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The next morning I woke up early, earlier than I have been in my entire life. I had only one thing on my mind, 'I want to see him again. I want to see him again.'
After running through a quick shower, I went into the kitchen and prepared my favorite form of breakfast, cereal. Looking up at the clock on the stove I noticed it was still very early for me to be up. "5:07, I never thought I'd be up at this time ever." I mumbled to myself.
"Neither did I, brother." The small familiar for voice came from my bedroom.
I turn around and see my sister at the door. I forgot we shared the same bedroom.
She was giggling as she came out and said something unheard to me.
"What did you say?" I ask her.
"I think what happened last night was cute."She spoke in a clear voice so I can understand what she is saying.
I started to get nervous remembering the events of last night. 'I hope she is talking about when she inquired me last night about how I felt.' "What do you mean?" I asked in a very nervous tone. I probably already knew what the answer is.
"You know what I mean. Matt came over last night." She stated and an annoyed if manner. I winced at Matt's name being said. She quickly returned to normal and added. "I was still awake when Matt came in and I watched the whole thing from the top bunk."
My eyes widened in confirmation of my fears. "Oh"
"Big Brother may always be watching, but little sister always knows." She giggled.
"You just made that last part up Kari." I retorted.
She looked a little hurt. "Well you know it's true."
I sighed and we just dropped the topic. We continued to normal morning activities. The only thing different was that he was still on my mind.
Later that morning I am walking to school and I reach the point where Matt and I usually cross paths. I stop at the intersection and wait. About a minute later he shows up. He sees me and slowly picks up his pace.
"Good morning wonderful" I call out when he is in range. He quickly shushes me.
"Don't say that I public, people might hear you." He hissed in my ear.
We catch each other in the eyes and stare into them for a long time. 'His eyes look even more beautiful in the morning.' I look away and start to head toward the school. Matt does the same thing and walks right next to me.
As we are walking, Matt starts to get a little closer each step. Eventually he gets close enough for our knuckles to start rubbing together. 'This fells nice.' I make the next move. I grab his hand and he does not reject it. This makes me very happy.
Soon we reach the school and we do the things that we normally do at school. The classes with Matt seem to go by fast and the classes without him are slow.
Come the end of the day after soccer, I am tired. I walk home slowly dragging my feet. 'Why is my house so far away from my school?'
As I walk through the door I head straight for my bed. Upon jumping on the bed, I noticed it was 8:34 PM. I just turn around and close my eyes to sleep.
My mother, realizing I came in the apartment, came in and asked. "Do you want anything to eat Taichi. We have leftovers from dinner."
At this I pop my head up and race for the kitchen. The only thing that can keep me from sleep is food.
After I ate a delicious bowl or two of leftovers, I return to my bed.
I shortly fall asleep with Matt on my mind.
The rest of the week went like this day. Peaceful walks in the morning with Matt. Long school days and soccer practices. Coming home tiered and having leftovers. Dreaming of him.
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