Chapter 1: The Proposal

Ichigo and Rukia stood in the lobby of the most expensive restaurant in Karakura Town. They had been dating for two years now and they had never been happier. Though the couple lived in the Soul Society, Ichigo had convinced his girlfriend to let him take her to this restaurant. He was planning something very important tonight, and he hoped everything would go right. Unfortunately, Rukia was beginning to lose her patience.

"What are we doing here Idiot," she snapped at him. "There are plenty of places we could have gone in the Soul Society, why did we have to come here?" she asked as she fumed.

"Calm down midget, it will be revealed after dinner," he replied with a hint of frustration. "I chose this place because it is the nicest restaurant I know of in both the Soul Society and the human world," he continued. He suddenly realized that everyone in the lobby was looking at them. It took him a moment to realize that no one in the restaurant let alone the human world knew what the Soul Society was. "Oh Crap, they probably think we just broke out of the psych ward or something!" he thought to himself. "Ru…," he began before his girlfriend broke into another rant and interrupted him.

"I mean you could have at least made reservations ahead of time…we have been waiting here for over an hour!" she yelled. "Are you listening to me?" she asked yelling at the top of her lungs.

If he ever saw his father again he swore he would kill him. He had asked him to do one thing and one thing only. That was to make sure to get a reservation for 8:00 tonight. When the couple arrived from the Soul Society and he went to confirm the reservation, he found out that the reservation was never made. Now Rukia was fuming and they were running the risk of being kicked out of the restaurant. He did the first thing that came to his mind. He gave her a deep loving kiss.

She hated when he kissed her like that. No matter how mad she was at him, her defenses would always melt away. She loved everything about his man. They shared a common past, each having someone they cared about taken away because of a hollow. She tried to resist it, but she couldn't help falling in love with him. She knew he felt the same, and that was all the mattered to her.

"I hate when you do that," she said with a smile after the long kiss.

He was glad it worked; there was still time to salvage the night. He grasped at the tiny box that sat in his pocket. This was the night he was going to ask Rukia to marry him. He loved her with all of his heart, and there was nothing that would change that. They still bickered like they did when they first met, but he secretly enjoyed their little squabbles. There was no one else he would rather be with.

After the brief scene, the couple finally got to their table. She had never been on a date in the human world, so she didn't know what to expect. She and Ichigo had been on dates before, but they were usually midnight strolls in the Soul Society, or a dinner in his captain's quarters. She wished she knew what was so important about this particular night. All he had said was it would be a night that she would never forget.

"Rukia…there's something that I wanted to ask you," he began. "We have been together for awhile now, and they have been the happiest two years of my life." "When I wake up with you beside me, I want it to be like that every day."

She was beginning to blush now. He couldn't be doing what she thought he was doing. She already knew her answer if she was right. He was her everything. She wanted nothing else but to be his wife. She couldn't believe this night was finally here. Two years ago, she would have said that emotions were something a soul reaper didn't need. But she was trying to forget old feelings of someone long gone. Ichigo healed those wounds and took a place in her heart. She couldn't take the suspense anymore. "Just spit it out, fool," she said as she smiled vividly.

"Will you marry me?" he asked as he got on one knee and pulled the ring out from his pocket. He looked at her expectantly hoping her answer would be the one he was hoping for.

"Yes…of course yes," she said. She was holding her hands over her mouth. The ring was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Tears were rolling down her face as she looked up into his face. This was by far the happiest moment of her life.

"Why are you crying?" he asked knowing the answer before he asked. "This is supposed to be a happy moment."

"I'm crying because I'm happy," she said. She walked to the other side of the table and sat on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he put his around her waist. They kissed for the second time that night, and it was more electrifying than the first. She felt as though the world she knew was becoming something completely new. From here on out their lives would be intertwined forever and nothing could feel more right.

They walked home together holding hands the whole time. All the while Rukia stared at the ring now decorating her finger. As they walked into his father's home, there was an eerie silence in the home. Yuzu and Karin were no doubt asleep by now, but Ichigo's father was nowhere to be seen.

"Welcome…Home…Ichigo!" Isshin Kurosaki yelled as he attempted to surprise Ichigo. Ichigo didn't fall for it and instead side stepped the attack and kicked his father square in the face.

"What was that for?" Isshin asked as he rose back up off the floor with blood running down from his nose and from his lower lip. The imprint of a shoe was clearly visible on his face.

"One, a father isn't supposed to greet his son like that…," he said. "…And second, you forgot to make the reservations like asked!" he yelled as he threw the kitchen table at his father.

"Shut up down there Goat-face!" Karin yelled from her and her twin sister's room.

"So…How did it go?" Isshin asked in a whisper. Rukia held up her hand to show off the ring. Isshin grabbed her up and hugged her so hard she couldn't breathe. "This is great news…now Rukia will really be my third daughter." "Did you hear that Masaki, our son is going to have a wife of his own," he said as he put his arms on the poster of his dearly departed wife. It was hard to believe this goofball was ever a soul reaper. "We've got a wedding to plan."

That's chapter 1, I hope you enjoyed. please review. Next Chapter, The Wedding. After that The Twins.