(This is not a real addition to Aftershocks, just something I thought would be fun to write). Please review.


Batman led Joker out of his cell, the poor man; he'd become so weak. "Are you sure you want to go now? It can wait till morning."

Joker smiled and sighed, "No, I'd rather do it sooner than later."

Batman walked slowly to the Bat-mobile, half holding Joker to stop him from falling. Joker hopped in, he was out of breath from just that, "Ok, lets go… God, I'm so tired…"

Batman sat in the drivers seat, "you can sleep on the way there if you'd like."

Joker nodded in acceptance and lent to one side, putting his head against the window. Batman decided he would keep an eye on him for the first few days he was at Arkham, he was very fragile at the moment and Bruce wanted to make sure he was properly looked after. He knew Arkham could be hard on their 'clients' but it was the best place for him to be at the moment.

He looked over at the man, he'd fallen asleep almost as soon as he closed his eyes, he looked so sweet when he slept. Bruce had to keep reminding himself that this man was a murderer, he had started to like him lately, he'd got to know him as a person, not just as the monster the world knew, but as Jack. "Idiot…" Bruce said to him self. He couldn't let himself forget what Joker'd done.

"Joker! Wake up, we're here." Batman nudged Joker.

Joker yawned, "That was fast…"

Batman smiled, "well this car's fast."

He walked over to help the weak man out of the car, Joker stumbled, almost falling over completely, Batman gripped his arm, holding him steady, "Thanks Batsy."

They staggered up the stairs to Arkham, Joker fell again as a group of doctors rushed to take him. As Batman bent down to pick him up Joker grabbed him and forced their lips together, only for a second; the doctors didn't even notice.

They grabbed him and dragged him away, "Thanks Batsy!" Joker yelled, laughing.

Batman's stomach turned; had that really just happened? He felt sick, physically repulsed. He shook his head and exhaled, turning to talk to the doctor.

"Be careful with him, he's delicate at the moment, he just found out he had a family, who died." Batman said to the head doctor, handing him the diary he said; "read this, it'll explain a lot. He's been in mourning for the last ten days and has hardly eaten."

They followed Joker, who had been strapped into a straightjacket, and walked to his cell, this one was reserved for him, the one he always used and the one they always kept empty for him.

They placed him on the bed and a nurse nervously walked over to him.

"Hello lass, I've not seen you before, are you new?" Joker asked. The nurse said nothing; she had been told to not talk to the inmates. She poked and prodded him, making sure not to look him in the eyes, she looked scared. "Oh it's ok honey, don't be scared, I won't bite I promise." Joker smiled, although Bruce knew this was supposed to be a nice gesture the fact it was coming from the Joker's deformed lips made the sentance sound terrifying.

"It's ok" Batman said to the petrified nurse, "He won't do anything."

Batman turned back to the doctor, "I'd like to stay here, talk to him in private if I could? And I'll need to keep an eye on him for the next few days. Tell the warden."

The doctor nodded as the nurse shuffled over, "he seems fine sir, just a little malnourished." She mumbled before walking off.

Batman smiled, "he should be easier to work with now doctor. I used some of my own methods on him, it seems to have worked so far. Can I be left with him for a bit?"

The doctor nodded and he and the few other doctors in the room filed out.

"What was that about Joker?" Batman grumbled as the door locked behind him.

Joker shrugged half-heartedly "I was trying to be friendly… Not my fault she didn't want to talk."

Batman swallowed hard, "Not that. You kissed me."

Joker smiled sheepishly, "yeah I know… Sorry I… umm." He giggled nervously, "I've started feeling things more… Including some feelings for you, I mean I know I said before that I didn't like you like that but… You're the only constant in my life, and you've been so nice to me lately, nicer than anyone's ever been… Apart from Jeannie… It was a stupid thing to do. Uncharacteristic of me."

Batman shook his head, "No it's important for your recovery that you show your feelings, but you need to know that you know that I don't feel that way about you. I'm not gay."

"You keep saying that", Joker struggled to sit up; he was retrained by the straightjacket, "but you're the one who hangs around with young boys in shorts and tights."

"Because of what happened to me when I was young I want to help children, to make sure that they don't go through the same thing I did, like those people who grow up in care and then adopt loads of children. I'm not interested in other men."


Batman sat watching Joker on Arkhams CCTV, he thought back to when Joker kissed him, it had felt odd to him, he had felt sick and dizzy, it had felt horrible at the time but thinking back – it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.

He jolted up; something he'd seen on the screen had startled him; Joker was twitching franticly, mouthing random slurred words.

Batman ran out of the room and down the hallway, he knew what the doctors would do when they saw him twitching.

"Don't give him that!" He shouted as he entered the Jokers room, as he had expected two doctors were leaning over the dreaming man, one holding a large syringe.

The doctor with the syringe stuttered, "W-What, I'm just doing what I was told to."

Batman frowned, "That bastard I told him not to give him drugs. Don't do it, it'll just make him angry. Just talk to him."

The doctor stuttered again, "W-What…?"

Batman swore and pushed the doctor out of the way, he crouched down and held Joker.

Joker kept twitching "…Jack, it's ok it's just a dream, wake up." He turned to the doctor, "He's having a nightmare, so your first thought is to put him into a deeper sleep, that'll just make the dream more vivid. How stupid are you?"

The doctor stuttered again, "I… I was just doing what I was told to…"

"Just leave." Batman snapped.

He was surprised at how much that had annoyed him, but he supposed it was mostly because he had told the doctors not to give him anything.

But he had known it would happen.

"Joker wake up!" He said angrily. He held the man, trying to stop him from flailing his arms. He shook him slightly.

Joker stirred, and opened his eyes, "Hello sweetie… Good morning."

Batman smiled, relieved, "Good morning. Bad dream?"

Joker rubbed his eyes, "yeah… God, it's good to wake up laying in your arms." He laughed jokingly.