Title: Odd Rituals

Category: Gilmore Girls

Rated: PG-13 to M (later chapters)

Genre: Romance, Humor, Fluff

Pairing: Rory/Logan

Summary: Girls night out, drinks and dares. What happens when Rory is dared to do something she has been thinking about for some time now? Spoilers from 'Wedding Bell Blues' included.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A/N: So this story was written years ago (the first chapter anyway), I never posted it instead I put in a floppy disk and it's been lost there with a few other things. Over the week I bought a floppy adaptor drive and lo and behold new stories! I hope you guys like the start. Honestly I can't image this being longer the five chapters cause as I re-read it I remembered what I wanted to do with it and that was a small humorous smutty story (those are the best kind after all). The title which is new was given to me by my wonderful beta, Thanks hon!

Chapter 1.

'Look ahead, just look at the screen… ignore, ignore, ignore.' Rory repeated to herself as she sat at her desk in the YDN office, trying to tune out Paris and Doyle's bickering. Over the last few weeks since their little coupling, Paris and Doyle had really been going at it, snapping at each other for every little thing, only to get on it in Paris's room. Rory cringed a bit at the thought and remembered she had to get new batteries for her Discman.

"Paris, you can't just go in my desk and take my things." Doyle said, letting out something akin to a shriek.

"Why not? I've already been in your pants, why not your desk?" Paris retorted back acidly.

Rory covered her mouth with her hand and refused to look up. She knew Paris would be looking to see if anyone dared say anything. Lucky for her and Doyle, the only people in the office were Glenn and herself.

"Geller." Doyle hissed, turning an interesting shade of red Rory didn't know was possible on a person. "My office, now."

Rory watched as Doyle stalked away with Paris on his heels and gave out a wince as the office door slammed shut. Batteries, she was going to need many batteries.

"Damn, we don't get paid enough to witness this."

Rory smirked at Glenn's mumble.

"We don't get paid at all." Rory looked up at the response; Logan Huntzberger stood at the door with a smirk of his own firmly in place.

"Thanks for the reminder. This place is dead, I'm out of here." They both watched as Glenn packed up his things and made his way out the door.

"Geller and Doyle, they sure know how to put on a show." Logan said as he walked up to her desk and leaned back on the side of it. "Hi Ace."

Rory felt a flutter in her stomach as he smiled down at her. She hated that Logan had such power over her. Ever since her grandparents wedding vows renewal celebration and their spontaneous making-out at said party, two things had been going on; whenever Logan came around her, her pulse raced and whenever she saw her mother, she mocked her to no end. It didn't help that Lorelai had catch them in the act.

After the wedding, she and Logan had gone back to their usual relationship, a friendly banter and nothing more, something that had been her decision and Logan had accepted. After all, Logan Huntzberger didn't do serious relationships, at least, that's what she kept telling herself every time she saw Logan, despite the fact that all she wanted to do was kiss him again.

"Earth to Ace, come in, Ace."

"Huh?" She asked, still distracted by her own thoughts. Would taking a chance on Logan really be so bad? If being with Dean or Jess showed her anything, it was that being with a nice guy or a deep guy didn't prevent her from getting hurt. Logan was flirtatious, lived in the moment and was a bit reckless but he was honest about what he wanted, and he didn't sugarcoat things to make her feel better. He offered reality whether it made her uncomfortable or not.

"Are you picturing me naked, Ace?"

Rory looked up at him, startled, her cheeks turning crimson. "What!"

Logan grinned widely, barely suppressing a laugh at her expression. "I just wanted a reaction, although your response is more telling than I expected. So, Ace, do tell what you were just thinking about?"

"None of your business, Logan." She said icily as she got up from her desk.

Logan just continued smiling at her tone and grabbed her wrist, pulling her close to him, making her lean on him as he continued to lean on her desk, letting go of her wrist he snaked his arms around her waist holding her tight. "Now, now, Ace, no need for that rude tone of yours."

"Shove it." Rory tried to shoot back as if his closeness didn't bother her at all while her pulse ran a mile a minute. The closeness of their embrace and his teasing smile along with the glint in his warm brown eyes was a heady combination that had her head spinning and her body flushed with heat.

"Gilmore has bark." Rory whipped her head to see who had spoken. At the entrance of the office stood Colin and Finn; Finn bobbled his eyebrows at them. Both had identical smirks on their faces that grew if that was even possible as she tried to free herself from Logan's arms only to give up when she realized he wasn't letting her break away.

"I wonder about her bite." Finn said with a leer that was more playful than suggestive.

