The Dark Ocean's Digidestined

By Scorchio Icefyre

Naruto/Digimon Adventure crossover fic. When Tai and the others are sent from their world to the digiworld, the Dark Ocean awoke. Nine year old Naruto is sucked from his home world into the Dark Ocean to assist the digidestined in their struggle.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Digimon.

Arc 2: Exploring the Island: The Birth of Greymon

The children screamed as they fell. Biyomon flapped her wings quickly heading towards her partner. Tentomon and Patamon did the same for T.K. and Izzy.

"SORA!" Biyomon shouted.

"IZZY!" Tentomon shouted.

"T.K!" Patamon shouted. The trio of flying digimon grabbed onto their partners and tried to pull them up. The weight was too much for their rookie bodies to handle and they began to fall as well. Palmon shot her vines up to the cliff side, only for the piece that she latched onto break off, sending her and Mimi tumbling down towards the river. Joe and Gomamon splashed into the water first. Gomamon's head popped up.

"FISH NET!" He screamed. Suddenly thousands of fishes rose to the top and formed a raft, bringing Joe to the surface. The raft expanded and everyone fell onto it.

"Wow… this is some ride." Tai said looking at the fish. Matt looked up at the cliff to see it breaking off again, taking Kuwagamon with it.

"HEY! LOOK OUT!" He shouted. Gomamon looked forwards and closed his eyes.

"GOOOO!" The fishes sped up, trying to take their riders to the shore. As Kuwagamon hit the water, waves began spreading across the once calm river. The waves, increasing in size and speed started to send the digidestined further and further away. The eight children and eight digimon were washed up onto the shore atop of a giant wave.

The children and digimon sat on the beach, getting their breath back. Matt spoke up first.

"I knew we'd be okay. I wasn't worried." Everyone looked at him.

"Er… guys… a little help." Naruto cried. Everyone looked around for him before Joe noticed him hanging from a tree by his jumper. Kitsunemon jumped and bounced off the trees before grabbing him and landing on his feet. Joe looked back towards the river.

"What was that? A floating fish market?" He asked.

"Lucky for us those fish were having a school reunion… ha-ha." Gomamon said. Joe looked at the seal. "I'm kidding. Those fish are good friends of mine and I just asked them for a lift." Gomamon smiled. Joe crouched down and looked a Gomamon closely.

"And all these years I thought I was allergic to sea-food. Thank you! Err… I guess it's not Bukamon." Joe replied.

"Gomamon now."

"Gomamon… hm." Joe said.

"And I guess that you aren't Tokomon." T.K. said bent over to look at his partner.

"Now I'm Patamon." Everyone began to stand up and look at the rookies.

"It's all because we digivolved." Agumon said looking at Tai.

"I don't think that words in my dictionary." Tai replied.

"So digivolving is when you change form and advance to the next level." Izzy summarised.

"Right! All of us digivolved. I went from Motimon to Tentomon."

"I digivolved from Yokomon to Biyomon."

"First I was Tsunomon. Now I'm Gabumon."

"And I changed from Tanemon to Palmon."

"I was in my In-Training form, Kitmon. Now I'm the Rookie Kitsunemon."

"And me, I was Koromon, I digivolved into Agumon."

"When you digivolved you certainly got way bigger. Does this mean you are something else or are you still digimon?" Tai asked.

"Digimon… we're never going to change that. But we needed your help." Kitsunemon replied.

"You see. Digivolving is a long and complicated process. In order for it be successful, we needed to share your energy." Agumon added.

"Really?" Tai asked. Naruto walked over to Kitsunemon and poked him in the side.

"So that's why I felt a little drained after you digivolved." He said. Kitsune hit him in the head.

"Don't poke me. I used to be a Mega!" The fox replied. Sora bent down so she was eye level with Biyomon.

"I guess you guys don't run on batteries." She said. Biyomon smiled.

"Sure don't." The pink bird replied.

"But how do you access my energy?" Izzy asked.

"Even we don't know everything." Tentomon replied. Palmon spun around on one foot.

"Thanks for my magical powers!" She beamed while looking at Mimi. Mimi sat down with her hands holding her face and a look of confusion on her face.

"The whole thing makes my head spinney." The pink-loving girl said.

"So I help you change that is so cool!" T.K. said while looking Patamon over. Patamon flexed his wings.

"Yep! Sure is." The guinea pig replied. Joe folded his arms across his chest and turned away from Gomamon.

