A/N: So after an eternity I got some plotbunnies to visit me. Fucking finally.

Warnings: Normal speech for Berwald because I'm a lazy bum that can't be bothered to write that weird mumbling of his. Plus it makes it easier for you guys to read as well, so yay. And I call Denmark Niels and Norway Lukas. They're not in this, just being mentioned. Italics mean thoughts.

Okay. Okay. Keep your breathing steady, Ber. You can do this. He's already in your arms. Now all you need to do is grab those chubby little cheeks, lean forward, kiss those soft, full lips and then… Oh Goddammit, not again!


"It's okay, Ber."

No, it's not okay! Why does this keep happening, dammit! I love the guy so much it hurts and I can't even get intimate with him. What the hell is wrong with me.

Berwald couldn't bring himself to look Tino in the eyes. He couldn't even bring himself to be in the same room. Or the same house. He didn't deserve to be in the same frikkin universe with him, dammit. He had to leave. He pushed the sheets off of him and was about to do just that when Tino grabbed him and pushed him back into bed, laying on top of him.

"And where do we think we're going?" Fierce, violet eyes were looking at him, and Berwald found that he couldn't look away. So he did the next best thing, he pulled Tino closer and buried his face in the crook of his neck, avoiding his gaze that way. Tino was having none of that though, and he freed himself from the embrace. He maneuvered the both of them so that he had Berwald with his back against the headboard, and was sitting in his lap. For good measure he also grabbed him by the wrists and pinned them against the headboard as well, making sure he wouldn't try to escape again.

Fuck. I know that look. He wants to talk. And I can't get away. If only he wasn't that strong. Argh. He turned his gaze towards Tino's abdomen. Oh well, with his hands keeping my wrists pinned he won't be able to use them to cup my face and force me to look at him. Hopefully he'll get tired and let go soon so I can make my escape.

"I'm not going to let go, Ber. I've had it up to here with this. So we're going to stay here until you tell me what's wrong with me so I can fix it and I don't scare you away anymore." He said, that fierce gaze still in his eyes. Berwald immediately raised his head, surprised.

"What? Where the hell did you get that ridiculous idea? There's nothing wrong with you! Everything is wrong with me!"

"No, it's not. I've asked Niels and Lukas, and you never had these issues with them. So clearly the problem lies with me!"

"Eh?! You actually discussed this with them? What the hell, Tino!" He felt rage boiling up from within. What the hell had he been thinking, discussing their sexlife (or lack thereof) with outsiders?

"Well duh, you never let me talk with you, what the hell else was I supposed to do? I love you, you jackass! I love you so much it physically hurts and you won't tell me anything!" His eyes went wide, and his anger subsided immediately.


"How do you think that makes me feel? My significant other despises me so much he can't even bring himself to stay in bed with me for more than a minute! A-and I just can't…"

Berwald felt the grip on his wrists loosen as Tino broke down, burying his crying face into his chest. He couldn't be more angry at himself right now. He had been suck a fucking idiot, good God. He had to fix this, right now. He moved his hands and gently cupped Tino's face, kissing him. That seemed to do the trick, as he felt him calm down and eventually wrap his own arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

"I'm so, so sorry, Tino. Please believe me when I say that you're really not at fault, it's all me," he whispered after he broke the kiss and pulled him into his chest again. "It's just that I…"


A sigh escaped him. "Let's be honest here, the way we got together wasn't exactly the best. You were so afraid of me for such a long time. Every time I got close you'd freeze up or faint."

"Oh, Berwald…"

"Thankfully you warmed up to me over time. One night you came into my room and kissed me and I was so happy I could cry."

"If that's the case, then why can't you… I mean, did something change? Don't you feel the same way about me as I do about you?"

"I feel even more strongly about you than I ever did. And that's the problem. I love you so much that I just can't contain myself and I...well, you know…" Berwald felt his cheeks heat up. He was glad he finally got it off his chest, but couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Tino didn't seem to mind though, as he pulled him down to kiss him again.

"Don't worry, Berwald. Now that we know what the problem is we can take care of it."

"How, exactly? I don't think I can stop my feelings for you."

"That's the plan. We'll keep going at it until you get more comfortable with me."

"Keep going at it? I, uh, does that mean…"

"Yes. Now shut up and kiss me."

A/N: Wow, that turned kinda serious for a minute there. I was so lo lost on how to write this down. Because I suck at trying to be serious my mind was set on making it somewhat funny. And wouldn't you know it, it did turn serious for half a page. Yay me, I guess? Haha.

About the story. Apparently Swedes finish quickly, so I tried to work that into Ber's personality and came up with the abovementioned reason. He gets overexcited, the poor fella. Thankfully Tino will help him with that, by getting it on with him until Ber learns to control himself better (so he can be taken off the list. Eventually :P). And he didn't have problems when he was sleeping around with Denmark and Norway in the past because it was never love with them, just pure lust.

Geez, I hope I did them justice. Because as much as I love these two, I'm not that familiar with them. That was another reason I wanted to write this, so I could get more familiar with characters besides my usual suspects.

Hope you had fun reading, and hopefully you won't have to wait another ten years for the next chapter.