Disclaimer: I do not own the world of Harry Potter and never will. Ever. :'(

I, Ginny Weasley, am feeling extremely lonely at the moment. It's summer break and I don't have anyone to talk to. Well there is Harry and Ron, but all they seem to do is talk about the girls they fancy and Quidditch and I am certainly not going to tell them who I like. I am extremely excited for next week because Hermione will finally be arriving. I think about all the things we can do, but then I realize that Hermione will most likely be spending all of her time with Harry and Ron. My excitement vanishes and I am once again gloomy. I suddenly wish break is over so I can go back to Hogwarts. The rest of the week all I did was mope about the house. When Hermione finally arrived I was the only one who didn't immediately run down to greet her. Instead I stay upstairs laying in my bed, staring at the walls of my bedroom. After awhile I hear someone trudging up the stairs and pause in front of my door. As the door opens I shut my eyes and pretend to be asleep.

"Ginny are you in here?" comes a soft voice that I know is Hermione's. I remain silent and shut my eyes even tighter. There are timid footsteps echoing through the room. For awhile the only sound is the ruffling of what sounds like clothes, and I assume Hermione is unpacking. The floor starts to creak as Hermione comes closer to my bed and then the mattress sinks.

"Ginny, I know you're not asleep," Hermione whispers." Aww crap busted," I think. I roll over to face the bushy haired witch and sit up and cross my legs indian style. Her big brown orbs of eyes stare at me with curiosity.

"What's the matter Ginny?" she asks.

"Nothing," I lie.

"There has to be something bothering you. Ron and Harry say you haven't hardly been out of your room all summer and you didn't come down when I arrived like you usually do. You know you can tell me anything right?" She asks. No your wrong Hermione there are some things I can't tell you. Like who I like because if you knew you would hate me.

"Yeah I know, but I'm just tired," I lie again. The look she gives me says she doesn't believe, but she doesn't question me again about it. The rest of the night was spent with Hermione telling me about her trip to Paris, France with her parents. Since the extra camp bed somehow ended up getting broken Hermione and I have to share a bed. I have a feeling I'm not going to be getting sleep anytime soon. As we get ready for bed my eyes drift over to Hermione. She is currently changing into pajama bottoms. My eyes travel down her never ending legs. My thoughts begin to stray and I start to blush like mad and look away. After getting ready we climb into my full size bed. I snuggle into the sheets and bring the blankets up to my chin. In such a small bed it is inevitable that we are going to touch so when she accidentaly brushes her foot against mine, even though I was expecting it, I still jump slightly.

"Sorry Ginny," she mumbles. I lay in bed half of the night not being able to sleep because Hermione keeps touching me and it's sending shivers through my body. "Get a hold of yourself Ginny," I think to myself, "there is no reason for you to be acting all crazy." Even though I love her I have to get a grip. In the morning I'm awoken by Hermione whispering in my ear.

"Ginny you mum says for you to get up because breakfast is ready," she turns and walks out the door to go back down to the kitchen. I clumsily get dressed and hurry down the stairs. The only seat left is next to Hermione. Oh great. When I sit down Hermione gives me a funny look and starts laughing.

"Ginny your shirt is on backwards," she says between her fits of laughter. I look down and see my tag sticking out of the front. Now she probably thinks I'm stupid and can't even dress myself. I turn the signature Weasley red and hurry to the bathroom to turn my shirt around and splash some good cold water on my face. I walk back to the kitchen and take my seat next to Hermione. I reach for the plate of toast at the same time as Hermione and her hand lands ontop of mine. For a second it feels as though I'm on fire or being electrocuted. I quickly bring my hand back and let her take her toast. I wait for her to get everything she needs before I reach for anything else. Harry, Hermione, and Ron start talking about what their fifth year of Hogwarts is going to be like. I drone out their conversation and focus on finishing my breakfast.

Once everything is cleared off of the table, I head back to the solace of my room. An hour later I hear people coming up the stairs. I'm not sure if they're headed to my room, but I'm not taking the chances of being caught sulking. I grab an issue of Quidditch Weekly off of my bedside table and begin to flip through the pages randomly. The door opens and in comes Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

"Hey Ginny me and Harry are gonna play some Quidditch. Want to come?" Ron asks.

"Or you could read with me under the shade of that big tree next to the field," Hermione suggests.

"No thanks guys. I think I'm just going to stay up here and read," I reject their offer.

"Suit yourself. Come on guys," Ron says as he pulls Harry out of the door.

"I'll be right there!" Hermione shouts out the door. She walks over to her side of the room and digs out her favorite book, Hogwarts: A History, and sits on my bed.

"How come you don't want to come outside with us?" she questions, her eyes pleading for an honest answer.

"I just don't feel like it and besides I'll be doing the same thing out there as in here so what's the point?" I reply. It isn't a lie, but it isn't completely honest either.

"Well you would be getting some fresh air and you would be spending time with me. Unless of course you don't want to hang out with me, which is fine," she says in a hurt voice and I know it wouldn't be fine.

"It's not that it's just... I don't know. Lately I've just been wanting to spend some time alone," I say while trying not to look straight into her eyes to keep from confessing everything to her.

"Okay, but are you sure you're alright?" she asks again, genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine. Stop asking me that," I say in a sharp and dangerous voice that I didn't mean to use.

"Okay I know when I'm not wanted so I'll just leave you to yourself then," she says as I see tears form in her eyes.

"Hermione-" I begin, but she's already out of the door and I hear the kitchen door open and shut. I feel horrible about snapping at Hermione, but it was either that or confessing my love for her and it definitely wasn't going to be the latter. It was later in the day when I hear the kitchen door open. Footsteps are coming to my door and it opens. Harry and Ron barge in.

"Hey Ginny where's Hermione?" Ron asks as he sits down on my bed.

"Yeah how come she never came out to read?" Harry asks while leaning against the door jamb.

"What do you mean? She left to go outside hours ago," I tell them.

"I wonder why she didn't tell us where she was going, or come tell us she's not going to come watch us play or read," Ron says.

"I wonder why she ran off somewhere to begin with," Harry points out.

"Well I sorta snapped at her and she ran off, but since it's my fault I'll go find her," I offer. I begin searching all over the woods near the field where we play Quidditch, which is about a mile from the house so I doubted she'd be there. No sign of her. I head off to a little clearing that's by the Burrow, but once again she's not to be seen. The very last place I check is the little pond near the Lovegood's. From a distance I can see the outline of Hermione with her feet in the water. I slowly walk over to her and sit down next to her.

Author's Note

Well I figured since my other Ginny and Hermione story was crap I'd start a new one with a better plot. So here it is. Hope you like! I'll update whenever I get the chance! Read and if you would kindly Review, so I know if you like it or not!:):)
