Chaos herself's note:

With the optimistic attitude of making up for the past two years keeping up my spirits, I started off with putting some emphasis on the topic of friendship:

so if you find yourself drowning in a deep well of troubles with an alienate, unfriendly and ignorant surrounding and you risk of suffocating from isolation, what is more precious than an unexpected friend suddenly reaching out to you? In this AU, Alfred is faced with the very situation. Let's see, how it'll turn out in later chapters...:-)




Annotation (03/13/'11): Hopefully, the formating problem is finally fixed. I'm really sorry for that! I still don't know why this is happening...


Disclaimer: I do not own the appearing characters of 'Axis Powers Hetalia'.


Beautiful Things

03/'11, by Chaos

When he woke up, at first he was feeling dizzy and disoriented. His head was still lulled the in numbness of dull pain, his mind wrapped in clouds of white. It was hard keeping his eyes open, when everything around him was blurred into big blobs without contour, spinning in his head.

Warily he wondered where his glasses had gone, but he couldn't make himself move and look for them. There was too much exhaustion and headache that kept him from concentrating, but slowly he became aware of other places of his body, that felt strange and in pain. Gazing unfocusedly at what he guessed was the ceiling - which was not at all painted in dark blue and covered with large sparkling white stars that had glow-in-the-dark-effect as it should have been - he wondered then where he was and tried to remember what had happened to him. For this was definitely not his room.

However, he had no clue.

With a deep breath that tightened his chest in a light stinging knot he gave in to the heaviness of his eyelids and shut the blurry surrounding away again, before the headache got even worse. Also his mouth was dry and his throat felt raspy, but most of all he needed more sleep. Sleep, until everything made sense again.

Until he woke up, just to see, he only had been dreaming and the world greeted him hello sunshine…
