Hermione Granger looked around at the families crowded on Platform 9 ¾. She stayed near the back, trying to avoid the Weasleys' and Harry Potter. Over the summer, she'd turned seventeen and changed a lot.


Hermione woke up giddy. Today she turned seventeen, an adult in the wizarding world. Bouncing out of bed she went into the bathroom. Catching her reflection, she froze, her mouth dropping open. Her bushy brown hair had been replaced with black ringlets that cascaded down her back gently. Her brown eyes turned into a unique combination of silver and red. She was taller and leaner, possessing a grace she had never had before. Running down the stairs, she dashed into the kitchen where her mother was. Long used to her distant and cold looks, she asked, "What the bloody Hell is going on?"

Jean Granger stared at Hermione a second before motioning her to sit. "Seventeen years ago, Dumbledore showed up on our doorstep, saying your parents had just died and asked us to take you in. Little did he know that we had received two letters a few days before from an anonymous source explaining the truth. We opened the one addressed to us and found out Dumbledore had kidnapped you from your mum just hours after being born. The letter explained how your parents are big supporters of the Dark."

Hermione sat in stunned silence as she listened to her mu- Jean. She couldn't believe Dumbledore had taken her from her family, even if they are evil. Looking up at Jean she asked hoarsely, "Who are my parents?"

"The letter never said but the one addressed to you might," Jean said, standing and walking to the counter. Pulling the sealed letter from a drawer, she walked back to the table and handed it to Hermione.

Opening the letter carefully, Hermione read silently.

Dear niece,

My name is Amryc Carrow, I'm your uncle. Alecto Carrow, your mother, is my sister. I'm sorry I couldn't stop you from being taken but I only got word at the last minute. I don't know who took you in, just their address. We won't stop searching until you're found or come to us. If you are wondering, Lord Voldemort is your father. After you were taken, it almost broke him that he could not find you. Your name is Destiny Marvolo Riddle by the way. Knowing Dumbledore, he would have told you horrible things about your family but I hope you don't believe any of it. I must leave now but never forget, we love you and won't stop searching.

Yours,Amryc Carrow

P.S. If you find us first, go to Lucius Malfoy, your uncle on my side, and utter three words; Destiny Marvolo Riddle.

[End Flashback]

Hermione jerked back to the present when she saw a flash of pale blonde hair. Weaving her way through the crowd, Hermione stepped behind the three Malfoys'. Seeing the Weasleys' and Harry, she rushed forward, placing the Malfoys' between herself and her 'friends'. Looking up she met their cold gazes head on.

"If it isn't the little know-it-all mudblood," Lucius Malfoy sneered. "Why are you in our way, mudblood?"

Smirking, Hermione said, "I have three words for you, Lucius."

"And what, pray tell, would they be, mudblood?" Lucius sneered disdainfully.

Ticking them off on her fingers she said, "Destiny Marvolo Riddle." Seeing the shock clearly displayed across Lucius and Narcissa's face, Hermione turned and headed towards the train. Just before she stepped on board, she felt a hand clasp her forearm. Turning, Hermione came face-to-face with Harry and Ron.

"Why were you near the Malfoys'?" Ron asked, concerned.

"Wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Hermione lied easily, giving a fake smile. "Lets get on board before the train leaves."

After finding an empty compartment, Hermione ignored the boys as she gazed out the window, thinking. Since finding out, she'd changed a lot. She felt a deep hatred for muggles and her 'friends'. She wanted to be with her family. She was pulled out of her thoughts by the door sliding open, revealing a little girl.

"C-can I sit with you?" she asked timidly.

Knowing Harry and Ron would say no, Hermione said, "Sure, sweetie. Come sit by me." When the girl was seated, Hermione asked, "What's your name, sweetie?"

"Elizabeth Black," the girl said softly.

"Who's your mum and dad?" Hermione asked curiously, ignoring Ron and Harry's hostile looks.

"I'm not suppose to tell," Elizabeth said quietly.

"She's probably just another Death Eater," Ron muttered snidely.

Glancing up sharply, Hermione snapped, "Don't be such a bloody git, Ronald. Not every pureblood is a Death Eater." Standing, Hermione pulled Elizabeth with her out of the cabin, looking for another to sit in. Opening the door of an almost empty cabin with barely a glance, Hermione pulled Elizabeth in behind her. Looking around at the other occupants, Hermione smothered a smirk.

"Granger, what do you think you're doing in here?" Pansy Parkinson sneered.

"Getting away from Potter and Weasley, Parkinson. Can't stand the bloody gits," Hermione said honestly, surprising the Slytherins. Turning to Draco she asked, "What did your parents think about my three words?"

