yells at you, you remove the magical items and wash the jacket. You "accidentally" turn it pink and put the items back in the pink jacket for safe keeping while you think of a idea.

7. Buy an identical jacket and give it to him…oops, you forgot to put his magical items in the new jacket.

6. You show Jake the pink jacket and explain how you "accidentally" turned it pink and forgot to put the his magical toys in the new jacket.

5. While helping put his toys in the new jacket you accidentally drop a glass bottle filled with clear liquid. The bottle is now broken into a million pieces on the floor.

4. The bottle was filled with water from the Fountain of Youth, and he was going to use it to bring Briar back to life as soon he got another item.

3. In order to calm him down since he is screaming bloody murder at you, he is also probably on the verge of murdering you, you shoot him with a tranquilizer gun.

2. As Jake wakes up from his sleep, the first thing he sees is you leaning over him.

1. You tell him, " I accidentally sent your nonpink jacket on fire with your magical items in it while ironing it for you."

Now for the thank yous and replies.

Dani: Thank you! I love when people think my fics are funny!

Pucklovessbrina23: Aw, thank you!

Cool Bean82: Thank you and same explanation for why this one took awhile.

PandasWithDeathNote: LOL! Thanks and I know you are now ova him.

Lion Eye's: Thank you so much!

Lara D: LOL! I will definitely use them for Daphne! Thanks for reviewing.

Not so mysterious: LOL! MickyD's! I think I spelt that wrong… Anyways thanks you!

Rabbit-ritter: Thank you! I luv hearing LOLs for my fics! Wait, I mean reading LOLs. XD

TreeMusicSun21: Thanks and no prob!

Sabrinagrimm: LOL! I am guessing you like Puck! THANKS. Oops caps.

Rome: I am? NOOOO! *cries in corner* JK…ing! Thanks for reviewing.

OK, for the two reviews with out names thank you!

NeverTrust-A-CrookedMirror NLI: That is one of my own faves. Thanks!

Percabeth and Puckabrina 4ever: Yay more LOLs! Thank you!

Puckalicious: LOL! Many would. Thank you and I would also like to say I sang your review name to the tune of emolicious and still am. Puckalicious!

MysticTune: Aww! Thank you! I am flattered!

Ok thank you to anyone else who added this fic or me to a list thingy. I really hoped you enjoyed this list and please review! I believe that is all! Peace out!