We met on a sunny sunday afternoon,I still remember it like if it was yesterday. I remember every single detail from what he was wearing to exactly what he and I said to eachother.

He was playing on the swingset of a park near my family's old house back in Minnesota.I was running away from my older brother Justin who was out of sight at that time while my mom was talking to an old family friend while trying to get a 3 year old Max to stop crying.& apparently the swingset was closer to me then I had actually imagined them to be so as I ran past the swings he along with the swing went backward & It immidietly knocked me down into the sandy floor. After that he jumped off his swing and looked down at me, his face red with emberrasment.

"I-I'm sorry!" He yelled as I dusted myself off. It had hurt..a lot. I actually managed to laugh though. The fact that his face was redder than a tomato and how he barely managed to say two words was funny to me at the time.

"Your laughing?" He asked his face now more confused then emberrased. I nodded with a smile.

"Why?You just got hit with a swing.." He said raising an eyebrow. I shrugged and got up.

"Well yeah but it didn't hurt."

Are you kidding me?Of course it hurt!But I didn't want him to feel even badder then he already seemed to feel so I just sucked it up and introduced myself.

"I'm Alex!" I said in a cheery tone. He finally smiled.


As time passed we became more and more inseperable.

..That is until the worst day of my life..

The day we moved to New York.

Apparently my dad had gotten a job promotion which was something that at the time I didn't care about..Actually even now I still don't care..

It wasn't until the last hour that I was in Minnesota that I realized I was gonna regret this for the rest of my life.

"So..are you ever coming back?" A now 11 year old Logan asked.I shrugged and looked down at the grass under us.

"I hope so.."

"Well then here.." He said as he took something out of his pocket. I looked up to find him holding a golden heart necklace in the palm of his hand. I gently grabbed it from his hand and held it up for myself to see.

"What's this?" I asked. He smiled, his adorable dimples showing.

"It's a necklace.I want you to have it. That way you hopefully won't forget about me." He said still smiling.

I smiled back but then thought of something. "Wait, but I didn't get you something to remember me by.."

"Well.. that's okay.." He said trying to hide the fact that he was sad. Even if it was just a bit. But then I thought of yet another thing.

"Here," I said as I reached for my wrist and held something up for him to see. It was a bracelet I had actually made in the 3rd grade. The 4 letters in the middle of the bracelet spelled out my name;Alex.

"But I thought you loved this thing?" He asked as he took it,Obviously not so convinced.

I smiled and slid it into his wrist."Not as much as I love you as my friend.."

He smiled back and went behind me to put the necklace on me.

"So what do you want to-"

"Alex,Come on hunny your dad is ready to leave!" My mom yelled over at me.I sighed as tears began to form in my eyes.I quickly without thinking wrapped my arms around Logan and hugged him. He hugged back and whispered something in my ear.

"I will never forget you,Lexi.."

[Present Day]

"Come on Alex,You coming to watch?" Harper asked as she took a seat in the Russo's living room and turned on their T.V. Alex shut the fridge door and peeked over.

"Watch what?" She asked as she walked over to the couch.

"I don't know." Harper shrugged. "Some celebrity news show.."

Alex groaned and took a seat on the other end of the couch. "Fine.."

"And now we're here with the newest boyband in Hollywood;Big Time Rush!" The show returned and now four very cute boys sat next to the host of the show herself "So Carlos what's it been like so far?" The lady asked as the boys say there with big smiles. Alex groaned. This was boring. Or atleast at this moment it was..

"Harper change it.." Alex whined. Harper rolled her eyes.

"Forget it. These guys are adorable!"

After 15 minutes of pure boredom the interview was finally over. Alex sighed with relief as the boys stood up and waved as the camera zoomed up on them. And then after zooming up on the first 3 boys it zoomed into the last boy in the far left corner. As he waved Alex noticed something. His wrist. Well, not actually his wrist itself but the item around his wrist. It was a bracelet. It looked just like the beaded bracelet she had gave away the day she had moved away. She walked closer to the T.V. and examined the boy's bracelet.

"That's my bracelet!" She yelled as the camera zoomed out and now was focused on all four boys.

"Your what?" Harper asked as she flipped the channel.

"The bracelet that guy was wearing,It was the one I gave to Logan 6 years ago!" Alex yelled still shocked. But Harper,Who was suppose to be her best friend, didn't care.

"Alex i'm sure that's not your bracelet. Maybe a fan gave that to him. I mean, he is famous." Harper said as she stood up from the couch and yawned.

Suddenly all of Alex's happiness disapperead and once again she was back to her old,negative self again. "Your probably right.." She said as she tried to hide the fact that she still had her doubts. Not only was she trying to hide that from Harper but from herself aswell. Unfortunatly that wasn't working out well..

"Well I think I should be heading home now.." Harper said before grabbing her coat and walking out of the Russo's apartment.

Alex's Pov..

After Harper had left I walked into my room and turned my laptop on. I needed to know more about this guy. What if he really was Logan? I needed to know.

I searched up the band's name; Big Time Rush on Google and after clicking on the first link I found out his first name.


I clicked on his 'profile' which was just a page with a lot of information about him.I felt my heart begin to pound faster and faster as I scrolled the first sentence I felt like dying. And not in a bad way.

Logan Mitchel was born in St. Paul,Minnesota and is currently 16 years old.

That name,It was the name of the boy I missed to was born in St. Paul; where I had met my Logan so many years ago. He was also the same age as him.

After only minutes of scrolling trough pages I found out that he had a lot of similarities that he shared with Logan. He had to be the same person.

I felt a sudden feeling of happiness. Of relief. But then it hit me; He was far away from me. Much too far. He probably won't remember me..

My head was filled with thoughts both positive & negative until finally I made a decision.

"I need to go to Los Angeles.."