"Father said to invite you to the Three Broomsticks first Hogsmeade trip," Draco said, sounding disgusted. "What do they mean anyway?"

"It's a name, Malfoy. A name very important to the Death Eaters and Voldemort," Hermione said vaguely. The rest of the ride was made in silence, the occupants caught up in their own thoughts. Exiting the train, the group shared a carriage, ignoring the looks they were getting. When they reached the castle, they separated, going their different ways.

Sitting next to Ginny, Hermione ignored Ron and Harry, watching the sorting instead. When Elizabeth's name was called, she met the young Black's eye, nodding encouragingly. Before the hat was settled on her head, it called out, "Slytherin!"

Catching the girls eye, Hermione motioned her over. Ignoring the looks she got from the other students and professors, Hermione pulled Elizabeth close. "I'm so proud you got into Slytherin, Eli."

"But it's not your house," Elizabeth said quietly, pouting.

Smiling, Hermione whispered, "Slytherin is my house in my heart but I have to be in Gryffindor to keep up appearances. Go on over there, sit by Draco and Pansy."

Nodding, Elizabeth turned and walked over to her table, taking a seat next to Pansy.

Dumbledore chose that moment to rise, giving the traditional start of the year speech. After a minutes pause, he announced, "For this year, we won't be having a Head Boy. Instead, we will have two Head Girls. Our first Head Girl is Hermione Granger of Gryffindor and our second Head Girl is Pansy Parkinson of Slytherin. Dig in."

Dinner passed in a blur and before she knew it, students were heading towards their common rooms. Standing, Hermione stayed behind when she saw her Head of House, Minerva McGonnogal, and Pansy heading towards her.

"Miss Granger, if you and Miss Parkinson will follow me, I will take you to your Head rooms," Minerva said sternly, leading the way down towards the dungeons.

Walking beside Pansy, Hermione asked, "You think Malfoy is mad Dumbledore changed the rules this year? I know he was going to be Head Boy."

"I think he's relieved that he won't have extra duties," Pansy said civilly. Glancing at the Gryffindor she said, "You've changed, Granger. Not enough that the other lions know, but just enough to where us snakes know."

They were interrupted when Minerva stopped in front of a portrait of Salazar Slytherin. Turning to her students she said, "You will need to come up with a password together."

Sharing a look, Pansy turned back to Minerva and the portrait. "Voo da Morte.

Smirking, Salazar bowed and swung open for them. Rolling her eyes at the portrait, Hermione hissed quietly in parselmouth, "Arrogant git."

"You speak my language?" Salazar asked in surprise.

"Yes but no one knows," Hermione hissed back before moving to follow the other two. When they were left alone, Salazar moved to his portrait inside the common room. Gazing at Hermione he asked in English, "Why does a Gryffindor speak my language?"

"Because I am a descendant of yours," Hermione said honestly. "Up until this past summer, I've always believed I was a muggle-born. I turned seventeen and the blood glamours over me wore off. After asking my adopted mother, she gave me a letter addressed to me from my uncle on my mum's side."

"Who are your parents?" Pansy asked, joining Hermione on the sofa.

"Alecto Carrow and Voldemort," Hermione said softly. "I'm Destiny Marvolo Riddle, heir of the Dark Lord."

"And heir of Slytherin," Pansy added, shocked. "What side of the war are you on?"

"I want to be with my family, where I belong," Hermione said honestly. "I meet with Uncle Lucius our first Hogsmeade visit. From there, I'll most likely go with him to a meeting to be given back to my parents."

"You're related to the Malfoys'?" Pansy asked in surprise.

"Yeah, Lucius is my mum's cousin," Hermione said. Looking at Pansy she asked, "How many Slytherins support my father?"

"Almost all," Pansy said. "Those who don't are neutral."

"Can you spread the word that the Dark Princess is at Hogwarts?" Hermione asked. "But tell the Slytherins to keep it closed-mouth to other houses? Especially Gryffindor."

"You're asking instead of ordering?" Pansy asked in shock.

"Yeah, I'm asking. I figure two things; One, when you ask, people are more inclined to help. And two, I don't know that you support my father." Hermione explained simply.

"I support him, always have," Pansy said softly. "And I'll spread around that you're here."

"Keep my name out of it though, just use Dark Princess," Hermione said, almost as an afterthought.

"What about if they want to meet you? How would you swing that?" Pansy asked after a moment of silence.

"If that comes up, I'll take my glamour off and appear as Destiny," Hermione said, shrugging. Standing and stretching, Hermione headed towards her room. "I'll see you tomorrow, Pansy. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Destiny," Pansy called back as she headed towards her own room.