"My folks warned me about strangers." He said with his eyes closed.

"I'm not a stranger Joe. I'm your friend for life." The seal replied. Matt, acting cool turned to the group.

"Okay, come on. What are we going to do?" He asked.

"If only there was a payphone nearby, we could call the police, or the fire department, or my mother." Joe thought out-loud.

"But we don't even know where we are!" Tai replied. Naruto was about to answer but Sora beat him to it.

"But we know where we started. Up there on that mountain." Sora replied.

"I say we forget about going back and explore around here." Matt said.

"But we haven't learnt about survival in the wilderness in the academy yet." Naruto said looking down.

"I agree with Naruto. I'm not exploring anywhere. I say we wait right where we are." Joe said.

"Yeah, let's wait for that giant bug to come get us." Matt replied.

"Naruto has enough left for me to digivolve again. I could take him as a Champion." Kitsunemon told Matt.

"We need to find a road leading someplace to get away from here." Matt suggested.

"Matt's right. The longer we go without a compass we don't even know which way is north." Izzy replied.

"Wait I do!" Tentomon said to his partner.

"Well which way is it?" Izzy asked.

"It's the opposite of south." Naruto began banging his head on a tree.

"Stupid… terrible… puns!" He said after every slam. Everyone ignored him.

"I shouldn't wear these pants. They ride up when I do a lot of walking." Joe complained randomly. Naruto stopped banging his head against the tree.

"You know… if we could get back to where we were before we might at least find some clues as to why we're here in this place." Sora said.

"Wait! Are there more monsters around like that big flying beetle?" Mimi asked.

"Well, technically, we're hanging around with monsters." Naruto said pointing at the digimon. Palmon looked at Mimi.

"But there are more digimon like Kuwagamon around." The plant added. Mimi replied with a "Yuck!"

"Those monsters don't scare me!" Matt said. Tai looked to Agumon desperately.

"Are there humans?" He asked. The digimon other then Kitsunemon all looked confused.

"Humans? Others like you?" Agumon asked. Tai nodded.

"I don't think there have been any in the digiworld." Kitsunemon said. "There are a few I destroyed while a Mega, but they attacked me first, and I was in Naruto's world."

"You're the first ever. There's never been anything but digimon." Agumon replied.

"So okay, you're all digimon. But what about these monsters, they're all digimon too?" Tai asked.

"It's creepy… and dangerous… and what happens when it gets dark?" Sora asked, looking at T.K. and Naruto when she said dangerous, obviously worrying for the younger members of the team.

"Who said it ever gets dark here?" Matt asked in reply.

"That phenomenon would be unnatural." Izzy replied.

"You want to see where I come from if you'd think that's unnatural. I've seen this one guy charge up lightning in the palm of his hand and then thrust it into another guy's chest, I've seen people's eyes turn from black to red and then send fire from their mouths at others and I've seen them clone themselves. And that's considered normal where I live." Naruto said. Everyone except the digimon stared at him. "What?"

"You all call this natural?" Joe gestured to the digimon and the weird trees.

"Well we're not going to find out anything sitting around here." Tai said before walking towards the river.

"Where do you think you're going?" Matt asked.

"Up on that cliff. That's where I saw the ocean."

"The ocean?"

"Yep! There might be a boat or something." Tai finished before walking off.

"Let's water ski home." Matt said sarcastically.

"Ha… funny." Sora replied sarcastically. Joe closed his eyes as everyone walked off

"At a time like this I think we'd be far better off just to find a cave and hide. If we keep our eyes open when the camp counsellor comes…" Joe started.

"HEY JOE! EVERYONE'S LEAVING US!" Gomamon shouted from just behind the group.

"Wait for me!" Joe shouted running after them.

As the group walked along the river they began making small talk, such as Sora noticing the trees and Izzy saying he thought they were subtropical, ending with Joe complaining. Then there was Izzy upsetting Tentomon, causing him to use his Super Shocker. And there was Patamon and Biyomon trying, pathetically, to fly, Palmon telling Mimi she puts too much emphasis on appearance and Tai noting that although no-one will believe him it'd make one great story, before they finally arrived at the beach.

"Wait a minute! Listen! What's that?" Matt asked. They all stopped. The unmistakable ringing of a phone rung through the air.

"A phone!" Tai replied in shock.

"Either that or we're all hearing things." Sora added. The group began to run towards the beach.

