I am going to leave off on the 'This is the last chapter. Oh my Buddha I am going to cry my eyes out" authors note until the end. So then you guys can enjoy it without reading my blab. Okay! Go!
The title is based off of a new song by my favorite country band, Lady Antebellum, called "Heart of the World."
This final chapter is dedicated to Aria and Ezra. Their romance will always be one to last a lifetime.
Ezra attempts to strap McKenzie into her car seat, but the toddler is wiggling around far too much for him to snap the straps, "Sweetheart, please keep still for your Daddy."
Kenzie shakes her head stubbornly, her dark brown curls bouncing around her adorable face, "No, Daddy."
He sighs and looks at her with pleading blue eyes, "Come on, sweet pea. In a few hours, we'll be able to see Papa and Nanna. And Issac and Gramma. And Uncle Mikey and Uncle Danny. We're going to eat tongs of food. And we both know how much you love to eat! Yours aunts are going to stop by and I know that Xavier is coming with Uncle Toby and Auntie Spencer." He pauses with a small grin as he sees that 'thinking' look cross on his daughter's face, "Plus, Lily is going to be there. You love Lily, don't you?" Kenzie slowly nods and he kisses her cheek with an affectionate kiss, "Thank you." He finishes strapping her in and ruffles her hair gently with his hand, "Now I am going to get Andy and Mommy and then we can head back to Rosewood. Sound good to you?"
Kenzie smiles, his tiny baby teeth flashing, "Okay, Daddy." She pets Snoopy who is lying beside her on the seat.
Ezra kisses her forehead, lingering longer to savor the moment and then heads back into the house.
He stops right outside the nursery, where Aria is changing Andrew one last time for getting on the road for five hours, "Now, Andy, we're going back to Mommy and Daddy's hometown. It's going to be a bit strange to you, especially since you're so used to this big, crazy city. It's pretty quiet there but I know you'll be on your best behavior for me and your father." She re-straps his onesie and sits him up on the changing table.
Ezra softly knocks on the wooden door, "You two ready to go?"
Aria glances over her shoulder with a loving smile spreading across her face at the sight of her husband standing there, leaning against the doorframe, "We sure are."
He jacks his thumb over his shoulder as he strides farther into the room, "Kenzie is in the Sedan with Snoopy. So, if you want to head out…." Her lips stop him from speaking and his sentence trails off, never to be finished. When they break away, Ezra brushes a lock of his wife's hair behind her ear with one swipe of his soft hands, "Are you ready to go back home to Rosewood?"
Aria blinks up at him with a loving sparkle in her hazel eyes, "New York is our home."
Ezra hugs her tightly to his chest, kissing the top of her head, rubbing her back with his right hand, "Why does this remind me of our goodbye on the evening of our wedding day? We were just laying in that old bed of yours, relishing the last moments we had together, just as boyfriend and girlfriend, before saying 'I do' the next day."
Aria twines her arms around his neck, "I was so excited and yet so scared!"
"Why on earth were you scared?" He looks taken aback at her words.
"Well, because I was eighteen, pregnant, and getting married to my old English teacher. I thought that people would barge in and refuse to let it happen. The wedding, I mean."
Ezra sighs, pressing his face into the nape of her neck, inhaling the scent of her sweet shampoo, "I was nervous, too. I didn't think that I'd be a good enough husband or a good enough father." He chuckles, "I look back now and ask myself, 'Why were you so afraid? Why did you have so many doubts?' I guess my self-confidence was hurting quite a bit."
She kisses his cheek affectionately, "You want to know what I remember the most out of relationship?"
"What would that be?"
Her lips curve into a soft smile, "The ride in the limo on the way to the airport after our reception."
Her husband's eyes widen in surprise, "Why is that your fondest memory in our entire relationship?"
She looks deep into his dark blue eyes, "I knew that, with you in my life, I could do anything. That no matter what the complications or the struggles, we were always meant to be."
If the throttle is the soul of the engine
And wine the drink of the Gods
Forgiveness on the road to redemption
Faith can still beat the odds
We're meant to be, baby
Hold onto me
He caresses her cheeks with his long, gentle fingers, a wide grin spreading across his loving face. "I knew that the moment I saw you all those years ago at the bar. I knew that the moment that I was going to spend the rest of my life with you." He leans forward and presses a small kiss against her lips.
Her smile widens as she hears Andy's whine. She turns and picks up her son into her arms, kissing his curl-filled head, "Hey, sweetie. Ready to go back to where you're Mommy and Daddy met?" The four month old nuzzles his head into her shoulder and she murmurs softly to him, "Such a sweet boy. You'll love Rosewood. I know you will."
