AN: I know the updates on CADP have slowed waaaay down, but I just want you all to know that this story is still extremely important to me, and it will definitely be finished!

Chapter notes: Sisters being sisters. Set after Potential but before First Date.

Sunnydale, 2003

"Ok, so we've got," Dawn glanced into the nearly overflowing shopping cart, "Raisin Bran, Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs, and oatmeal." She turned to appraise the shelf in front of her. "Do you think maybe Cheerios? I mean, everybody like Cheerios right? And it's not like we can ever have too much food in the house. Buffy?"

Buffy was staring blindly at a box of Fruit Loops. At the sound of her name she turned, "Do you think it's a Slayer thing?"

Dawn frowned. "What? The horrifying rate of consumption? O f course it's a slayer thing. It's beyond human how much you guys can put away. I've been trying to tell you that for years."

Buffy smiled. "No. Not that. It's- Well, see, Amanda was talking to me. Before we knew she was a Potential. And she was talking about this guy she liked-"


"Maybe. She didn't say his name."

"It was probably Martin. He's always around when I see her. They argue a lot. It's pretty funny. Wait." Dawn crossed her arms and fixed her sister with a firm glare. "Is that what you meant? About it being a slayer thing?"

Buffy shifted uncomfortably in Dawns gaze. "Yeah. I mean, at the time I thought it was kind of funny- in an ironic, I'm-not-the-one-to-talk to kind of way- but when I found out she was a potential… I couldn't help but see some…parallels."

Dawn sighed. "Seriously? We're going to have this conversation now? Here? Next to a bunch of cereal?"

"What conversation? I'm just wondering if 'attraction to ones enemies' is some sort of inborn tendency we should warn the girls about. What did you think I was going to say?"

"Attraction to ones- Are you hearing yourself speak right now? I meant the conversation where you tell me you still have feelings for Spike and then try to justify yourself."

"What? I don't- over! It's over. No feelings are being had!"

Dawn scoffed. "Please. You're all with the hovering, and the 'Spike, let me bandage your wounds' and 'Spike, live in my basement' and 'Spike, come patrolling with us!' Also? You're blushing."

"Yes. Because I'm embarrassed to be related to you."

"Liar. That is not the face of over. Those are the red cheeks of someone who's still under."


"Uh-huh." She nodded.

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Ok, miss I'm-a-teenager-I-know-everything. What exactly am I under?"

Dawn shrugged. "I don't know. Spike?"

Buffy's jaw dropped. "Dawn! I'm not under, no one is under Spike!"

Dawn gigged. "Alright, alright you're not under Spike." She paused for a moment. "Is it because you're on top?"


Buffy fought down her incredulous amusement, grabbed a super-size box of Cheerios and pitched it at Dawns mirthful face. She ducked and it landed in the cart.

Buffy stepped around the cart and started down the aisle. "I'm not going to take you shopping anymore. You'll just have to stay home. And settle arguments over the bathroom."

Dawn did her best to look contrite through her badly controlled giggles. "No! I'll be good! I promise! Don't make me pull bathroom duty! Buffy? Buffy!"