"Well, don't." Logan said, finally letting go of her.

Rory glanced at Logan curiously, before she looked over at Finn, catching the knowing look Finn and Colin sent each other. This time their teasing smiles were directed at Logan and not her.

"Finally staking claim, Logan?" Colin asked and even Rory could hear the goading in his tone.

"Might be a little late, mate, you've been dancing around this for months, the lady might not want you anymore. Colin and I were thinking about flipping a coin to see who gets to ask her out first." Finn said to Logan before looking at her and sending her a wink. "Not that she wouldn't pick me over either of you anyway."

"Hey!" Colin exclaimed, more amused at the glare that Logan was sending them at the fun they were having at his expense than Finn's comment.

Finn walked over to Rory and placed an arm around her shoulder. "Let them down easy, Luv, but tell them who you really want."

Rory tried to keep a straight face, but in the end, Finn's charming goofiness proved too strong and a smile broke through. "You're drunk, aren't you?"

Finn placed a hand over his heart and staggered back dramatically.

"Men fighting over you and breaking hearts, I see you haven't lost your touch, Gilmore." Said an amused female voice by the door.

"She should give lessons." Said another woman who stood next to the one who first spoke.

Rory rolled her eyes at the comments but grinned as she saw who had said them. Breaking away from the boys, she walked over to the girls and hugged the first girl who spoke. "What can I say, Grant, it's a gift."

The girl laughed as she stepped back so that Rory could get to the other girl and hug her too. "Lessons… now, there's an idea! How are you guys?"

"We're fine, we decided on a self-imposed break from school and we decided to visit our president and vice-president."

"Self-imposed, huh." Rory smirked. "No getting kicked out, Grant?"

"Not this semester. Where is Paris, we tried your dorm first."

"She's here, she's…" Rory coughed, smiling. "Talking things over with our editor."

Both girls raised their eyebrows at her tone. "Does Paris have a new beau?"

"Something like that."

"We smell a story."

Rory laughed. "Maybe later."

"You're being rude again, Ace."

Rory turned and looked at Logan, who along with Finn and Colin had been silent, watching the exchange.

"My mate's right, introductions are called for." Finn said, flashing a smile at the girls.

Rory smiled and shook her head. "Watch it, Finn, these two are too much for even you to handle."

"Don't give us away, Rory."

"Fine, fine. Boys, the brunette is Madeline Lynn, and the blonde giving you the once over is Louise Grant. Ladies, the blond is Logan Huntzberger, the Aussie is Finn…Rory pause for a second. "You know, come to think of it, I don't know his last name or the other one…"

"Rambling, Gilmore." Louise said, still checking out the guys in front of her.

"Right, anyway, that's Finn and the one in the layers is our dear Colin." Rory finished the introductions.

"And which one is yours?" Madeline asked, smiling at the layered boy as Rory put it.

"Right." Louise nodded. "We wouldn't want to hit on yours."

Rory opened her mouth to deny having anything with anyone of them when Finn spoke for her as he walked up to Louise. "Logan is hers; Colin and I are free as birds."

"That's not true." Rory protested.

Finn smirked at her. "So you're picking me after all."

"That's not what I meant, Logan and I aren't together." Rory said, looking at Logan for support. He only raised his hands in a sign of surrender and just grinned her way. Rory just shook her head and asked herself why she even bothered.

"They're going through the beginnings of an odd mating ritual… classic Rory."

Rory turned to Paris who was walking out of Doyle's office, her hair and clothes completely rumpled. Raising an eyebrow and folding her arms over her chest, Rory looked at Paris defiantly. "Do you really want to get into odd mating rituals, because if you want, we could start with yours, Paris."

Everyone watched as both friends stared each other down, all with amused grins. Louise and Madeline knowing the girls better, shook their heads, barely holding back a chuckle. It didn't matter if Rory and Paris were friends, sometimes they reverted to the days of Chilton and their rivalry.

"Meow, ladies." Louise said, stepping forward. "You're giving a show."

Paris broke her stare and rolled her eyes before greeting her old friend in the same manner Rory had done. "I take it you guys were bored and decided to come to good old Connecticut and see how much damage you guys could make."

Louise smiled. "You got it in one, and you and Gilmore here are coming with us."

Paris rolled her eyes once more and murmured a sarcastic remark. "Goody, now I have to stop at an ATM for bail money."

Louise tsked at Paris while Madeline and Rory shared a smile at the annoyed look Paris shoot their blonde friend. "No need for that, Geller. Tonight, this is just about old friends catching up. Just you, me, Maddy, Rory and Johnny Walker."