PLLPLLPLLPLLPLLPLLPLL (Flashback from Chapter 1 )
The bright June sun shone across Ezra's usually dim apartment, waking him when it shone the back of his eyelids like a wild fire. He rubbed them as he slowly sits up and then he remembered: Graduation day for the class of 2012's seniors. In other words, his girlfriend of two years is now officially and legally his!
He flipped open his ancient phone that he kept on delaying to replace and quickly checked his texts. He smiled when one suddenly popped up. It was from Aria.
Hey! Happy Graduation Day! We don't have to be to the school until one. Want to hang at your place until then?
Ezra's grin widened even wider. He couldn't seem to be able to type back fast enough.
Same to you! Of course we can hang out! Come over in 45 minutes okay?
Sure! Love ya! See you then!
Ezra sighed happily as he plopped back on the bed.
Aria clutched her phone to her chest and bit her bottom lip. Ezra was a goofball in every way possible, but he was her goofball, every goofy part of him.
Two years ago, almost three actually (September 1st was their third year anniversary) , their lives had been thrown into constant nervousness when they were trying to see one another by hiding, sneaking around, and trying to keep their emotions in check in the classroom. Even though they knew the risks were really high if they ever got caught and Ezra had tried to stop the relationship from the beginning, they found a way to look past all the terrible things and just were together, from sneaking of to Philadelphia to holing up in Ezra's apartment, eating taking takeout and watching old movies.
Today was the day that was going to set both of them free and the day that they had been counting down since the day they had fallen in love with one another.
This is the day that would make Ezra and Aria officially a couple. Yes, today was one that they are always going to remember.
A shrill cry awakens Aria from her deep sleep and hears Ezra's soft whisper in her ear, his musky breath tingling the skin of her neck, his right arm wrapped around her petite waist, "I'll get him this time. Go back to sleep."
Aria murmurs in response, "We'll get him together." They both sigh and slowly roll out of bed, their joints cracking. She walks over to the window seat and picks up Andrew from the Porta-crib while Ezra goes downstairs to make a bottle. They had arrived late in Rosewood at the Montgomerys' house and they were all exhausted.
Aria rocks her son, clutching her gently to her chest as she cradles him, blinking her tiredness from her eyes, "Good morning, Andy. Daddy went to go make you something to eat. So, if you don't like it, blame it on him."
Her husband's voice sounds from outside her old bedroom, "I heard that." Ezra's smiling face appears as he carries Kenzie and a fresh bottle into the room. He hands his wife the bottle, "I heated it up right and everything. Your mom was up with Snoopy and Kenzie. She said she didn't want to disturb us when Kenzie wanted to eat some breakfast, so she made some eggs and bacon for us. We better hurry though because Mike is going to be getting up soon."
She stretches up to kiss him, "Okay. I'll be right down."
He hugs her tightly and then flies out of the room, Kenzie's giggles and Snoopy's barking fading as they travel downstairs in a flash.
Andy begins to whimper again as he sees the bottle in his mother's hand. She presses it into his mouth and he begins to drink the warm milk, his eyes becoming drowsy as he focuses on eating, "There you go, buddy."
The bacon's frying
The baby's crying
I soak up the sights and sounds
Minutes turn to days
And I wish that
I could slow it down
Finally, after her son is done with his meal and is burped, Aria carries him downstairs to see the rest of the family. Ezra had been right when he had said that Mike would inhale all of food. The freshman in college smiles as he sees his sister and nephew. He extends his arms, trying to convince her to let him hold Andrew. He slowly chews his food as he says, "Hey, little fella. I don't think that you remember me too much. But I was in the waiting room when you were born. I was so happy when I found out that you were finally here. Just like I had been when your big sister was born." Mike glances up with a smirk appearing on his young, angular face, "I missed you guys. What's up with not Skyping anymore?"
Ezra swallows the food, blinking at his brother-in-law, "We can't Skype every day, Mikey. We have lives that revolve around a nineteen year old college student." At the sight of Mike's hurt expression, he quickly adds, "I'll make sure to Skype more. No worries."
Mike's smile reappears, "Thanks, Ez! You're the best."
"I know."
Ella hugs Aria with the arm that isn't holding Kenzie, "Got to love bromances."
Aria glances from her husband to her little brother, smiling. Her mother is right. She loves how they were such good friends; playing video games together, watching football games, going to lacrosse games in Phillie. Mike not only has a friend in Ezra: he has a brother.
