Hello readers.
I'm very aware that it's been an eternity since I have updated this fan fiction and I'm afraid it will have to remain that way.
Right when I stopped posting was when my laptop crashed and when I got a new one and sadly, it didn't have Microsoft Word, which meant I had no way of writing.
This, unfortunately, was how it was up until last month, when I finally got Microsoft Word and had it installed.
Regretfully I also have to inform you that I likely will not be finishing this fan fiction any time soon. I do deeply apologize that I left it on such a horrific cliff hanger but the unfortunate truth is, I've lost interest and I look back on this fan fiction now and see countless flaws in my execution, I've grown as a writer and seeing this now just makes me even less inclined to try and start where I left off.
In fact, before my laptop crashed, I had ¾ of the next chapter done, it had taken so long to do and It had become a chore.
If by some chance I find the mental capacity to take it up again then I will be sure to do as much fan service as possible. Until then it's on hiatus.
Again, I apologize. I know a lot of you were looking forward to the next chapter, but if any of you write, you know what it's like to find yourself disinterested in a project.
Though I may be abandoning this fic for the time being, I will continue to write, and having word back on my laptop I can finally execute some of my recent ideas. I hope that what I write in the future and the pieces that I have finished will make up for the abrupt pause in this particular fan fiction.
Thank you all for the wonderful feedback on this fic and again, I'm extremely sorry that I can't find it in me to finish it.