Logan and Jo fanfic:)

Jo's POV:

"C'mon guys the movie's about to start, James could you not pay attention to your boyfriend for like two seconds and give me a hand here?" said Kendall trying to get the DVD player to work.

I sat down on the orange L-shaped couch they had in their apartment 2J. The guys had the day off today from rehearsing since Rocque Records was being fumigated, I thought the whole gang could spend some time together and watch a movie. We, especially Kendall and I haven't seen each other in ages since his music career in his band Big Time Rush takes up most of his time and with the scheduling of my show New Town high, we barley get to spend time together. But tonight is the night where we all could spend some time together.

"Could you ladies quit your bickering and just turn on the movie?" Carlos snapped at Kendall and James.

"We can't get it to work; it's like jammed or something…" Kendall hit the DVD player a few times.. "Oh there we go" he said accomplishing his task.

"Great, what movie are we watching?" James asked

"The Notebook" I answered

"Jo, do we really have to watch this movie, I mean not that there's anything wrong with it, but it's just so sappy." Kendall said sitting down next to me

I didn't like it when he said things like that, I thought he'd be happy that we were spending some time together that it didn't matter what we were doing as long as it was together. I opened my mouth to protest but Carlos answered for me

"Speak for yourself Kendall, I love this movie." said Carlos smiling at his girlfriend Stephanie

"Yeah, this movie is where Carlos and I shared our first kiss." Said Stephanie kissing him on the cheek

Carlos and Stephanie had been together just as long as Kendall and I did, but they were insanely into each other, one might say love something that I always wanted me and Kendall to have. Even with Carlos and Stephanie's crazy schedule with his music and her movie career, they still found ways to be together.

"Ok you two, that's enough." laughed James, laying his head on his current boyfriend Dak Zevon's lap. Another relationship I wish mine and Kendall's was more like.

Suddenly, Logan Mitchell the fourth member of Big Time Rush, walked in to our little get together.

"Logan your just in time, we're about to watch a movie." Said Kendall

"Oh really what movie"

"The Notebook"

"Oh" he said looking down."Um that's ok, you guys go ahead I think I'll just head down to the lobby."

"But you love Rachel Mcadams, c'mon Logan watch with us." begged Dak

"Yeah I know, I'm just not really in the mood to watch a movie, I'll see you guys later." He said turning and heading for the door.

"Poor guy, hasn't been the same since Camille left." said Carlos. Camille was Logan's ex-girlfriend who moved to back to her hometown after she realized acting just wasn't her thing.

"Yeah, here I'll go talk to him." said Kendall getting up

I pulled him right back down "No, I'll go talk to him you guys go ahead and start the movie." I said getting up foiling Kendall's chances of getting out of watching the movie.

I caught up with Logan at the elevator and went over to him.

"Logan, c'mon come and hang with us I promise it won't be that bad." I said

"No, it's not that, I wanna hang with you guys, but the Notebook…it's just that it's a love story and…"

"I know you miss Camille, but hey we'll miss you if you don't stay with us." I said smiling at him

He smiled back "Really?"

I looked at his smile, that beautiful, white smile that tilted slightly to the right that made it more unique than anyone else's. I grew a little weak feeling in my knees

"Um yeah definitely" I said trying to hide my nervousness

He looked at the ground and back at me

"Well I guess it couldn't hurt right?" he said smiling down at me "Thanks Jo."

"Hey what are friends for right?" I pulled him onto a hug

He wrapped his arms around my waist and trailed it down, outlining my hips. Kendall never touched me like that, and it felt really nice, like I felt secure with him. I wrapped mine around his neck, lightly inhaling his natural scent mixed in with a little bit of polo. We pulled apart his eyes studying my mouth and working their way up to my eyes. He let go

"Well we better get upstairs right?" he said as we headed back to the apartment

"Um yeah yeah we should."

I imagined Logan in a whole other perspective. A passionate, feeling that made me feel excited and safe with him. Why cant I feel this way for Kendall, he's my real boyfriend, but Logan, that smile, that body, those eyes, those deep, amazing chocolaty eyes that make you grow weak at the knee's every time you look into them. At that moment I felt a bond between Logan and I, a bond that was stronger than anything else in the world

We walk back into the apartment seeing Stephanie and Carlos holding each other and James and Dak cuddling.

"Hey you got back just in time the movie's just about to start." said Carlos

I sat down next to Kendall and rested my head on his shoulder; Logan sat right next to me.

"You ok?" said Kendall looking down at me

"Fine…just fine" I said looking at Logan

I never believed in love at first sight… but right now I'm starting to make an exception.

Hoped you guys liked it:D More to come soon!