Wow thanx for the positive reviews guys...luckily my muse seems to want to stay with me at the moment so here is the next instalment. I haven't been inspired like this for a while and cannot believe it has taken me this long to get into CM...but I'm all caught up episode wise, not bad for someone who only started watching it after Christmas.

Once again I sadly do not own copyright intended yadda yadda yadda...onwards


Derek's POV


Derek stood at the doorway not quite believing what he was seeing. Penelope's homely apartment, her retreat from the evils that plagued her screens was completely unrecognisable. Every piece of furniture was destroyed; even the couch was flipped over. All of her little personal touches, that were so very her, china kittens, photo frames everything was smashed across the floor of her front room. Hell even her book case lie in a broken heap right in front of the front door, a door which whoever had been here had not even bothered to close. No, whoever this was, they wanted their handy work seen, the destruction they had caused felt by the first person on the scene. Climbing over the splintered wood Derek pushed past the mass destruction to get fully into the apartment.

"Baby here...Sweetheart, Penelope answer me, where are you Garcia?"

Derek searched through the chaos in the front room, then in the kitchen. After no luck in finding her, headed down the hallway to her bedroom.

"Baby Girl...Baby Girl please, answer me Garcia...P...please sweetheart, please answer me...its Derek darling, it's me I'm here...tell me where you are"

I was too long, I should have been faster, I should never have left the runway without talking to her, I knew she would be worried about me...I should have driven her home. Baby Girl please be alright, please let me find you hiding in your closet with Mr Snuggles...please let me find you and that god be damned bear together and in one piece...Maybe you escaped before they did this to your apartment, maybe you are across the hall with Sarah, maybe...

"Oh God...PENELOPE!"

Derek had just entered her bedroom, and there she was, his Garcia, his Baby Girl buried underneath the remains of her closet. A closet which looked as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to it. Derek frantically began pulling the broken panels off of her.

"Oh Sweetheart...what have they done to you?"

After removing the final panel Derek finally set eyes on his Baby Girl, and the sight that greeted him made his stomach lurch violently. There, amongst the rubble, lie the broken and battered body of Penelope Garcia, his friend, his solace, his Baby Girl...had she always been so small, so fragile. Carefully Derek turned her on to her back and began dialling 911 on his cell.

"This is FBI Agent Derek Morgan, I have a fellow agent down, I need an ambulance now...hurry" he barked down the phone.

"D...D" came Penelope's voice

Derek thought he may be hearing things her voice was so quiet, he looked to her face and saw her eyes straining to open. He quickly told the operator Penelope's address and slammed the phone shut.

"Easy Baby Girl...I'm here, thank God you're don't try to move" he gently coaxed her

Derek looked down at her, her bloodied face, her battered body and he could feel his rage growing to epic proportions. Whoever did this to her, was seriously going to fucking pay, how dare someone hurt her. Penelope would never hurt anyone, and ever since Battle she was more cautious, no longer opening her door without first seeing who was stood on the other side of it. This made no sense, how the fuck did someone get into her home, the door didn't look like it had been broken into, but then he wasn't really looking, more concerned with finding her. How fucking dare some asshole break into her home, the one place in this world where she should feel safe, and fucking violate her in this way, violate her sanctuary, their sanctuary. Derek could feel the rage growing stronger and stronger, the need to fucking annihilate the scum responsible for this almost unbearable. Derek held on to both of her hands, her eyes slowly closing once more.

"Baby please I need you to stay your eyes darling come on, let me see those beautiful eyes of yours"

Derek could hear the sirens of the ambulance getting closer as Penelope tried to keep her eyes open for him.

"It...h...hurts hurts so bad"

As she spoke a little blood escaped her mouth.

Oh God sweetheart...hang on they're coming darling, they're almost here please keep your eyes open, talk to me Baby Girl remember, you promised you would never stop talking to me. I can hear them, they're downstairs, they're coming please hang on darling please...

"Open your eyes P...come sweetheart, please, please wake up..."

Derek pulled her unconscious body into his arms, and began rocking them both, tears forming in his eyes.

"You're going to be alright baby...everything's going to be alright, I'm here, Derek's here darling...don't leave me, please, please don't leave me"

That was how the paramedics found them, the usually stoic Derek Morgan with tears slowly making their way down his cheeks, cradling his Baby Girl, begging her to wake up and not leave him alone, begging her to stay with him.