A/N: Oh, goodness. How much time has been passing by. Here is the next chapter guys. The next one I still have to make some finishing touches.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the TMNT characters or the ones from Jurassic Park. Neither do I own the stories, but I do own the idea of the crossover.

Chapter 16

What had happened earlier in the computer lab was that the velociraptor had smashed its way into the lab by slamming against one of the observation windows until it gave way. When Dr. Grant had failed to shoot it down, Raphael and Donatello leaped into action, sweeping kicks and swinging their weapons to keep it busy while the rest of the group climbed up a ladder through an open ceiling panel. The last one up, Dr. Grant sat on the edge.

"Come on, guys!" he shouted.

"Don, go help the others!" Raphael said, holding his sai up steady, staring down the raptor. "I'll keep the dino busy!"

"But, Raph-" Don tried to protest.

"Just go!"

Even though he was scared for his hot headed brother, Donatello listened by running and to the ladder and hastily climbed it, Dr. Grant crawling out of his way. Not wanting to chance that the smart dinosaur could climb the ladder, he kicked it down.

"What about your brother?!" Dr. Grant cried.

"Raph is helping us get away! Just go, guys!" the purple clad turtle said.

Spotting an air conditioning duct, Dr. Grant started crawling across the ceiling panels, hoping it was a safe way out. Meanwhile, in the lab below, the raptor had managed to send Raphael crashing into a wall by whipping its long tail across his middle. Noticing some movement in the ceiling, it jumped up onto a tall stool and started making its way up through one of the ceiling panels. In the process it had lifted up Lex on accident, making the raptor's endeavor difficult as it clung to the cling with its front claws.

Since he was the closest, Donatello drove his right heel into the raptor's jaw and it crashed to the floor. Lex fell through the opening too, but Dr. Grant and Michelangelo quickly grabbed her wrists and helped her climb back up before the dinosaur jumped up to try chomp one of the girl's dangling legs but missed. A second later, Raphael mule-kicked it away.

"Guys, go on ahead! I've got ya covered!" He shouted.

"GO, GO!" Dr. Grant commanded, motioning for the air conditioning duct and the group crawled over to it.

"See! I had a bad feeling about those things in the beginning!" Michelangelo pointed out, a slight shriek in his voice.

"Not the time, Mikey!" Donatello replied, hoping their older brother could get way from their reptilian pursuer too.

"Holy shell!" Raphael yelled, running down the corridor leading past the labs. The raptor was hot on his heels, snapping its jaws in frustration. He was beginning to realize that he should had just followed the others, for he couldn't get the raptor to stay down; the dinosaur had boundless energy!

Turning a tight corner, the ninja turtle found himself in a chemistry lab. Attempting to slow the raptor down, he quickly sheathed his weapons before grabbing a couple measuring cups and threw them at the raptor' s head. It screeched in pain, pausing in its pursuit.

Skidding to a halt, Raphael picked up a wooden stool and held it up so its legs stuck out in front of him, just before the dinosaur got to him. He struggled to keep the other reptile away from him, but it was much stronger than he was. The raptor suddenly lurched foward, causing Raphael to stumble backwards and crash through a window!

Taking control of his fall, Raphael somersaulted to land on his feet on the ground below. He expected the other reptile to join him, but when he looked up, it was gone.

"Decided to give up, huh?" He guessed. Although, just when he turned to head back into the building, he heard loud stomping behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, Raphael' s eyes widened, for not too far away from the visitor's center, was the T-Rex! Remembering Dr. Grant mentioning that the T-Rex' s vision was based on movement, Raphael held still.

The giant monster was just aimlessly strolling through the property, probably searching for something, or someone, to feast upon. But how did it get past the perimeter fencing?

Suddenly, he heard Lex's unmistakable scream, coming from his left. He carefully looked over his shoulder and saw that a section of the building was just covered with plastic drapery, where the construction workers left their project unfinished.

Flicking his golden-amber eyes back to the T-Rex, Raphael had an idea how to get rid of the Velociraptors attention away from the others.

In the main lobby, the others had found a way down from the air conditioning duct by using the construction workers' scaffolding, but unfortunately the raptor had reappeared again from behind.

"Not again!" Michelangelo cried.

Donatello took out his bo staff while the four humans attempted to escape by climbing down the giant fossilized dinosaur skeleton to the lobby floor. "Get back!" He shouted, trying to intimidate the dinosaur by swinging his bo staff back and forth. The raptor' s yellow eyes followed the movement of the wooden weapon, as if it were amused. Then it lashed out, causing Donatello to back up right into his younger brother and they both fell off the scaffold to the floor.

"That didn't work," Michelangelo grunted.

Donatello would glare at him, but he was too busy watching in horror as the raptor jumped onto the skeleton after the others. With the sudden change of weight, the giant fossil split into three sections, with Dr. Grant and Tim on the backbone, Lex on the hip bone, and Dr. Sattler clinging onto the tail. Thankfully, they didn't fall to the floor yet because their sections were dangling on the ceiling on supporting cables, but they started to give way as well.

Tim slipped and Dr. Grant grabbed him, only to drop him a few seconds later. Within a minute, everyone else followed suit; the main half of the backbone almost crashed on top of Tim, who screamed and tucked his head against his knees, but it stopped short because two cables were still attached.