Ella laughs at Mike's comment, "I suppose it is. Now, Ezra, maybe you ought to head home. Aria, you can go with him if you'd like."
Ezra tries to hide his surprise, considering the fact that Ella wasn't happy about this "whole situation" but what she says next makes sense:"I need to talk to your father when he comes home and you probably shouldn't be in the house. So, if you want to stay with Ezra tonight, I have no objection." She heads upstairs to think this through.
Aria looks at Mike and he looks back, "Mom just gave you permission to say your boyfriend's house. Is this world really going mad?" He shoots Ezra a smile and surprisingly he returns it with warmth.
She starts to dial on her phone. Ezra looks on, "What are you doing?"
"Maybe I should just stay at Spencer's tonight…."
Ezra stops her drumming fingers, "You know you're welcome at my apartment anytime. And I think we need to start making plans for the wedding." He kisses her engagement ring and he sees her cheeks pink up a little bit.
Mike gags and Ezra starts to chuckle, "Mike you better get used to this. Remember we're going to be one big happy family once me and Aria get married."
He joins in, "Oh joy. I am going to be the brother-in-law to a Fitz. How will I ever live it down?"
Ezra pats his shoulder, "Thanks for all the support, Mike. It means a lot."
"As far as I can see, you make her happy and that's all that I ever wanted for my sister. I seriously thought that she would never find the right guy for her, when actually, I spent every third hour with him in English. As long as you don't hurt her, I have no problem with your getting married."
Aria shoves herself between them with a small bag that seemed to have clothes and a toothbrush in it, "Okay, let's take a pause on this bromance and get to your apartment."
Ezra adjusts his tie in the mirror as he gets ready for the Thanksgiving dinner. Aria twines his arms around his waist, placing her chin on his shoulders as she has quite a height boost in her high heel stilettos, "You ready for this dinner?"
He turns around to face her, taking her hands in his, kissing them gently, "As ready as I'll ever be." He kisses his wife's lips, his hands tracing the pattern of her jaw line, his fingers lingering as they reach the bottom of her neck.
When things get heated, Ezra finally stops the embrace, chuckling softly, and breathing heavily as he leans his forehead against Aria's, "Maybe later tonight. But any minute now, my brother and parents are going to be here as well as your friends all the way down from New York."
"Hmm. Let's make the moment last then." They both smile mischievously at one another before their lips crash furiously. Aria tugs off Ezra's dress suit jacket and runs her hands seductively up his stomach and chest. He can finally reach the zipper of her dress and slightly undoes it, though his male instinct screams at him to just complete the entire task with one swipe of his hand. His fingers tease the clasp of her bra. They collapse onto Aria's old bed, hands all over one another as they ferociously kiss with a passion that could spark a fire even in the wettest weather.
A knock on the door shot Ezra up from his position on top of Aria. Ella pokes her head in, an amusing smile on her face, "Are you guys this loud back in New York? My gosh, I could hear you from downstairs. How do your children ever get any sleep with that kind of racket?" They both blush scarlet as she continues, "Anyhoo, everyone's here and we're waiting on you. So, anytime now?"
Ezra slips his jacket back on and helps Aria re-zip her dress. His skin tingles as it brushes against her bare shoulder. He kisses it, leading up to her neck, whispering softly, "Like I said. Later."
He watches as she walks out with her mother and he smiles as she disappears from his sight, "I'll be right down." He calls out as he tries to unwrinkle his dress shirt. He straightens his tie. He glances into the mirror to fix up his hair.
If grease is the soul of the kitchen
And coffee the drink of the Gods
Routine too prefect too mention
Time is a thief
I would rob
We're meant to be, baby
Hold onto me
Ezra finally declares himself presentable and after fussing with his hair once more, he finally heads downstairs.
PLLPLLPLLPLLPLLPLLPLLPLL (Flashback from Chapter 27 )
Hilton Head is right on the ocean, so, thankfully, Ezra and Aria only have to drive ten minutes to get to the beach house. Ezra unloads the surfboards as Aria goes to put on her bathing suit in the womens dressing room.
"Oh, Ezra, Time to fulfill your promise."
He turns to see Aria, walking towards him in a purple-black bikini. He stumbles back into the Sedan, almost falling on the sandy ground. God is she beautiful. The other men in the parking room obviously thought so, too and their eyes follow the young woman as she makes her way to her drooling fiance.
He smiles down at her, "What's with this little number?" He gestures to her swim suit, trying not to stare.