On the beach there were five phone booths.

"I told you! All we needed was a phone!" Joe said loudly as the neared the booths. "We're saved!" As soon as the group got to the first booth and opened it, the ringing stopped.

"Why'd it stop ringing Tai?" Agumon asked.

"Wrong number?" Tai asked in reply.

"Well that's bizarre." Sora said.

"My theory is aliens. They've set these phone booths out as a trap." Izzy said.

"I think its alternate dimensions, rather than aliens." Naruto replied to Izzy.

"If we can find a place that delivers, let's order Pizza!" Matt said, Naruto confused as to if it was serious or a joke.

"Whatever you get no anchovies for me." Mimi replied.

"The question is what are these doing here at the beach?" Sora said gesturing to the phone booths.

"So people can call their parents for a ride home!" Joe replied with determination. Naruto looked down at the sand when Joe said this.

"Parents? What exactly is a parents?" Gomamon asked with the rest of the digimon, minus Kitsunemon, nodding in agreement.

"That's it. I'm out of here." Joe said.

"How am I meant to go home then? I haven't got any parents." Naruto said. Sora and Mimi moved so they were either side of Naruto and both pulled him into a hug. Tai looked at Joe.

"Look what you've done now!" Tai gritted out angrily.

"W-what?" Joe asked in confusion.

"You've upset Naruto! Think before you speak Joe!" Tai answered with his voice laced with venom. Matt ran up to Tai and pushed him down.

"Leave him alone Tai! He didn't know that Naruto's an orphan." Matt said. Tai got up and glared at Matt.

"Oh yeah…" Tai said asking for a fight.

"STOP IT!" Everyone turned to Naruto. "Stop fighting. I was chosen to help protect this world and I know I'll be able to go home once I've done my job." Naruto said before walking off and sitting down by the base of the cliff, with Kitsunemon following, pulling his backpack off and dropping it in front of him. Tai sighed and turned back to the phone booth.

"Does anybody have any loose change?" He asked.

"Why?" asked Izzy in reply.

"Obviously I'm gonna make a phone call to get some help." Tai replied.

"Ahh… use my phone card! The aliens can bill me! Here." Izzy pulled out a phone card and gave it to Tai. T.K. ran towards another booth.

"Maybe there's a quarter in one of the slots." The small, green wearing boy said. Mimi ran after him.

"I'm calling daddy!"

"I'm hooking up to the internet."

"I'm calling collect."

"Dibs of booth four!"

"Hey guys… wait for me."

Despite all their attempts, the phones just kept coming up with weird and random answers, no matter what number they called. By lunch time, the group had joined Naruto by the base of the cliff, while Joe was trying ever number in his brain.

"Very curious, does Joe always behave like this?" Izzy asked.

"Every single day." Tai replied exasperated.

"No matter what number or how many times he dials those phones aren't gonna work." Matt added.

"Well I'm gonna keep searching for a boat or something." Tai said getting up.

"Hey wait a minute!" Matt said. "Even though we can't call out of here, there's always a chance that someone else might call into us." Matt finished.

"It's a waste of time doing nothing but sitting here." Tai replied.

"I'm going to stay here for a little while and see if anyone calls. Besides everyone could use a little rest." Matt argued. Tai turned to the group and saw everyone sitting down, or in Naruto's and Kitsunemon's case, lying down asleep.

"And I'm getting pretty hungry too." Izzy said.

"You know why… because we haven't eaten anything all day. Okay break time everybody." Tai said assuming the leadership role.

"Does anybody else have any food?" Sora asked. Naruto started to stir. "I think the only thing I have is…" Sora reached around to her pink pouch. "Huh? Is that gadget that fell out of the sky at camp." She held it out in front of her. It was clear and looked like a tamagotchi. Naruto was fully awake now. He pulled his off of the strap on his bag. His was a translucent black. Everyone started to pull theirs out. All of them, apart from Naruto's, was clear.

"I forgot all about those weird gismos." Tai said looking at his.

"If anyone's got a pink one I'll trade."

"What are they anyway?"

"We wouldn't have them if they weren't important."

"If I could take mine apart…" Izzy began. He was interrupted by his stomach growling. "Well, that is after I've had something to eat. I'm really famished." Sora reached back into her pouch.