Hearing the all too familiar strange chirping, Dr. Sattler lifted her head up and saw yet another raptor on the other side of the plastic drape. The raptor ducked down, slid its beak under the sheet, and straightened up again, so it could get past the thin barrier.

As everyone recovered from the drop, Lex screamed in terror when the first raptor leaped down the stairs and landed right in front of her. Donatello used his bo staff to vault himself over her and kicked the vicious pursuer away. Then he helped Lex get up.

"Well, it's been fun, dudes and dudettes," Michelangelo said, as the two Velociraptors forced him, Donatello, and the two adults to huddle around the children. There wasn't going to be a way out of this situation without some bloodshed.

Suddenly, Raphael came racing into the lobby from behind the drapery and somersaulted to a spot at Michelangelo's left. His chest heaved as he held up his Sai in defense.

"Everybody, whatever you do, don't move a muscle!" He told the others quickly.

"You're insane!" Dr. Grant replied.

"Just do as I say!"

Even though the raptor approached the little group, they obeyed the red clad mutant, just wondering what he plan he had cooked up. Then, just as the second raptor poised to strike, the T-Rex came out from behind the huge plastic drape and picked up the raptor in its huge jaws!

Everyone was frozen for a moment until they watched the raptor' s partner race over, leaped up, and clung to the side of the larger, unsuspecting with its teeth and claws. Taking this distraction as an advantage, Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, the three Turtles, and the children escaped out the front doors.

Conveniently, Hammond had pulled up in one of the employee jeeps with a trailer as the group flew down the stone steps away from the building. The mutants and Dr. Sattler piled in the trailer, the kids jumped into the passenger seats, and Dr. Grant climbed in beside the elderly driver.

"After much consideration, I've decided not to endorse your park," Dr. Grant said sarcastically.

"It's over. We need to pick up Dr. Malcolm and Leonardo, then head for the helicopters," Hammond replied sternly as he drove back to the bunker, with sound of the T-Rex' s roar booming from inside the building that used to be Jurassic Park's main visitor's center.

"Do you think it'll chase us?" Lex asked, panic in her voice.

Raphael looked over his shoulder, and said, "Nah. She's too busy being alpha to come after us."

Michelangelo smirked and said,"Oh, 'it's' a 'she' now, huh, bro?"

Raphael just shrugged his shoulders just as they pulled up in front of the emergency bunker. Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, Raphael, and Donatello took no haste to carefully help Dr. Malcolm and Leonardo into the trailer, so they all could start the journey across the island to the helicopter landing pad outside the park.

"How are you holding, bro? That leg looks pretty messed up,"Michelangelo said.

Leonardo grunted. "Could've been worse, Mikey. It's nothing neither of us have experienced before anyway."

All three of his brothers laughed quietly. Growing up learning the art of ninjutsu, they all had injuries every once in a while, especially broken bones.

"I am glad we're all okay, though," the blue clad turtle said.

"Me too, guys," Michelangelo said. "It felt like an eternity since we've arrived here."

"You said it," Dr. Grant chimed in from his spot in the back corner of the trailer. "The only thing left now is just getting back to the mainland."

"My leg is killing me, so it had better be soon," Malcolm said grimly.

Everyone nodded in agreement. As the vehicle went across the fields, the same spot where they had seen the dinosaurs in the very beginning of the trip, they couldn't help but look down towards the lake and take a last glimpse of the herds down by the water: the Brachiosaurus', the Triceratops', and a few Spegasaurus'. They were the last of the giant magnificent reptiles they saw before they went down the trail leading to the outer perimeter fencing of Isla Nublar.

Two helicopters were waiting for the island survivors with their engines running. Dr. Grant helped the lame Dr. Malcolm into the closest one after Dr. Sattler, Lex, and Tim climbed inside. Michelangelo quickly climbed into the second one. Then Raphael and Donatello carefully helped Leonardo in after him. Raphael had to climb up first to lift Leonardo up into the seat.

Donatello was about to climb in when he saw Hammond was lingering for a moment on the launch pad, lookin back the way they came as the sounds of the dinosaurs' cries echoed in the hills. He could tell Hammond was in devastation, now that his dream was a mess, so he walked over and placed a three-fingered hand on the man's shoulder in comfort. Hammond slowly turned his head to him and nodded in appreciation before climbed into the helicopter with the other people, Donatello the other.

After the passengers were strapped in, the pilots made sure to take turns lifting the flying vehicles off the landing pad, then made their way through the green ravines. Practically in no time at all, they were gliding over the island shores towards the open ocean water.

Donatello silently looked around at his brothers, glad they were all safe and sound. A few injuries here and there and exhausted from their adventure in Jurassic Park. Leonardo sat across from him, his leg propped up in Donatello' s lap. Michelangelo was next to Leonardo, and Raphael sat beside Donatello. They all met his brown gaze, each sharing a smile of relief.

Nothing something, Donatello turned his attention out the window. There was a small flock of pelicans, flying just above the surface of the waves below. He stared in admiration, for they were the first normal animal to be seen during this horrible weekend. But he knew one thing, the danger was over, being left behind on Isla Nublar, where the dinosaurs now roam freely.

Breaking the silence, Michelangelo asked,"So, guys. Does anyone know what we're going to tell Master Splinter when we get home?"

Leonardo sighed. "We'll worry about it when we see him. First, let's just focus on getting home, okay, Mikey."

The younger turtle nodded and the helicopter cab was quiet again as they headed for the coast of Costa Rica.