Last chapter here, sorry for the long wait ^^'' my beta and I've been busy lately :P
Thanks to MentalMeg911; Viviskilener-jisbonist4ever; wity; PetitJ; TheHongKonger; MK(aww thanks :3 you should watch the movie, it's a great one xD); 1832TeaQL for their reviews :3
And thanks to my half-beta for checking this :3
Disclaimer: I only own my twisted imagination. Hope you'll enjoy this :) – won't blame you if you don't ;)
"Jane! Don't get too far!"
"Yes mom!" the blond man replied, looking around, curiosity getting the best of him. The recent murder of a journalist had occurred in a public park and he was scanning the environment, feeling that he would find something very interesting… The roots of the tree back there seemed a good place to start. The murder weapon –a small, sharp knife he thought- would certainly be buried there. The ground was damp because of the small pond behind it and thanks to the armada of mosquitoes no-one went there.
Lisbon rolled her eyes and kept her focus on the interrogation of nearby people. Since they had started their… relationship, Jane had become more controllable somehow. He listened more to her commands, perhaps by fear of being kicked out of her bed and sleep on the couch if he didn't, and didn't tease and annoy people as much. She could now count the amount of times he had been punched on her right hand and paperwork had stopped piling over her desk for a while (again, perhaps he got that the earlier she finished, the earlier he could have her for himself. Although, Jane being Jane, he was still annoying.
"Lisbon!" she heard him shout in the afar, waving at her. "I found something!"
She excused herself from the plump woman and headed towards her secret boyfriend. Hundreds of mosquitoes were buzzing around her head when she arrived.
"What is it?" Bziiiiz was the little sound near her ear, and the woman gave herself twenty seconds before being bitten."What did you find Jane?" Bziiiiz"Damn" she muttered, feeling her skin itching by her neck.
"Can't you just wind them away or fry them with a lightening?" Jane asked, frowning. "I have given enough of my person to them already"
She could already see a few red buttons on the side of his neck and couldn't help the smile. While she had not used her powers in over twenty years, Lisbon didn't easily turn to them; sometimes even forgetting she had them back. Uncontrolled situations triggered them the first few weeks. She would accidentally fry the laundry with a lightening–and Jane swore he'd never let his suits in her hands again- or blast a suspect against the wall of the interrogation room when extremely pissed off. Thankfully, no-one aside from Jane had witnessed her outbursts, and she felt it was enough. When her powers provoked an extraordinary effect with Jane nearby, he would back off a few minutes before coming back, apologize for his behaviour and act like nothing had happened. Then, he started to laugh and tease her about them. And he even encouraged her to use them; but only sometimes and only specific powers. For some reason, he hated when she used telekinesis.
Back to present, Lisbon wasn't fond of being eaten alive by those nasty little creatures. She willed the wind to blow soft enough to chase them away. Jane grinned, satisfied and grateful, and handed her a small broken blade stuck between the edges of two fingers.
"I found this first part in here. Second part must be buried deeper. The forensics should dig here don't you think?"
Lisbon picked up the cutting edge and observed it attentively.
"There are dark stains here, but are you sure it's part of the murder weapon?"
"That's why I said forensics should dig around here" he replied good-naturedly. "I don't want to get my hands any dirtier, and with the mosquitoes gone now…" Lisbon shot him a warning glance, but he kept grinning. "Aw c'mon Lisbon, they'll be thrilled to work mosquito-less."
"You're just plain selfish Jane" she muttered, narrowing her eyes. "Don't push your luck."
"What luck? The fact mosquitoes are nice enough to let us dig around?"
Lisbon grumbled something and turned around to head back to her team, annoyed now. A sudden draft blew through the park and hit the tree. An unstable branch cracked and fell. Over Jane. The blond man jumped out of its fall, tripping over his own feet. In the background, near the witnesses, Cho and Van Pelt glanced at each other and shared an amused smile.
"Damn!" he swore, glaring at Lisbon.
The wind could not be possibly natural. He knew, deep down, that the branch hadn't fallen on its own. The woman looked back at him with a perfectly innocent expression, before turning heels and allowing herself to smile. It wasn't the first time she used her powers to calm him, and it would definitively not be the last. She savoured the feeling of having the upper hand, even thought it will not take him long to get over his momentary humiliation.
Payback was just so good sometimes.
Thank you for reading so far, and see you in another fic :3
Let me know if you liked it! xD