Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not own The Vampire Diaries.

A/N: So I've recently become very, very obsessed with this character. I mean, how can you not be after watching 2x02? Their chemistry is amazing, and I've fallen in love with their friendship, but we all know that we want them to be more than friends;) Let's just hope it happens later on.

I've noticed that The Vampire Diaries doesn't have that many fanfics, especially in the Stefan/Caroline area. So I decided I should contribute by writing my own and posting it, even though it is pretty short.

I hope people will decide to create, continue, or update their own Stefan/Caroline fanfic because I will be very interested in reading it:)


I can fly, but I want his wings.

I can shine even in the darkness, but I crave the light that he brings.

Revel in the songs that he sings.

My angel, Gabriel.

Gabriel ; Lamb

"You're not trying hard enough, Caroline."

"Well I'm sorry that I'm not completely focused on trying to tackle a bunny and gnaw on it's fluffy neck," she retorted with a glare.

Sighing, Stefan grabbed onto Caroline's elbow and halted her from her search for bunnies to feed on.

"Great. Time for another lecture," she quietly mumbled.

"I heard that, or did you forget I was a vampire?"

Caroline huffed at Stefan's smug grin and raked her fingers through her now frizzled hair as a result of their hunt. "What do you want to say now, Stefan?"

"Look Caroline, if you're not serious about this you should just tell me because I really don't want to be wasting my time if you're just going to-"

Ouch. That hurt. Stefan was always the gentleman and always comforted her, but that last statement stung.

"I'm wasting your time? Well I'm sorry I'm wasting your time, Stefan. How about this? How about you go home and I'll just continue this on my own. And if I somehow die while trying to hunt woodland creatures, at least I won't be wasting anyone's time any longer. Sounds like a win-win situation for you doesn't it?"

Turning her back on Stefan, she continued walking in the woods quickly scanning to see if there were any bunnies near by, but in actuality, Caroline just wanted to avoid looking at Stefan. She didn't even turn to see if he had actually left yet.

Feeling a large hand gently grasp onto her wrist gave her the answer.

Stefan didn't leave her.

"Just hold on a minute. I-I didn't mean it like that Caroline. You should know that I'm your friend and I would never, never want anything bad happen to you. I made you a promise the other day remember?"

Of course she remembered. It was one of the nicest, most genuine thing anyone has ever said to her, but it was too big of a promise. Ever since he promised her she hasn't been able to get him out of her thoughts. What if it was both her and Elena in trouble, he obviously can't hold his promise when he decides to save Elena instead. So why bother even promising. It just all felt like more lies.

Caroline turned her tear-filled eyes away from the boring green ones and decided to stare intensely at a near by tree instead. Stepping much closer, Stefan placed both of his hands on Caroline's cheek gently forcing her to stare him in the eyes.

"Look at me."

Caroline shook her head and whispered, "I think you should take back your promise."

"What do you mean?" He asked quizzically.

"It's a big promise Stefan. Too big of a promise, and honestly I don't think you can follow through with it. Let's be rational here, how are you going to protect me when you're off in like Hawaii with Elena? You're not always going to be by my side because we all know that you and Elena are basically conjoined by the hip and if something were to happen, you will always choose Elena…"

Caroline whispered that last part with a broken voice. Feeling her barrier breaking down, Caroline stepped away from Stefan as if he was the plague. She didn't want him to see her so vulnerable. That's when the guilt kicked.

"God, I'm such a bad friend! I can never do anything right. Let's just forget I said anything, okay? You should just go," she quickly said as she wiped at her eyes and smoothed the nonexistent wrinkles on her shirt.

"A bad friend to whom?" asked Stefan a little too loudly so Caroline would stop walking away. Away from him.


"Your heard me."

"What are you talking abo-" Caroline stopped mid-sentence because of the 'don't give me that bullshit' look that Stefan was giving her. "I'm being a bad friend to the both of you! I'm a horrible friend to Elena, she's done so much for me but all I do is cause drama and trouble for her."

"And what about me?"

She was a bit caught off guard by his pleading tone of voice, "I-You are an amazing friend, but I really don't deserve your kindness. I'm just a selfish, petty second-choice girl. I really hate myself sometimes for being so selfish, aaaand now I'm babbling. Geez, this vampire thing really is messing with my emotions." She fake chuckled, trying to ease the tension and lighten the straining in her chest. It didn't really work.

