My first Fairy Tail fic, I'm excited to venture into writing for this show. Recently, Flipomatic (a good friend of mine) wrote a LevyxGajeel, so now I feel the need to also write some LevyxGajeel. These stories are completely different from each other and unrelated in any way.

I hope you all enjoy, I have worked pretty hard on this story, and I hope it is review worthy.

Disclaimer: I, baxter54132, do not own Fairy Tail. Nor do I own Gajeel and Levy, if I did, they would be cannon.

Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel

Day 1

"Shoobe dobop," Gajeel finishes his song, allowing a small smile to creep onto his face. He stares out into the audience, and for a moment silence takes hold of the guild. This moment is short lived, since Natsu decides to leap onto the stage, crashing directly into Gajeel. The two tumble off the stage, and the silence is broken. Laughter erupts from the audience, and they return to their side conversations.

Off to the side, Gajeel pushes Natsu off of him with a hard shove. "What was that for?" he grumbles unhappily.

Natsu snorts, rolling up his sleeves as if he is preparing for a fight. "What are you doing here?"

Gajeel opens his mouth to answer, but doesn't get a chance to as Lluvia randomly appears from behind a pole. "Lluvia invited Gajeel to join her in Fairy Tail," Lluvia says happily. "Gajeel had no where to go, and the guild master said that Lluvia should bring him to Fairy Tail."

"What?" Natsu glances over at Makarov, who is completely ignoring their conversation. Natsu makes a wide arm motion, first pointing at Lluvia, "I understand you joining our guild." Natsu swings his arm around, not pointing at Gajeel, his voice elevating in volume as he finishes, "but not you! Does no one remember what you did to us? What you did to team Shadow Gear?"

Natsu brings his arm back, about to throw a first punch, but before he can, a small voice interrupts his actions.

"Actually, I don't mind."

Natsu immediately recognizes the voice and drops his fist, eyes still flaring with anger. Gajeel turns his head to see who had just defended him, and to say he is surprised is an understatement. A short girl with blue hair is sitting on the ground a few feet away, seeming to hide behind one of the benches. Two large guys loom behind her, and the only way to describe them would be that they have no fashion sense.

"Levy, you don't have to defend him." Natsu clenches his fist in disbelief, how could Levy stand up for this guy after everything that he did to her.

Levy has no response, but as Gajeel gazes down at this little blue-haired girl, he can't help but feel something stir within him. Respect.

Day 2

Jet and Droy stand in front of the ancient Oak, arms crossed across their chest. "Guys," Levy says softly from where she is hiding behind the tree. "You don't have to do this."

It takes a moment for Gajeel to register what is going on, he had left the guild for the day, and was walking back to his new apartment when he noticed three people down by the Oak tree. Recognizing Levy's blue hair, he went to walk away, when one of her strange goons shouted his name. "You want revenge," Gajeel says quietly as he walks down the steps to the tree. This isn't a question, it's a statement.

Droy nods, "That's right, lets get him Jet."

Jet nods and launches himself at Gajeel, running across the ground with the immense speed that he possesses. Droy launches some seeds at the ground around Gajeel, and they sprout quickly, multiplying in size. They grab onto Gajeel's legs, holding him in place. Gajeel doesn't move a muscle as Jet skids to a stop in front of him, fist pulled behind his head. His eyes meet Gajeel's, and for a brief moment he feels bad about what he is doing. Then he remembers what this jerk did to Levy, and he punches. Surprisingly, Gajeel takes the punch, letting himself fall backwards from the impact.

Droy sneers, "Not going to fight back Gajeel?"

"Playing a game are we, can I join in?" Jet and Droy jump, and they glance around, wondering who spoke.

Gajeel glances behind him, narrowing his eyes. Jet takes a step back as he figures out who has just arrived on scene, "Laxus."

Laxus laughs and makes his way down the steps that he was just resting on. "My my, beating up on the new guy huh? How about I beat up on you?"

Jet takes another step backwards, and Droy recalls his plants from Gajeel's feet. "We aren't looking to fight with you Laxus." Droy says, trying to calm Laxus down before he kills them.

Laxus ignores this, and sparks start to appear around him. He holds up one hand, and it cackles into lightning. He brings his hand up, aims for a moment, and launches a huge lightning bolt towards Jet and Droy.

This isn't what Gajeel sees. All he sees is a lightning bolt going straight for the tree, and the person behind it. The bold whirs past Jet and Droy, but by time they realize Laxus's true target it is too late. Levy gasps and covers her head, and flinches when she hears an impact. Feeling no pain, she opens her eyes and is met with the back of Gajeel. She can't see his face, but Gajeel is glaring daggers at Laxus. Jet and Droy run over to Levy, ignoring Gajeel completely.

"Are you ok Levy?" Jet asks, stepping between her and Gajeel's back.

Levy nods, still too shaken up for words.

Laxus observes this from where he is standing, laughs evily, and walks away.

"Are you stupid?" Gajeel asks as he turns to face team Shadow Gear.

"Excuse me?" Droy steps forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with Jet, glaring at Gajeel defiantly.

Gajeel stares him down for a moment, before exhaling in frustration, "Forget it, I would just be wasting my words."

Gajeel spins on his heels and huffs away, mumbling something about stupid blue-haired girls.

With Gajeel gone, Jet and Droy turn back to Levy, but she is lost in thought, her mind still on her savior.

Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel Levy Gajeel

Yay for chapter 1. The idea of this story is that every day / every jump their relationship grows and develops into something special. I'll to either 1, 2, or 3 days for each chapter, depending on length.

The more reviews I get, the sooner I update, so review please!