Chapter 1

I hate to admit it, but this is a lockdown that I'm not to excited about. No demons and no dark cobwebby rooms. It's just another fancy hotel with a pesturing ghost that the staff wants us to communicate with. Where's the fun in that? I mean, I want a story of a cheating wife back in the 1920's who murders her part time lover so that he'd never be able to reveal her secret. I want stories of bleeding walls and red eyes that feed off the soul. I want the darkest and most evil place in the world. I actually want what the show is about…I want a ghost adventure.

Zak Bagans stood in front of the Jenice Saint Longity Plaza. He rested his hands on his hips and studied the structure. It was a gigantic building made of maroon bricks. Huge windows were placed all over. They displayed inviting scenes that urged anyone to go inside. It had everything to make a person happy; smiling faces, crystal wine glasses, beautiful women and the sound of toe tapping music. Zak looked over his shoulder at Nick. "So this is the place, huh?" He asked sounding unsure. Nick looked into his camera lens then cleaned it with the end of his shirt, "Yup according to tom tom." Aaron shut the back doors of the van. He shrugged his shoulders as he walked towards Zak, "It looks like a cool place to me." The three men stood side by side as they stared at the building. Zak stood in the middle and pointed out the pros and cons of Jenice Saint Longity Plaza to himself. After feeling satisfied with the list he placed his hands on Aaron and Nick's shoulders, "Carpe Diem boys." He announced then led the way towards the entrance.

Once the men freed themselves from the revolving doors they entered the breathtaking lobby of the plaza. A row of beautiful crystal chandeliers hung from the mirrored ceiling. The sunlight shone upon the crystals painted rainbows throughout the area. Tall stoned cylinders were used to hold up the archways and red curtains were placed along the walls. Zak, Nick, and Aaron walked on top of the floral print carpet towards the front desk. A silver bell was placed on top of the oak wood counter to alert an employee for assistance. Zak's right hand reached for it, but was pushed away by Aaron. "Dude, I want to ring it!" He exclaimed. Nick chuckled while Zak rolled his eyes. Once Aaron rang the bell a woman in a Violet colored blouse and a gray pencil skirt greeted them with a warm smile. "Hello, you must be the Ghost Adventures!" She exclaimed. Zak smiled as he extended his hand out for her to shake, "Nice to meet you I'm Zak." The woman nodded then took the next man's hand. "I'm Nick." The woman smiled then gave her attention to Aaron. "Hey there I'm Aaron." "Aaron." She repeated. He smiled. "I'm so thrilled that you boys made it here! My name is Mary Sue and I'm the manager here at Jenice Saint Longity Plaza." She looked to be in her early 40's. She had medium brunette waves and blue eyes. "Thank you for having us, Mary Sue. This place looks amazing!" Nick stated. Mary Sue laughed, "Thank you Nick, we have employees working around the clock to make sure it stays like that." Zak clapped his hands together, "Well we just wanted to let you know that we have arrived, um, we'll head back to our van and get our equipment set up so that we can start filming the interviews." Mary Sue's smile faded a little, "Don't you want to relax for a little bit, doll? I mean you just got here." Aaron nodded, "The bar looks pretty tempting." Mary Sue laughed, "There ya'll go. Have you boys a glass of wine and then come get me when you're finished. Take a break. Don't work yourselves to the bone." Nick snickered, "We're use to it." "Well I'm putting a stop to it for about a half an hour. Go look around and see what you guys are going to be dealing with for 12 hours tonight." Zak scratched the back of this head, "Sounds good to me." Mary Sue smiled, "Great! I'll finish filing some papers while you boys take a look around. I'll be up front if you need me." She said as she began to walk behind the desk. "Alright thanks, Mary Sue." Nick said with a wave. She gave a wink then began taking phone calls. The men turned away and began making their way towards the bar. "Let me introduce myself to the scotch that's calling my name." Zak joked.

Tipsy couple's line dancing and country music blaring from the radio was the welcome the boys received as they entered the bar. The afternoon air was filled with the scent of beer and fruit used to make frozen daiquiris. The plaza's bar was packed with individuals treating themselves with alcoholic drinks while they let loose on their vacations and business trips. The 3 men each sat on a stool and looked around. "So are you still a little bummed that we weren't able to make it to Waverly Hills Sanatorium?" Aaron asked Zak. Zak let his elbows rest on the counter top, "A little. I can't believe they are making it into a bed and breakfast." "Yeah those spirits are gonna be pissed once they start remodeling." Nick added. The 3 shared a laugh. "Yeah well this place doesn't seem so bad." Zak said with a shrug. Suddenly, a woman in a short black dress hugged Nick's arm, "Hey sugar, how about a dance?" Nick immediately smelled alcohol on her the moment she opened her mouth. Her ash blonde hair was messy and her lip stick was smeared past the outline of her lips. Zak and Aaron didn't bother helping Nick out of the situation; instead, they sat back and laughed till they cried. "Get away from him, Trixie; he's got a band of gold on that left hand." The bartender said to the drunken woman. She used Nick's arm to keep her balance, "But he's pretty. I wanna dance with him." The bartender rolled his eyes, "He's married, Trixie." The woman looked Nick up and down, "So am I." the bartender came from behind the counter and walked towards Trixie, "Alright, leave the man alone." He said as he tried to pry the woman off of Nick's arm. Zak and Aaron continued to laugh. "Give him a couple of beers and he'll be drunk enough to dance with you." Zak joked. Nick gave him a dirty look. "Alright Trixie, let go!" The bartender demanded. As soon as he got her to let go she was escorted from the bar. Nick couldn't help but look out for a man claiming to be Trixie's husband, but never saw anyone walk out behind her. He shook his head, "God, I hate Mondays." The bartender returned to his position and began filling mugs with beer. "So you're those Ghost Adventures." The bartender stated. He was a tall older gentleman with a white beard and a cowboy hat. He had on a nice black dress shirt and blue jeans. "And that must have been, Trixie." Aaron joked. The bartender smiled, "She's a doll…when she's drunk." "And you said this place didn't seem so bad, Zak?" Nick asked sounding annoyed by the incident that had just happened. "This place is more than bad." The bartender said as he continued to fill the mugs. "People say they know this place…yeah, well they don't know shit." He added. Zak's eyes narrowed in confusion, "What do you mean?" The bartender sighed then slowly looked up at Zak, "A lot of stuff has happened here boys. They all try to sugarcoat it so that they will keep getting business, but the one's who know the truths aren't afraid to share the horrific stories." Zak moved closer to the edge of his seat. Now he was interested in this place. "Can you tell us what happened?" The bartender shook his head, "To learn the history of a place, you gotta go to the one who's responsible for it." Zak was confused more than ever, "Who's responsible for it?" The bartender moved closer towards Zak, "Tru McCalloway."