Derek Morgan rolled across the bed to reach his phone and cease its incessant ringing. He had barely gotten any sleep for the last two weeks, the latest case taking the entire team to San Antonio Texas, and a serial child murderer. None of the team had slept much after they had gotten the initial phone call, and even less so once more children were killed after their publicised involvement. Cases involving children always hit them hard, Derek more so as he himself was preyed upon as a child. Those who intentionally set out to hurt others made his skin crawl and drew out his primal instinct to protect, even if that protection was through lethal force. Nobody hurt anyone, not if he was there to stop it. Protecting those unable to save themselves was so much more than a job description; it was ingrained into his very soul. So whoever it was phoning him at this ungodly hour could in his mind, seriously take a run and fucking jump. No way was he jetting off across the country to chase down another seriously fucked up unsub. Not gonna happen. He was barely four hours into the first decent night's sleep he'd been having in the past two weeks, so someone had seriously better be dead or fucking dying, because right now, Derek Morgan was not a fucking happy bunny. As far as he was concerned he would only get out of bed if Jack the Ripper himself had by some feat returned to the land of the living and was continuing his bloody assault on London.

Grabbing the phone from his nightstand Derek checked the caller ID, Baby Girl. Penelope would never call him like this without a seriously good reason. Derek flipped the phone open and answered the call.

"Baby Girl...Penelope"

Derek listened to the static on the phone occasionally broken by muffled sounds. He was about to hang up the phone and call her back when he heard it, a sound that would haunt him until he took his last breath. There was a muffled scream followed, by a loud crash.

"Penelope...godammit woman answer me. Fucking answer the phone Garcia...Baby Girl talk to me, what's happening?"

Derek listened as someone on the end of the line began shouting loudly though the words were masked; their clarity lost over the line somewhere. Jumping out of bed and pulling on the clothes that were previously tossed on the floor Derek grabbed his car keys, and with his phone all but surgically attached to his ear, sprinted out the front door, into the car and sped towards Penelope's apartment. For the duration of the drive Derek listened intently to what was happening on the other end of the line, and apart from some pain filled sounds, which he recognised as Penelope, and sped up accordingly, the only other sounds were that resembling a bull in a china shop.

God Baby Girl, what the fuck is going on, who is there with you, what are they doing, oh God please please hang on sweetheart I'm coming, your Hot Stuff is coming. Whoever is there honey I promise, I will take care of them, they will never be able to fucking look at you let alone touch you ever ever again. I'm almost there baby, hang on, talk to me sweetness, let me know you're alright, please, fuck I will settle for alive right now. I'm outside baby, I'm coming, I'm at the door, I'm...Oh Mary sweet mother of...