"Well, the only thing I've got is my emergency supplies, some bandages, a first aid kit and some medicine. But that's about all I've got." Sora said pulling them out and lying them on the ground. Izzy pulled out his laptop, a digital camera and cell phone, telling everyone that they don't work. Tai pulled out a mini-telescope and Matt pulled out a harmonica. T.K. pulled his bag in front of him and then pulled out some sugary snacks. Mimi pulled out a load of stuff that was really important, like a Swiss-army knife, cooking fuel and a broken compass. Okay, maybe the broken compass wasn't that important, but they were talking about compasses earlier… so… yeah…

Everyone turned to Naruto who was emptying his bag. Inside were a number of scrolls. There were five with the kanji for fire, wind, water, earth and lightning on them and the rest were all blank. There were also several kunai and shuriken, as well as a roll of ninja wire. Naruto opened one of the blank scrolls, bit his thumb and spread blood over a small symbol on the top right hand side. Eight pots of instant ramen popped out. It was after everyone stopped staring that Tai noticed Joe had the emergency food and called him over. Mimi and Joe began arguing over the bag and Joe 'claimed' that he never complained.

"Listen, the most important thing now is that we've got some food." Tai said breaking up their fight. "So let's sit down and eat." Everyone smiled at the two of them. Naruto put his ramen in the middle, T.K. put his snack and Joe put the emergency food in. Joe and Izzy began to work out how long they could last.

"You know… I have ten scrolls full of nothing but ramen and on each scroll are about ten seals. Each seal holds eight pots of ramen. We're sorted for a while." Naruto pointed out. Joe decided to divide the food they had out equally, meanwhile Tai and Agumon had already dug in.

"You know… I'm not going to need any food for about a week. We Kitsunemon are known for our ability to stay without food for weeks and only start to weaken." Kitsunemon said.

"And we digimon can hunt and forage for ourselves." Gabumon added. Kitsunemon shook his head.

"Takes too long. We could be attacked now and the rest of you need to keep your strength up." Kitsunemon said smiling. Biyomon stood up and turned to the phone booths.

"Now what's the matter?" Sora asked.

"Trouble." Biyomon replied simply. A stream of water shot out of the sand and destroyed the phones. Then a giant drill came out of the sand.

"SHELLMON!" Tentomon shouted.

"WHAT'S A SHELLMON?" Izzy shouted back.


"You had to jinx us!" Naruto said to Kitsunemon. Shellmon's feet and head popped out of his shell. Joe began to climb the cliff when Shellmon shot a stream of water and knocked him off. Shellmon then took out Gomamon and Kitsunemon. The digimon charged at Shellmon and tried to gang up on him.

"Pepper Breath!" Agumon shot a ball of fire at Shellmon which hit him in the mouth.

"I hate pepper!" Shellmon growled out. Gabumon, Tentomon, Biyomon, Palmon and Patamon all failed in their attacks and Shellmon took them out. Tai distracted Shellmon and got caught, while Shellmon stepped on Agumon. Kitsunemon looked up at Shellmon weakly.

"He's done it now!" He said smiling. Tai's digivice began to glow, as did Agumon.

"DIGIVOLVE!" Agumon shouted.

"What's going on?" Tai asked. Kitsunemon smiled before falling asleep in Naruto's arms.

"Agumon digivolve to Greymon!" The sudden size difference knocked Shellmon off his feet, forcing him to let Tai go. Agumon had turned into a giant T-Rex with a brown helmet and blue strips over his body. The helmet and three horns sticking out of it. The two giants clashed and Shellmon sent a torrent of water at Greymon. The dinosaur dodged and sent a fireball to block the torrent. Greymon used his horn to send Shellmon into the air and charged a fireball in his mouth.

"NOVA BLAST!" Greymon shouted, launching the fireball and sending Shellmon blasting off. As soon as Shellmon hit the water, Greymon began to glow and shrink back into Agumon. Soon the group was fed and were on their way to the next adventure.

Digidestined files:

Name: Izzy Izumi

Crest: Knowledge

Partner: Tentomon

Digivoloution line: Pabumon (Fresh) – Motimon (In-Training) – Tentomon (Rookie) – Kabuterimon (Champion) – MegaKabuterimon (Ultimate)

Name: Sora Takenouchi

Crest: Love

Partner: Biyomon

Digivoloution line: Nyokimon (Fresh) – Yokomon (In-Training) – Biyomon (Rookie) – Birdramon (Champion) – Garudamon (Ultimate)