"Come here." Stefan held his arms open for a hug, gesturing for her to come.

"I don't think we should be touching."

Not listening to her, Stefan sped over to Caroline and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, one hand holding her head to his chest. He held her in place swaying them just a bit side to side holding his breathe hoping that she would return the hug. After a few seconds, he felt two small arms snake around his waist and wetness soaking his shirt.

"Stop being such a big baby," teased Stefan.

"Too soon for jokes, ass." The blonde vampire sniffled.

After a few more moments of silence Stefan spoke up again, "You're not selfish."

"That's a total lie and everyone knows it," she bitterly replied.

"I mean sometimes you are, but I see it more as you being determined. You know what you want and sometimes you just want to keep it to yourself. I can really relate to that feeling."

"With Elena," Caroline meant it to be more as a question but it came out like a statement.

"With Elena, yes, but also with other people including you. You're the type of girl that I want on my side and always in my life as a friend."

As a friend. Those three words disappointed Caroline and hurt her undead heart way more than it should have. She was almost at her brink and all this building hurt was becoming too much for her to handle.

"Just please, take back your promise. It would make me feel so much better. Please, Stefan."

The way she was pleading for him to take back his promise made his chest tighten in an odd way. It hurt him that Caroline couldn't and wouldn't believe him when he promised that he would never let anything happen to her. Did she really believe that he was that love blinded that he would drop all his friends just for the one he loves? After processing that question, Stefan realized that he probably would drop all of his friends and life for the one he truly loved, but the weird thing was was that he wasn't sure if he could do that for Elena and that terrified him. If Elena wasn't his true love that he would do anything for, then he would have wasted so much time. The thought scared him because if it wasn't Elena then who, and what would he do then?

Little did he know, the one that possibly could fill the void within his chest was standing a few feet from him. But alas, he was a male. And men are sometimes completely clueless when it comes to issues of love, even Stefan.

"Just take it back, please."



"Tell me why you won't believe me."

"…It all just feels like more lies being thrown in my face just to ease my pain or get me to shut up for the moment. I just- I don't want to be disappointed when you can't follow through. It's not your duty to protect me, I would only be a nuisance."

"I want to protect you. Caroline, understand that."

"But you won't be there to always protect me Stefan! You have a life and we've only began to be more of friends for the past few days because you're a kind person and you're trying to help me, but sometimes I think if Katherine never changed me, would we even be talking? I've already become a huge thorn in your finger with you having to teach and train me."

Stefan couldn't help it, he chuckled at her cuteness.

"Now you're laughing at me."

"No Caroline I'm not, r-really!" Stefan tried to defend himself but began to laugh loudly at her confused and shocked expression. "But I think the expression is a 'thorn in your side.'"

"Like I care?" Exclaimed a frustrated Caroline.

"Sorry, I forgot who I was talking to for a second." teased Stefan with an evil grin plastered on his face.

"Oh, screw you Salvatore!"

"I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. However, back onto the emo topic we were on-"

"I'm going to ignore you for the remaining time we are out here hunting."

"And how are you going to do that? You love to talk!"

Stefan laughed at the death glare Caroline sent his way, "I hope you choke on a bunny."



"This conversation isn't over. We're going to have to talk about it."


"Really? Caro-"

"BUNNIES!" An irritated Caroline burst loudly.



"Caroline, you can't be serious right now."

"Bunnies! Bunnies! Bunnies! Bunnies! Bunnies! Bunnies! Buuuuuuunnies," chanted the blonde vampire as she stalked away from the other vampire and began to focus on finding the subject of her chants.

Stefan followed after the stomping vampire and genuinely laughed at her childish antics and her furrowed eyebrows and determined face.

Caroline Forbes, was truly something else.

And sometimes, she made him feel selfish.

A/N: So, I've been having some sort of internal conflict on whether or not to continue this story, creating a more in depth plot and more chapters, or to just leave it be as a oneshot? Give me a review on your thoughts about this.

Hopefully this inspired some of you to write their own fanfic for Stefan and Caroline because I really do love this couple and there needs to be more fanfics about them!

Reviews make my day and plasters a large smile on my face, thank you for reading.