Zero's POV

I watched as the girls shoved and pushed trying to get the best seats to watch and stare at those blood thirsty beasts, the sound of a whistle overpowered the girls scream but didn't stop them. I sighed "Take one more step and I swear I'll-" 'Crrreakk' the two brown doors slowly opened causing the girls to turn into a sea of screaming people like at a rock concert.

A brown-haired girl who had joined the disciplinary committee [to 'help' me] struggled to hold the girls back. But it was like trying to push a herd of elephants back into they're cages. I actually felt sorry for her, her blue eyes darting looking for any girls trying to sneak around her.

Her name was Anne Egao. [Egao: smile] Long brown curls followed halfway down her back, blue eyes, a white headband to hold back all those messy bangs which flung in front of her face, she wore the uniform but was somehow able to cut off the small heels on the back, a green bracelet firmly placed on her left wrist and of course she had 'borrowed' the artemis rod tied to her left leg.

"Alright that's it I've had enough." She concluded exhaling a huge amount of air puffing her chest up, I've known her for about 5 months and I understood what she was about to do. I placed my palms over my ears and waited, puzzling the flock of girls behind me, "QUIET!" she yelled panting quickly. For some reason I rushed over and helped her stand up.

She grinned wickedly winking at me watching the dazed girls who were stunned, I quickly walked back to my position and watched as down the cobble path came [in order] Akastuki Kain, Ruka Souen, Hanabusa Aido, Senri Shiki, Rima Toya, Takuma Ichijo, Kaname Kuran and of course Yuki Cross who had moved to the night class since she was a pureblood and was with Kaname.

"Hello ladies, I see you're all looking amazing, as usual." Hanabusa showed his cheeky grin making me tightening my hand into a fist; I wanted to punch that smug little face of his so hard, it caused him brain damage. [There's no need since he doesn't have one] Akastuki looked mighty embarrassed that he had to call that buffoon a 'cousin', Kaname was arm in arm with Yuki as both of them whispered something into each others ear making Yuki giggle. I still remembered that sweet voice of hers, it echoed in my head, haunting me. Anne saw my expression, quickly walked over, gave me a gentle hug then ran back to the flock of girls ready to give them their just desert, that's what I liked about Anne; she was calm yet curious, mysterious yet open, funny but serious. She was like a puzzle with no ending. When you think you know her right to the point something amazing happens and you have to start all over again.

Now I have been able to talk to her and know her back story since I'm so kind I'll lead you through it, no questions, just listen. When she was about 11 her mother, father and little sister Delilah Egao, were all killed by Shizuka Heo who spared her life to be chased by other vampires from different clans which she fought off with ease thanks to that bracelet she wears which sends the final blow to vampires and amazingly purebloods which her mother called, Akuma Degaki. [Devils Blow]

Now I thought she had lost a few cells after defeating all those vampires but this was true, Anne killed level E vampires and was trying to think of something to block the process by making an 'antidote', she found a female level E who she tried to tame. When she did or thought she had, started taking samples of her blood and test them, but one day the level E went bezerk and tried to kill her, but narrowly escaped by using 'The Bloody Rose' or the anti-vampire gun.

Her granddad was once a vampire hunter and gave her the gun when she was about 8, telling her it would protect herself from bad vampires, which was surprisingly true when she first used it, broke her heart. She thought that vampires and humans should bring peace but I argued with her which went on for a whole 2 months!

I still remember how quiet she was when I first met her; we didn't talk much until one night while on the rooftop near the moon dorm we finally spoke. But I won't talk to you about that right now when I feel like explaining again.

Yuki approached Anne sneakily, her heels clicking loudly over the crowd of girls calming them down as though in a trance. "Nice job Anne." Anne jumped looked over her shoulder then did a helpless grin turning around to face the pureblood, "Thanks Yuki! It's a hard job but someone's gotta do right? Anyway Zero over there has been helping me out a lot!" 'Great' I thought now all the attention [including spotlight] was on me. "That's great." She smiled giving a girlish grin, "Maybe you could come over and I could manicure your nails." She whispered but I had good ears helping me, Anne was now scared like hell! She tried to think of an excuse but all she did was look at me with helpless eyes her eyes begging for an excuse.

I just shrugged making her mouth a swear to me making me chuckle at her, she then came up with this "I'm sorry not really into that stuff." Ann replied scratching the back of her head. This stunned Yuki a little but she quickly gained her composure, "Well OK, but I would still love to get to know you." The way she said was so sick it was about make Anne vomit, she had promised me she'd show me her 'moves' on a skateboard she has at her house.

"Right, ah sure awesome what day do you suppose?" Anne mumbled messing with her shoes pretending to scrape off mud or dirt, nearly any substance under the sole of her shoe. "Anytime that suits you well see ya!" Yuki waved goodbye winking at her joining the other members of the night class, she was staring into space leaving me to order the students back to their dorms.

I cautiously walked up to her like walking up to a sleeping lion basking in the sunlight, "Anne?" I was about a meter away from her, keeping my distance just to be safe.

Instantly snapping out of her gaze surprised I had just penetrated her thought, "Well then we better get to class eh?" Anne said strutting off while I was still keeping a fair distance between me and her.

Anne's POV

'That's it, keep far away, it'll be better for your health you annoying son of a!' I awaited Zero to catch up, when he was close enough I pounced "Anne get off me!" he yelled helplessly I watched him squirm trying to push me off. But I kept a tight grip on his jacket; a giggle escaped my lips causing his eyes to widen "This is what you get for leaving me to guard myself all by my lonesome." Zero knew what I was capable after he'd seen me kill that level E.

So he knew I was acting, I did a dramatic pose putting my hand against my forehead causing him to look away. "Oh shut up!" he yelled in my face threat in his voice, I sat up now on my knees keeping his legs down, I looked away feeling stupid remembering what level he was up to, level D. "I'm sorry Zero." I whispered trying not to stare at his lavender eyes knowing eye contact was none of the options, "It's not your fault." He sighed also looking away from my ocean blue eyes. I stood up holding out a hand which he took squeezing my hand making it go red like crazy!

We were so close our noses were touching, a small blush crept across my cheeks I felt them so I looked away to hide the evidence. But of course being Zero grabbed my chin forcing my head into his direction, now Zero wasn't the type of guy to blush but well Yuki if your listening you might be surprised but he to was blushing.

The red of his cheeks didn't mix well with his pale skin, "Let's go." He said releasing my chin maneuvering around me walking towards the classroom. Zero turned around spotting me standing they're like a statue but this statue was blushing wildly having a confused sheepish smile on its face.

"Well. You comin?" he asked impatiently tapping a finger on his watch breaking me from my frozen state; I rushed forward bursting through the doors Zero standing beside me. Every head turned to stare at what all the commotion was about, I tried to think of an excuse but my mind was boggled "Sorry we're late." I suddenly realized that wasn't one of the best ways to come in and say the simplest sentence in the entire world.

Authors Note: Hi guys, now I did this because a person voted for this so I have done one chapter to see if anymore people agree with the person's vote, you can vote on my profile so yeah! Oh and if you want *wink wink* you can review this chapter.

Disclaim: Zero Kiryu, Yuki Cross, Kaname Kuran, Akastuki Kain, Ruka Souen, Hanabusa Aido, Rima Toya, Senri Shiki, Takuma Ichijo, Matsuri Hino.

Anne Egao, AnntheHedgehog.