Leaving- Eli's POV

"Clare, please don't go." Eli pleaded. He was on his knees, literally begging.

"No, thank you." Clare replied. Even when she's leaving me, she's polite. Eli thought. What was I thinking?

Clare threw her clothes into the duffel bag she had in her left hand. When that drawer was empty, she moved on to the next one until the whole dresser was devoid of clothes.

Eli stood in front of the door out of the bedroom they shared. "I'm not letting you leave." He said firmly. His arms were crossed.

"Just get out of my way, Eli." Clare's voice was all business. He could see tears in her eyes, but she wasn't letting them go.

Eli moved out of her way. No reason to make her any angrier. Clare stormed out the door with most of the stuff she had in their apartment. Then she was gone.

Eli sat down on their—his bed and started to cry. These tears weren't silent. They were loud, gut-wrenching sobs. How could he have been so stupid?

Eli cried most of the night before slipping into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning he woke up and dressed for his job at the small publishing firm down the street. He was a zombie, not thinking, not feeling. He walked into the small kitchen and was shocked. Clare had taken all the pictures of them and folded them in half. Now Eli was the only one whose smiling face showed through the glass. Does she want me to forget about her? Because I'll never be able to. For as long as I live.

Next to one of his favorite pictures, a candid of Clare and him at the zoo feeding a giraffe, was a diamond ring and a note.


You broke my heart. Here's your ring back. Maybe you can give it to her instead.

