What a marvelous day in this strange town known as Market Chipping. Howl was enjoying the festivities and fanfare to the fullest. His original purpose for coming into town was to make sure that his noble name had been properly blackened by the rumors of the townsfolk. After all, it was the young ladies hearts who stood to be most at risk by the beastly appetite of the terrible wizard Howl. How better to make sure they were on their guard than to talk to them and conversing with the ladies was something that Howl enjoyed. There was celebrating everywhere, businesses were closed on holiday except for a few restaurants and a fine bakery nearby. Howl had already managed to secure a beautiful young woman with long golden hair to promenade about with and another equally as delightful with wavy light brown hair to take the other arm when he should decide to offered it. Of course neither girl knew who this dashing tall man really was or that their chances for keeping him around for very long were virtually nil.

"I'm the youngest of four sisters from one of the best families in town. We have many connections and I would happy to show you around here, sir." the blonde said as she winked at Howl.

"Your family has only been here in town for two years, Beth. My father's family has practically built half of the town. Dear sir..." the shorter sandy-haired girl took hold of Howl's arm. He allowed her to walk closer. "Let me show you the more interesting places about town."

"Your offers are very kind but I haven't much time today." Howl replied in a velvet smooth voice.

The group of three stopped in the middle of a crowd that was gathering for the parade.

"Try being less pushy, Lucille." Beth lifted her chin to look down upon her friend.

Neither of these girls were the type that Howl preferred to pursue, they were not sweet and well tempered like the last girl that he had wooed or strong willed and clever like the lady he desired before that in fact they possessed none of the qualities that he had searched for in a girl which he was certain by now did not exist in reality. Yet there was something about them that caught his eye. It started with those peculiar hats that they wore. There was nothing fancy or even modern and stylish about the apparel on their heads. The women in Kingsbury would never consider wearing such simple adornments and yet it was that which had caught his attention and pulled him over to converse with them.

The parade began. People cheered, children danced in celebration but as the procession approached, Howl's mood turned melancholy. This was what they were celebrating? Their afternoon holiday has become a tribute to war and military might. Tanks rolled by, soldiers marched. Howl had seen the battlefront first hand himself, houses burned, ships in the air and on the sea attacking without just cause. Was this the future that Market Chipping was going into? Not even the countryside towns were going to be safe soon. He thought of moving his castle further into the Waste to avoid any further involvements, if only the old witch that resided there wasn't out to get this young wizard. He smiled while thinking of the last time that he had evaded the witch's trap set for him. Beth noticed his handsome grin and leaned in to whisper something flirtatious in his ear. Like that, his mood was changed back to the festive revelry that was taking place around him.

A quick motion across the street caught Howl's eye. There was a petite brunette girl with a long braid down her back. She had almost walked into an elderly man. She was clutching a piece of paper in her small hand. The girl nodded to the old man, she was apologizing for her folly. The sunhat that she wore was plain, unnoticeable and yet it possessed the same attractive quality to Howl. Was some sorcerer enchanting the apparel in this village for the young women? Not a bad plan for generating business yet the results could be somewhat risky if the spell is not properly cast and this enchantment did not have the feel of a trained wizard. This one was a pure natural with powerful untapped talent, it seemed to Howl.

The parading soldiers stopped their marching and fired their guns up into the air. The children screamed. His new lady friends covered their ears. The girl across the street looked up and then away. Howl knew that face. He had seen it before. The curve of her cheek those wide brown eyes. He was certain even from at his distance that they were deep sienna brown. Even that plain blue dress that she wore was oddly familiar. He should have been certain to remember having pursued her before but something wasn't right. The way that her hair framed her face or the color of it was off. She must have a sister that he had wooed in the past. Why did Madame Suliman's wheezy little mutt dog suddenly come into his mind? She disappeared down a shaded alleyway between two buildings.

"Beth, Lucille, ladies it is time for me to leave you." Howl excused his way out of their clasped arms.

He walked through the middle of the parade route without a glance back and followed the young girl to see where she would lead him to.