She does a tiny twirl in front of him, making his eyes follow her every move, "Don't you like it? I picked it out specifically for you."
He kisses her forehead, his lips tingling as the touch of her skin quickly overwhelms him. If you only knew how crazy it is making me right now."
She grins from ear to ear, "Well, now it's your turn for you to show me what swimsuit you bought at the pro shop this morning."
He rolls his eyes, "If you insist." He lays the two surfboards gently on the ground at their feet and tugs off his white t-shirt slowly over his head.
He tosses it into the back of his car and faces her, smiling, "Happy now?"
She nods, "Incredibly."
Aria turns her back to him, handing him the bottle of sunscreen over her right shoulder and he opens it, squirting the white liquid into the palm of his hand. Ezra slowly begins to spread it over her shoulders and down her back, his heart racing. His hands work their way back up to her shoulders and down her arm. He takes her hand in his, pulling it into his chest.
Aria looks over at Ezra, who is laughing along to a joke with Issac and Byron. Food fills the small table, everyone crammed. The two toddlers are in two high chairs as Ella and Sarah fight to get food into their mouths. Andrew is asleep upstairs, tired from all the hugs and kisses he had received from the girls.
She feels a squeeze on her knee and meets her husband's eyes with a small smile. He jerks his head towards the front door and they both push away from the table, Ezra announcing, "We're going to go outside for some fresh air. We'll be right back."
Hanna starts to say something but Aria cuts her off, "Don't even think about saying something perverted, or so help me, I will beat you to death with a water bottle." Spencer laughs as she remembers her old threat she had made to Hanna the day she had told the girls that she was pregnant with Xavier.
Their friend smiles mischievously, "Just try to be fully clothed when you come back inside, okay? I'm sure we will all thank you for it later."
Aria starts to speak but Ezra calms her with a touch of his hand clasping hers, "Calm down. You can get her back for it later." He glances at Caleb, "Make sure not to go too hard tonight. I'm sure Spencer and Toby would appreciate it if you didn't wake up their son with all of your guys's noises from the hotel room over."
A trail of "Ows" and "Burns" echoes down the entire table and Hanna's cheeks flush deep red. Aria can't help but giggle, "Come on. Let's get outside before she gets even with you for that one." With that, they head outside.
After they close the door and sit on the front porch swing, entangled with one another, looking out on the street, the November moon dancing across the frost covered lawn. Aria looks up at her husband who has his eyes closed as if he were savoring the moment he has alone with her, "Ezra?"
"Mhmm?" His eyes remain closed but a smile curves at the corner of his lips at the sound of his name coming from her lips.
She reaches up the stroke his cheek, "I love you."
He finally opens his blue eyes and blinks back at her, his boyish smile flashing back at her, "So I've heard." He rubs her shoulder with his hand, kissing her soft hair, "I love you too, Aria. I always have and I always will." His wife looks up at the moon and he follows her gaze, "You know what I think is next for us, lying in the stars, Aria?"
She leans up to press her lips to his neck, "What would that be, Ezra?"
He smiles down at her, his arm wrapping around her shoulders as she nuzzles in closer to his warm body, kissing her temple, "It shouldn't matter. Our romance is one to last a lifetime."
Hope is the soul of the dream
And heaven is the home of my God
It takes only one true believer
To believe you can still
Beat the odds
We're meant to be, baby
Hold onto me
'Cause love is the
Heart of the World
There you have the last chapter of a seven and a half month old story! I am so happy I have taken over half of a year to finish it. And as I type this author's note, I am listening to Ezra and Aria's love song, "Happiness" by the Fray. So cool, right?
I would wrap it up with a teary eyed farewell, but with the sequel on the way, why the need? I finally decided on a title, too! Thanks to my loyal reader, .dreamers, for the title I have been searching for to just 'click' with me and tell me, "THATS IT." The title is going to be Ezra and Aria: Double Infinity. JUST GENIUS!
So, here come the tears and all of the thank yous! I am sad that this half of the story is ending and the fact that it has come this far, with all the fluff and everything that has happened between them is just SO AMAZING! Like I said before, though, the sequel will be here tomorrow and I have a feeling that you enjoy it!
Time for the thank yous! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH! I appreciate all of your guys's reviews and feedback and compliments and tweets and words of encouragement over the past seven and a half months. You guys are the best! I truly love you all beyond words!
Don't forget! Tomorrow. Sequel. Ezra and Aria: Doubly Infinity. Awesomeness. SEE YOU THEN!