In a Hospital
Chapter 1
After each step I took in the luscious park, I kept thinking what a beautiful day it was! The sun rays were shining down on me and I could hear some birds chirping in the distance. There was a slight breeze blowing my hair.
Oh I almost forgot! My name's Tenten. No last name. Last names are for losers.. haha just kidding. I don't really know my last name. But that's okay! A last name just gives me another word to put on papers. I moved here to Konoha from China. I'm also into weapons (a lot of people find that creepy, but screw them!) and bunches of other stuff that I'm too lazy to list. I'm the girl that gets into fights and win! Anyways, one thing you should remember, no one messes with Tenten!
But back to the story, I was walking then suddenly out of nowhere a pink haired girl crashed into me. We both tumbled to the ground, but I was the first one up.
"What the hell? Don't you ever look where you're going?"
"Sorry I was in a hurry to the hospital!"
"Well…" I stopped using my outside voice "I guess that's okay then." I smiled brightly and the girl just looked at me with "confused" written all over her face.
"Um….you said you needed to go to the hospital? Do you want me to walk you there?"
"You really don't need to but you can if you want. I'm just there to volunteer." Pinky said.
"Oh well okay..I guess I'll go with you. My name's Tenten!" I stuck out my hand.
"I'm Sakura." She shook my hand. "And we're going to be late."
With that we dashed off into the direction of the hospital. Once we were in front of the doors. My jaw literally dropped to the ground. This place was HUGE! There had to be like a gazillion windows! I wonder what it looked like inside. Sakura grabbed my arm and whisked me inside. We must have looked like complete weirdos since Sakura was stomping down the hallways with a dangerous glare and I was being dragged with my mouth open and while staring at everything. The inside was gigantic! We finally stopped at a door and Sakura walked in first and I followed. There in front of me was like the prettiest woman ever. She had brown eyes and blonde pig tails. Ugh, I felt like an ugly shrub around her. Sakura bowed and I did the same. I didn't know why she did, but I don't want to be the odd, awkward one.
"Ah Sakura I see you have brought another volunteer."
"Yes Tsunade-sama."
Whoa! What the hell was with the "sama" part?
"Okay so this is what you do errr um…"
"Tenten." I spoke kindly.
"Right Tenten. You go to a patient's room and you spend some time with them and do what you can to make them feel better. Got it?"
"Got it."
"Okay so Sakura, you go to room number 1789, and Tenten go to room number 1791. They will be next door to each other so Tenten if you have any problems, you can run next door to Sakura."
"Sounds good."
"Okay so off you go!'
"Hai Tsunade-sama!" Sakura bowed and so did I. I guess it was formal here?
Sakura and I walked into the elevator and she pushed floor 17. Whoa! How many floors did this hospital have? Let me see…1..2..3..oh wait they have the numbers on the buttons. Haha my bad. Dude! They have like 44 floors. This is one damn huge hospital! Sakura decided to chat with me.
"So did you just move here?"
"Yep! I moved here from China."
"Oh that's cool."
"You could say so.."
"So tell me about yourself."
"Um..sure? Well like I said My name's Tenten. I like weapons cause they're sharp and pointy. Um..I will not hesitate to beat anybody up. I like sports and I guess I'm one of those tomboys. How about you?"
"My name is Sakura Haruno. In the future I want to be a doctor so that explains why I am here. My hair is naturally pink. And I love cute things!"
"Hey Sakura, I think we can be great friends."
"Me, too. Oh look here's our floor!"
FINALLY! That was such a long elevator ride and we didn't even go all the way to the top. I walked down the hall with Sakura and stopped in front of the room 1791. I opened the door in super slow motion.